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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Purchasing a new home and everything is magically falling into place even though odds were stacked against us. Our first house sold, the buyers cleared their conditions early, and the house we put an offer in on had a massive price reduction + the family selling to us agreed to basically a month from now as a possession day despite them having 3 kids and their new house isn't built yet. We were in a precarious position as our existing home had already sold, and we knew our buying conditions were hard to meet. If the buying end didn't go through we would have been homeless. But somehow it worked. =)
  2. Nice. I haven't kept up on all of his releases but listened through threezadoozy earlier this week. Always enjoy his releases, will check this out when it releases ;)
  3. OMG what is that buttery stuff... I always thought it was a mix of butter and mayo but I've never managed to get the ratio right when attempting my own. I think the closest I got was when I put like a drop of Maggi in there. Also jealous that you've actually been to Vietnam to get a real banh mi. I gotta make a banh mi pilgrimage before I die. I'm actually not sure. I tried to figure it out over the years just tasting it on its own. The closest approximation I could come up with was a 50/50 split of actual butter and lard (lol goodbye heart), and sweetened with something CLOSE to raw honey. But I could never make it quite the same. It's supposed to be a sweet slightly salty and obviously fatty element to kind of Umami with the customary chili peppers + some char on the meat, no? Oh right I forgot, the place here throws a sprinkling of roasted peanut or almonds on top. Honestly man, we tried a number of banh mi in Vietnam and what we have available here was better. The group we went with had travelled in Vietnam for 8 years so they had sought out the best stuff, so I figure it's just a result of Canada/US having access to higher quality ingredients. =/ sacrilege! lol. We traveled the whole country. Vietnam has a lot of regional specialties? So we made a point of trying to seek out the best of the best for each regional food according to the locals (lol not like tripadvisor and shit - not that you looked to TA for your recommendations, I just meant we'd have the locals point us in the right direction =p). It was an absolute beauty of a trip. =)
  4. It def had the most "Classic Aphex" type of vibe for me, if that makes any sense. I do quite like it now that I've heard it a few times. I wish the end section was longer though. =(
  5. Hipster banh mi is always such a fucking disappointment. I can tell just by looking at the price whether it's good or bullshit. The good stuff is $4 or less. Yeah, there is a lot of shitty imitators out there. The best I've had (even better than legit stuff I had in Vietnam) is in my city here in the hood (as hood as it gets in Calgary anyway lol). Has some of that fantastic buttery sweet fat/lard stuff they slather on it, meat is cooked for a long ass time and has just the right amount of colour on it. I think they're $3.90USD each or so. I went to Jr High School in the area and back then they were only $1.75 lol. Amazing deal considering how f'ing good they are. :drools: I'm getting one this weekend I think.
  6. Abundance has really grown on me, I spoke too soon. It's still my least favorite on the EP but it's a good track. RE the mixing/mastering - the whole EP actually sounds a little bit muddy to me (kind of like Xmas eve off syro?) unless it's played at higher volumes (which is how I play it anyway so it doesn't rlly matter). Great EP overall.
  7. Maybe they know each other and happened upon a sweet wholesale paint offer or deal. Or one of them is afraid of being assassinated. lolol
  8. Negative. Not yet. Which is odd because it says it shipped the same day as the vinyl which we've had for well over a week now. Is it because of the cpost disruptions?
  9. After a few months of incredible frustration having our home on the market (long story), our realtor called us tonight to let us know we have an offer in. Details haven't come through yet but fingers crossed it's enough to let us move on with our life.
  10. cloud RN (but yeah the detail and imaging in the percussion and some of the fx in these tracks is p nuts. Really enjoying it.)
  11. yeah whoops sorry for having an honest opinion RE one track on the release and not just fanboyjizzing over the whole EP
  12. I totally don't get it. The percussion in abundance sounds really lazy to me. No surprises, easy to count off, 1,2,3,4, add slightly arpeggiated bass note, few high hats, few more counts, predictable atmospheric pad, etc etc. I find it really boring. The bass even sounds like it's "saying" "one two three four one two three four one two three four".
  13. Enjoyed Syro much more than Collapse EP. At least dynamically Syro sounds much more polished to me. Surprised to see Abundance to be many peoples fav off this, as it was easily my least favorite. The first half feels very lazy by aphex standards, to me it could be any other artist, doesn't really have his signature vibe IMO. The second half of it is nice though. Figure my favorite tracks in order are 2, 3, 1, 5, 4. I'm not disappointed or anything, but not shidding rainbows like many of the fans.
  14. My turntable is still down, even if I bring it in for repair this weekend it will probably be a month before I can get it fixed (shop is backed up), I wonder if they will still honor a replacement record in the future? Any recommendations?
  15. so who is it mr smarty pants? Yes, it is Mr. Smarty Pants. ... "Brain"....tree?
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