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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. lol to save anyone having to google it like I had to... "The other has a red bandana in the right back pocket, indicating that “the wearer takes the passive role in anal/hand insertion”.
  2. It's like, a lot of soup. I'm going to be eating soup all week.
  3. I made a pot of meatball minestrone soup and I didn't think the recipe would be enough so I doubled it. Now I have 9.5kg of soup. I have too much soup.
  4. ^ actually, I read those comments (is why I parroted them here). Absolutely disgusting. I feel so bad for those families. =(
  5. BIGLY Nah I just take each one of these things, included more infidelity reveals, as more and more ammo. Things are picking up steam. It's just amazing that Trump is rocked with a scandal on a daily basis, scandals that would end careers a mere decade or two ago, and yet trudges on. Thing is, the big orange goof will just frame this as "further proof" the agency is dem leaning, it's a "witch hunt" etc, that will only aggravate the partisanship...
  6. I bet it gets framed as the FBI allowing an attack to further the gun control agenda. "Further proof the agency is democratic leaning" etc etc oh and "we don't need gun control we need agencies that do t h e i r j o b"
  7. Srry Joshua those are all fake people, crisis actors for the dems.
  8. this is big? I think? They weren't working unilaterally on behalf of Russia. More developments to come? fbi pls
  9. I actually think the mental health angle is partly accurate. Problem being, it's stupid to give mentally unstable people easy access to assault style rifles. lol but nothing will change, we all know it. Thankful to live in Canada.
  10. obligatory "guns don't kill people, people kill people!" + "2nd amendment rights" rabble rabble rabble what a joke Anyone that argues against gun control in the states (aside from say, hunting rifles) needs a CT scan.
  11. how many would that be to max the 140,600lb payload? Seems like an expensive option.
  12. I don't think so, I didn't know that one existed! Added to list.
  13. Well, now that's a fair statement that is much different than what you said before. You should have said that to begin with.
  14. Elon donates 10s of millions of dollars, just not to food/shelter/water. It just seems like a weird comment that by virtue of his fortune he is suddenly responsible for fixing food and homelessness like that's anything to do with him. There are very real and very useful applications for the stuff spaceX, tesla etc is researching (and doing) - to chalk it up to throwing a car into space is disingenuous.
  15. It wasn't (and isn't) about throwing a car into space. Pretty sure food/shelter is what your government is for, not private citizens?
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