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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I think he articulated it fairly well. How is it Elon Musks' responsibility to solve homelessness and world hunger any more than it is your own responsibility. Not a strawman.
  2. Hugh Mughnus


    lol world lottery office
  3. I figured it was basic umami stuff - pineapple/ham is classic sweet/salty combination. :shrugs:
  4. yeh it is. Had some last night. double ham, spicy sauce, pineapple, jalapenos. sweet and spicy. delish
  5. actchooly: "303 Aerospace Protectant is the single most effective protectant on the market. Stain resistant. 303 Aerospace Protectant repels water and dirt, and resists stains"
  6. Also there is a very practical purpose for the rockets that will benefit many, no?
  7. I felt BB was a pretty good entry point into the series. Healing is faster and movement is snappier, which makes it a lot easier to get into. DS2 is undeniably clunky, even if that's the point (with a heavy armor/shield/melee build at least...) It's on my list of games to play for sure! Stuck in persona 5 for now, been a while since i've played a good ole' JRPG.
  8. I read that domestic cat predation accounts for an estimated 200 MILLION bird deaths in Canada alone, annually. I still own 2 cats tho. Indoor cats.
  9. I jumped straight into DS2, never played the first. I actually didn't like it, found the battle mechanics repetitive and a little dull. Also didn't find it very rewarding, a little grindy (ironic yes since I play stuff like destiny or diablo etc). Someone suggested Bloodborne was better I just haven't gotten around to it.
  10. lol! it kind of does look like a baby seal. It also looks like it's planning something, devious... murder.
  11. it's amazing the shapes they can form out of pure sodium Yeah man, one of the main reasons I avoid fast food or processed stuff. I have really high blood pressure (cortisol/stress response shit). I Lol at people that still think going to subway is a healthy choice - 1000+ calories and 2-5g of salt.
  12. lol a single chicken wing I sometimes buy gas or cigarettes at a 7-11 close by, and they have like a whole section of hot food now? Fried chicken, pizzas, taquitos, burritos, burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, fries and onion rings and potato wedges etcccccccc. I hadn't been into a 7-11 in years, was really surprised to see all that. =/
  13. Never really gave it that much thought but yeah. Poop terraformers lol.
  14. Our Chinatown is small but mighty. Vancouver's Chinatown is like a mini-metropolis. Goddamn I really want Chinese food now but nothing is open. Fffffffffffuuuuuu ...except for 7-11. 7-11 is open. That somehow only makes things worse. how did this turn out? ginger beef taquito or some other 7-11 abomination? lol
  15. There are a few REALLY good places to get asian baked goods here (and stuff like Banh Mi). I imagine Vancouver is better; don't know much about Victoria as I'm usually just passing through on my way to Nanaimo. this is making me hungry lol
  16. mm honey bun. Do you like the steamed pork buns as well? (assuming you've had one). Such a simple but delicious pleasure.
  17. lol... Better than here man, there is zero scene here. We occasionally get a big act but other than that......... No cool "regular" places, if that makes any sense.
  18. Is it just me or was that memo anticlimactic? Almost everything in there has already been said at some point.
  19. Awww those aren't Usagi Hands? they look a little more on the pale side compared to what I've come to expect.
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