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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I bet you don't even put pineapple on pizza either lol
  2. WHAT?! its goooooooooood you have to find the right amount for your tastes, it's sweeter than sugar. Use a high quality honey too.
  3. deeeeeelish! Also very yummy. Have to get the proportions right though.
  4. Oh good! Yeah until 1998 is fully phased out, workers need to have knowledge of both. Which is fucking stupid IMO.
  5. ugh I had to use a bunch of styluses (styli? what's the plural for stylus?) UGH
  6. lolol $40 bottle of brut beans I like your style
  7. The guy in the middle is Brad Muir who used to work for Double Fine and now works for Valve. He’s famous for his smile/mouth, so that at least explains HIS expression wait he's famous for his mouth? Not for what he did for DF or Valve? He should be a mouth model.
  8. u member when bono made that song about ebola outbreak in africa and said "thank god it's them and not you"? now when I play same bono song it say "tonight we're reaching out and touching you"? what do? a proper dilmnmnmenma
  9. where are you diatoms we need some christmas membering also flol... did you really timestretch morpheus to 42 mins? drugs
  10. Are analog draeds over-raeted?

  11. Voting definitely matters. The lack of permanence of some of these major, important policies/strategies/institutions etc put in place is directly a result of electing a different platform, no?
  12. =( "Oops! The embed code for this video is not valid."
  13. New company putting me into the 4th step of the hiring process, an aptitude test.
  14. I'm in Canada, so I don't really have a governor. Unless you mean the governor general? In which case... you can't really just call her. lol I don't really know of what impact I can have, if any, personally.... I think the net neutrality thing - in all fairness how many of the day-to-day people in the US actually understand the implications? My guess is that lack of understanding is translating to low mobilization. The tax thing, I can't wrap my head around why more people, your average joes and janes, aren't fired up about it.
  15. Yeah mental health problems are way stigmatized. Depression? "Stop being sad". Anxiety? "That guy's a weird spaz". etc. F'ed up.
  16. that's just one guy that's the smallest large scale protest I've ever seen I'm talking... people taking to the streets and setting cars on fire and shit.
  17. I'm surprised there aren't large scale protests RE the tax cuts OR net neutrality, both incredibly huge issues. Or is there and they're not getting media coverage?
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