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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    I don't suppose you want to share your playlist there mr ignatius? aside from feed1 and acdwn2 I just can't get into these releases. I need some playlist magic.
  2. lol... is he being for serious, or is that a cheeky way of him hyping up a m8? (He doesn't strike me as the type to be actually irked by something like that). I'm confuse
  3. lol.... I clicked the link. Why are these things so addictive?
  4. you do NOT want to see this in a mankini promise invests thousands in mankini industry
  5. that sounds delish. Doesn't look like it's sold here though =/
  6. kinda lol kinda shitty (as that seems to be the trend these days)
  7. I kinda know what that's like. Like you're almost still wired from all the long hours and you can't get out of "work mode" (at least it's that way for me). Hope you catch a break sometime man! When you finally get a solid vacation it's going to feel that much better ;)
  8. I’m a freelancer I recall that you're freelancing yes, and maybe that's a good sign you've drummed up enough business to stay so busy!? But your health is important too. Take a day or two off sometime, somehow.
  9. Higher resolutions, 4k and 3k (2880x1620) really do place a very noticeable strain on your computer depending what kind of application you're running. So it's great to get the monitor but if your GPU isn't powerful there isn't much point as you'll have to run things in lower resolution anyway or framerate will drop to shite levels. If you're playing games I mean, if you're just watching movies and other pre-rendered stuff it should be fine. my 2 cents anyway.
  10. I really like the tales games, but I've fallen behind on them for awhile. Looks like beseria is pretty highly rated. Might have to grab that after I finish Persona 5.
  11. Pretty much this I guess, yeah. =( And you're right, I can only imagine having to make a choice between continuing life the way I know it on MY land vs deciding to live on gov't handouts etc. Shitty buzz man, there's so much f'ed in the US of A...
  12. ^ that sounds almost exactly like where I lived in Oklahoma (with the obvious difference being I'm not a minority or anything like that). Everyone was just waiting for their parents and stuff to die out so they could inherit the house. House/land passed down for generations, no real economy in the area. It was a really weird experience.
  13. I'm going to sound like a dick here but why not just.... not live in Sandbranch? People uproot themselves (yes people that live in poverty/are extremely poor) for far less than having no sewerage/running water/trash collection etc like sandbranch county. Be poor somewhere where there's at least running water? I read the article and wiki page and I don't really understand. Enlighten me? edit: I lived in rural Oklahoma when I was a kid. I at least had running water and stuff. No trash collection or sewerage though (we had a dump on our land). I remember thinking how bad I wanted to get out of there. editedit: sorry, I just don't think it makes sense for them to put the infrastructure in place to support this tiny community that's on a flood plain. Maybe the gov't should support relocating the people that are there? Not sure how that works. In Canada at least there are some relocation programs (especially when an area is deemed unsuitable, which it appears sandbranch has been deemed since no new structures are allowed to be built?).
  14. I expect that all my best times are behind me. lol I hope not! Part of getting older I guess? =/
  15. consistently feel like I'm underachieving at life. not sure if self confidence issue or actually pleb.
  16. such cringe young man making nothing from the rich/privilege he was borne into should have stayed in school
  17. Yep! 6 doggos too. All chihuahuas. Wow, crazy lol. Must have your hands full. 13 cats, you must have a litterbox that looks like this -
  18. Do you actually have 13 cats? That is a lot of kittehs.
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