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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I think your fine man, you managed to write an articulate post on the internet using a computer. You aren't loosing your mind. Exactly the point I tried to make a few pages back when I suggested my brain is still fine after poly-drug use! But yeah, zeffy boy you're fine. Don't go too deep down the rabbit hole in analyzing yourself. I've gone down that route before and nothing good came of it. It's why I'm the self deprecating POS I am today lol. Constantly analyzing myself.
  2. I had a lot of incredible times with 2c-b... Always really enjoyed it.
  3. Never done salvia, never interested me. Everyone I've ever met said it was unpleasant so going into it with that biased frame of mind I'm almost guaranteed a shitty time.
  4. I saw that. Authorities are saying the meeting helped lead to his arrest. Doesn't that make Sean Penn a dead man? =/ Like, there's no way Chapo won't think it was a setup...
  5. Thanks! =) Fairly cliche to resolute "better health" for a new year but that's exactly what I did and I'm sticking to it.
  6. The stalker games are terribly underrated IMO. I personally think they're awesome games. A bit buggy, but worth it.
  7. Holy shit, a whole K just for bread? That's like two meals lol Yeah I can't believe it. It wasn't like a whole french loaf or something, it was just a ciabatta bread about 6 inches across =/. Guess I'm not eating much tmrw to make up for it lol. yeah. FWP is gaining weight huh? i gained ten pounds recently, i'm not counting calories but i have to shift the ways i eat. eat less i dunno, *shrug* For sure! I've been taking steps to stop gaining weight. Tracking/watching what I eat is helping majorly. Visibility on calories in helps me adjust my diet on a daily basis. I'm down 7lbs and about 5% body fat in 6 weeks =) first world success
  8. Holy shit, a whole K just for bread? That's like two meals lol Yeah I can't believe it. It wasn't like a whole french loaf or something, it was just a ciabatta bread about 6 inches across =/. Guess I'm not eating much tmrw to make up for it lol.
  9. I had the garlic cheesy toast as an appetizer before my steak tonight. Got home to add it to my food tracker (I track all my calories/food consumed etc) and the f'en bread was 1002 calories on its own. FML That's a tricky one.... Are you going to go? It might mean a lot to the guy (even if he's a near stranger to you?). Maybe free drinks, might meet a lady there too? Just trying to look at the positives of going lol
  10. Awe thanks mr =) I legitimately enjoyed Rifts recently, not my usual cup of tea but it was good.
  11. will my gtx690 be alright for the rifty im out of the loop nvrmnd just found the compatibility tool. I'm good. Says the 690 won't work but I don't believe it.
  12. I backed the kickstarted but didn't get my download code or anything emailed to me =( Almost forgot I had backed it.
  13. the three cheeses thing... lol... Have three cheeses combine
  14. Oh no worries. I'm just trying to get ideas in case I end up doing the same. Not judging at all. Not at all! It's actually a really good idea to let people know. There might be some... I don't know what to call them... potential close friends? (Friends that you haven't seen for a few years etc) that might want to stay in touch, if you are saying you're going offline they might want your digits just in case. I honestly don't think you'll ever look back after a few weeks.
  15. I didn't really. Actually I suppose maybe I should have, now that you mention it. heh... Probably should have given people the opportunity to get my personal info...
  16. You seem offended, maybe like your ego is hurt. Stop following me around.
  17. This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent. I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes. I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway. I closed my facebook about 8 months ago. Never looked back. Everyone important to me has my phone number. (well, most).
  18. super indicative of extreme levels of psychopathy to include the truth about your evil actions within your artwork I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw that video tbh. I don't suppose something like that could be used as evidence, but it's pretty f'ed up nonetheless.
  19. Did they tell you that (RE gloominess) or is that just your take on how things went? (or are those two separate fwp lol)
  20. Turns out the accounting degree I'm getting is just filler and it's completely useless. I know because Zeffolia told me so: " But realistically speaking, business degrees are filler degrees on the level of communications and marketing for jocks and frat boys, not a real degree like say math, physics, or another non-premed STEM major. I just noticed it while reading the psychedelics thread and it gave me a minor chuckle that is all." Guys if any of you are getting a business related degree just stop because it's useless and you're useless for getting one and it's not real education and you're a stupid dumb dumb, zeff said so. Only STEM degrees are worth anything. Anyone else is worthless. edit: that's signature material.
  21. I think blysky will be better equipped to answer on this one, but I think the NBOME's will register the same way their 2c-x counterparts would. I believe 25-eNBOME would register as 2ce, 25-iNBOME as 2c-I, etc, but I'm not positive.
  22. There is also one that works for 2C-x that I believe works for NBOMEs http://www.eztestkits.com/en/ez-testing-kits/ecstasy-drug-testing-kit
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