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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I swear that picture of lunch with the donut as the centre piece, someone posted in the "post what you are consuming thread" or whatever. Seriously
  2. Mastering on the track seems way off for the phex. Sounds more like Monolith. RE twels. Can't tell spiral. It doesn't strike me as an autechre song. More like a Richard Devine trying to sound like the chre' to me. It's too mechanical and if you listen it's got a similar repetition to some of devine's tracks ala RISP. (check vaporwave acid, very similar sounds) Not trolling, that's what it sounds like to me.
  3. Thanks!! Good one. Looking forward to the album if it indeed comes out at some point.
  4. What do you mean he's silent? He addressed the entire nation on the San Bernardino shooting.
  5. How do you know that I'm conscious? You can infer it, but you'll never ever know for certain Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Are you suggesting a being could unconsciously/accidentally type out that message you just typed? =/ On an iPad using Tapatalk, no less?
  6. Thing is, that actually happened... =/ Almost more sad than it is funny.
  7. ye. making HEAPS of music + sitting on it gives good perspective for what's good and what's shit. (or, in afx case, what's good and what's amazing). the soundcloud really shifted my perception on the dudes music. the released albums are all so perfect and finely put together and it really gave this guy the aura of being some music god. the soundcloud kind of shifted that and removed the god status. now he just seems like a guy who's super into making music as much as possible (and happens to make really, really, really, really, really good stuff). so yes. i don't see the point in bringing up the new/old tracks point all the time. sitting on old tracks just means when they are finally released they'll be released in a good and proper context (much prefer something i can put on and listen to as opposed to a mish mash of songs). I imagine this sentiment is applicable to the other "IDM" greats, such as squarepusher, autechre, boc, uziq, etc.
  8. Ack, that sucks man... Does insurance not cover theft? (Not sure how that works rlly). (also lol at corner of buy meth and stab whitey).
  9. whats going on in the last one? Nice view
  10. delet are you by chance a mod on these forums? http://thebluegrassandcountrymusicforum.yuku.com/ lol I don even... how can you.. .I d... argh
  11. If I could grab that later it would be great. Trying to listen to the stream now but my amp keeps f'ing up and it's all distorted. Ruining my listening.. =( attention, you are listening to a net radio stream from a community radio station. heh. Also, i'm glad i managed finally to catch this actually streaming for once. But would be intrested in the recording, for the wispy thingee. Attention, my amp is fucked up like I said in my post and has been for weeks. It finally shit the bed that's all.
  12. If I could grab that earlier it would be great. Trying to listen to the stream now but my amp keeps f'ing up and it's all distorted. Ruining my listening.. =(
  13. I've only had 2 Japanese Whiskeys and was quite pleasantly surprised both times. The Hakushu 12 year that you've got there, which I really really enjoyed. Also this guy here (https://www.masterofmalt.com/whiskies/suntory-hibiki-17-year-old-whisky/), Hibiki 17 year. If you haven't already tried it I highly recommend it, especially if you like easy drinking scotches (I find less peat = easier drink). The Hibiki trumped the Hakushu, for me though both were awesome. Easy on the peat, quite smoky, hint of sweetness (almost like a bourbon?). Good whiskey to have with or after a cigarette (not sure if that makes it a deep philosophical type scotch heh). If you ever have a chance I recommend you grab a bottle! They do a 12 year also which is about half the price though I've not tried it. I'm not sure where to find Japanese Whiskey here in Calgary. Time to do some research! Sounds like Kensington Wine market has a good stock of Japanese Whiskeys, lots of Nikka distillery (which is Japan's oldest Whiskey distillery I believe?). Also I'm now inspired to buy a bottle of scotch tonight lol. Maybe the Bowmore. =) edit: disclaimer. I know absolutely nothing about Whisky or Scotch, just knew I enjoyed it haha
  14. thx bud =) Really enjoying this so far, different than my usual listen. Great mixing btw.
  15. Do you know how to download these? =/ I'd love to have this one
  16. I've had that same scotch actually! err... whisky. Picked it up on the way home from hong kong airport. Did you like it? Do they sell it in Canada?
  17. Yeah... if you put a lava lamp in the middle of the room the light and shadows it casts gives you great open air visuals/midair hallucinations on lsd or mushrooms. Totally cliche but it works. srry by tripout room I meant where my main stereo is, is where we have all our experiences. Anywho, missed my opportunity to hear this last weekend. Going to try and listen to it Friday night finally. I did listen to mutant standard a few times and like it mucho.
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