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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Nothing wrong with a good laser show. (this comes to mind immediately, would have been mental) cheesy works sometime. (shit I have a lava lamp in my tripout room)...
  2. RIP in pieces JE :

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze

      rip johnny E :(



    3. Audioblysk


      He lived so we didn't have to know the truth. Conspiracy Jesus, we weep at your tomb while Eugene dances on your grave.


    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      definitely cum though

  3. ha! I don't blame you. HR is essentially the antithesis to MGSC and microeconomics. lol Edit: at least in my workplace. Constantly challenged when trying to implement cost cutting or operational improvements.
  4. Thank you! I actually surprised myself, wasn't expecting to do that well. The next economics course is "Workers and the Economy". It's less of a lab (math/formulae) based economics course, more observational. It centers on this book (Yates, M. D. (2003). Naming the system: Inequality and work in the global economy.), and observes things such as labour markets, international relations etc. I imagine you've done a similar course? It was optional for me (same with the astro one). Economics is interesting stuff. Most of my options I go for economics or management science courses. MGSC is interesting for boring management type people like me lol.
  5. Got a final mark of 92% in my law course. 87% on the final! Onwards to another economics courses and an astronomy and astrophysics course! Feels good to be back on track in school.
  6. ^^ mmm... flexeril (cycloben). I keep those on hand for situations like that. Works wonders. Makes you really sleepy though if you go over 20mg (at least me).
  7. ^ I do that quite often around this time of year. It's a nice change.
  8. ^ Did some hallucinogens for the first listen of that album (I think it was in 2007 or 2008), and the hands on the cover were moving as if playing the instruments. I imagine that was intentional.
  9. I do it for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act. lolol
  10. agreed more airflow = better, especially a few years down when you're overclocking.
  11. ^ interesting reads. Quite sad, really. I'm all for taking in the refugees, just want to be confident the vetting process is sound but our government doesn't seem to be speaking to it (or I'm just daft and I'm not able to find details). More than likely the latter of those two.
  12. Do they want to prevent the refugees from coming, or slow down the process? At least here in Canad'er.... people don't mind the refugees coming but they want the security process to be very thorough. Our PM has committed to 25,000 refugees placed by January 1st and we haven't even started taking any in yet. Seems like that arbitrary deadline will force agencies to cut corners etc when it is so critical to do exactly the opposite...
  13. I just made it to #7 of a newspaper article called "10 tips to get Kate Hudson's Sexy Looks" before asking myself wtf am I reading this for? I need my morning coffee.
  14. when did cylob play these? they're sick but ya sound like the rome stuff, but those should totally be released idk, i got that from someone around here Isn't the "new afx 4" song there off the squarepusher warp 20 set? =/ It definitely sounds like squarepusher anyways with that little synth guitary plucky bass dealy.. yeah, I added a y to more words than necessary there. wot
  15. I also like downloafing music on the interbread downloafing is a fundaemental paert of the ae expaerience
  16. lol are you telling watmm that I drugged you annie pls
  17. O. I thought I was foruming properly.... I talked about which tracks I like and why I liked them. And then I talked about which tracks I don't like and why I didn't like them. Seemed reasonable enough to me? Srry. I will adjust according to your feedback.
  18. .... stevieG feels young. I didn't get into Autechre until Exai, I'm a newbie. Since then I've purchased all their records I can find. Watmm got me into autechre.
  19. Can any of you tell me where the "No no no no well well well" sample is from that he uses all the time? (Such as in Officer's Club, Multiple Stab Wounds, etc)
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