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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. That's what you think ;) I assumed AFX and Aphex Twin are treated as separate aliases I agree
  2. Show me baby. I wanna see. starts shit* lol Whatever we get I can only hope it's as good as syro. Brilliant album in my books, and the most played of his albums in my library.
  3. Definitely not straight up jazz, you're right. I didn't know where else to post it though! I really like that album but can't find anything like it. Some of the piano solos are nuts =/ lol
  4. Amazing game, I loved it. The art style and concept were very unique. They made another awesome game with similar art style for the Vita, though it's name I'm not coming up with at the moment... oh yeah they made both dragon's crown and murumasa
  5. Can anyone remind me some albums similar to Herbie Hancock's "Dis is da drum"??? I like the fusion of the jazz instrumentation (especially Herbie's piano playing) with the fully fleshed out beats. I'm a fan of hancock's earlier work (heard almost half his discography this weekend, not even exaggerating) but that album in particular struck me as something I can get into.... watmm pls baby help lol. I googled but my research skills are apparently shite.
  6. I wasn't complaining, srry. Was just surprised.
  7. It was an anime picture of a girl shitting on a city It didn't show any genitals or anything I'm surprised it was edited out. Cartoon poop too cray for the watmms.
  8. It looks delicious. I've never tried grinding my own meat yet, but I think I should give it a shot.
  9. Take an extra strength sleeping pill earlier in the night (like 9PM) and try to pass out, set an alarm to make sure you wake up early. Then do the same thing the next night except take half a sleeping pill, then a quarter the next night. Then no sleeping pill. Your body should have adjusted and you should get sleepy early in the night. This has worked for me in the past. Also try to make sure you're not overstimulated during the night (video games, TV etc). Read a book instead. thanks. will buy some pills then. also yeah you're right, I've been playing vidya too much (for my standards) so I'll read a book :) Sleeping pills are terrible. Force yourself to wake up early after a late night, get good and tired throughout the day, and then go to bed at a reasonable hour, naturally tired. Then make sure you wake up around 8 hours later. IMO. You will feel like crap for the reset day and then wonderful the next. No offense, Stephen, but I wouldn't recommend sleeping pills to anyone. Like, ever. It really depends on the person. Generally I do agree with you, sleeping pills are shitty. But I've had a substance abuse issue in the past where I NEED to drink or smoke weed to sleep, so sometimes the only way out was not to drink or smoke weed and use a sleeping pill. Otherwise I would be sleepless for days which led to seizures etc. Even without substance abuse issues some people find it very difficult to change their sleep patterns naturally....
  10. north american toilets have the water right up near your arse dont they no?
  11. The water does sit slightly higher than usual in this toilet because I need to replace a part but nothing drastic. Do I have permanent poo-water dick now? I'm scared. Take an extra strength sleeping pill earlier in the night (like 9PM) and try to pass out, set an alarm to make sure you wake up early. Then do the same thing the next night except take half a sleeping pill, then a quarter the next night. Then no sleeping pill. Your body should have adjusted and you should get sleepy early in the night. This has worked for me in the past. Also try to make sure you're not overstimulated during the night (video games, TV etc). Read a book instead. thanks. will buy some pills then. also yeah you're right, I've been playing vidya too much (for my standards) so I'll read a book :) The sleeping pills can be habit forming and cause dependency that's why I ween myself off by taking smaller and smaller doses. I hope it works for you! knowing stepheng, not knowing what a bidet is for haha I don't have a bidet! They're not really a thing in Canada.
  12. FWP.... I went for a poo and my dong hit the water. I feel violated.
  13. Take an extra strength sleeping pill earlier in the night (like 9PM) and try to pass out, set an alarm to make sure you wake up early. Then do the same thing the next night except take half a sleeping pill, then a quarter the next night. Then no sleeping pill. Your body should have adjusted and you should get sleepy early in the night. This has worked for me in the past. Also try to make sure you're not overstimulated during the night (video games, TV etc). Read a book instead.
  14. saw him live last month, was fucking amazing. Nice guy too, met him after the show.
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