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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. mods can we fix the thread title? bill cosby is only 85kg. I mean he's 6 foot 2 so he's tall, but I don't think he's particularly big. He's old though so can we just go with Bill Cosby is a tall but moderately sized old rapist? I feel like that's more accurate.
  2. That reminds me blysky! Are you coming to the Vancouver autechre show?
  3. Really sorry to hear that, whatever happened... I've got 2 kitties and I can't imagine how it's going to be when it's their time to go...
  4. That's still so awesome (the travel part anyways)! Once in a lifetime opportunity probably. I'm jealous.
  5. Did you win the lottery or something? haha you've been travelling for a long time it seems.
  6. Pit bull isn't even an actual, specific breed, it's not recognized by any of the breeders association. It is used broadly to describe (often terriers) dogs that were bred to fight. A quick wikipedia search: Pit bulls were created by breeding bulldogs and terriers together to produce a dog that combined the gameness and agility of the terrier with the strength of the bulldog.[3] In the United Kingdom, these dogs were used in blood sports such as bull-baiting, bear-baiting and cock fighting. Just sayin'...
  7. eh? they look like the same glasses as in your avatar pic which is old you playing a trick on us maam?
  8. FLOL that's fucking awesome.Maybe we can make that the new "Florida man". Texas idiot. Has a nice ring to it. Darwin award?
  9. Can a mod remove the "allegedly" from the thread title now that he's admitted to it? lol
  10. lol.... how's your successful summer flu? (hope you feel better though, seriously hate the flu, I tend to get it once a year)
  11. Well there's Shazam, which recognizes tracks almost flawlessly (haven't tried it with stuff like Merzbow though), so automatic identification of tracks is possible; not sure if there are any alternatives to Shazam (it takes like 10 seconds or more for a given song so 50,000 tracks might take forever) And there's Tag&Rename and a million other batch-tagging programs. So maybe someone has worked out something like that? It's definitely possible, so it's just a matter of actually doing it. I'm going to check all these out and see if I can work things out easily! Thanks guys lol I imagine you're joking. iTunes is terrible, it deletes things off your computer randomly if it wasn't purchased in the apple store. There's even a class action lawsuit against them because apparently they knew it was happening on windows pcs! lel it happens to be 255014 minutes of music, so... next time I have a 184 day weekend I'll get to it
  12. damn! lol... I inherited my dads music collection when he passed away but it's unorganized. His music was a big thing for us growing up, we'd always blast tunes on weekends. So I wanted to get it organized and start listening to it! I suppose I'll start doing it manually... argh!
  13. FWP (maybe someone can help with...) I've got over 50,000 songs on my hard drive and methodology for organizing has been inconsistent throughout acquiring all the music. I want everything to be reorganized consistently as artist>album>songs.... but doing that manually will take fucking forever! I've googled but haven't found an app that might be able to do this for me... Does such a thing exist? edit: also cats > dogs
  14. Thats not the case, you should really for a second! beef strokeoneoff... or was that stroganoff? really
  15. I love them both. I wish there was a hybrid apple-orange
  16. Sorry, could you say that again while looking directly into a CCTV camera? There should be three or four within 5 meters. Take your pick. checks homicide rate* Yep it's working! (I jest) Happy fourth of July brothers and sisters to the south! Enjoy this day!
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