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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Beauty! What amp is that? It looks like an early model sansui, au 20000? If it is you're a lucky guy lol.
  2. Any idea what kind of cartridge on the debut turntable? I've got the debut 3 carbon myself and don't regret the purchase! I think it's a great table for the price. ps. nice vinyl stash you got going!
  3. Those are both good beers bcm boss! I like the dts but it has to be really cold for me to enjoy it.
  4. I'm on the lookout for it now! Never had my dick sucked by a wolf so. first time for everything. lol edit I hope it goes easy on me, no teeth.
  5. LOL getting your dick sucked by a chocolate wolf?! wth haha
  6. I must find someone with a waterbed that will let me copulate on it to confirm. haha 2014 resolution: find waterbed. Copulate.
  7. Are adult activities difficult on a waterbed? I'm picturing a lot of tough balancing...
  8. Wow it sounds amazing? Yeah it's a spiced/herbed beer or root beer that's 19.5% abv lol. No wonder the bartender will only serve you 3.
  9. Theres some brewdog beers that are 300$ a bottle. Haven't tried it yet though I can buy it from a local shop.
  10. It's great beer for sure. I wouldn't say it's nearly the best though. Matter of taste isn't it? I much prefer the chimay anniversary trappist ale to that, among a plethora of other (other than trappist that is) varieties.. =/
  11. You say high % like it's a bad thing! I love some incredibly strong beers, especially stouts with an oak finish. They finish like a nice whisky with all kinds of aromatics. I think one of my favorite was a mikeller stout that was around 20% abv...
  12. had some norweigan smoked ale yesterday that was brilliant, from haandbryggeriat. can't find a picture of it to post, but if you ever see anything by that brewery you MUST try it. Especially Odins Tipple if you like stouts.
  13. Hah! Thanks. Yeah the name seemed familiar but I honestly had no idea who he was. Either I'm ignorant or he's truly irrelevant like you pointed out. Either way, good job! :)
  14. that's awesome lol also who the fuck is Maddox?
  15. Same here. I've got midterms and finals next month and I'm not prepared.
  16. I keep having the same dream that I am stomping on baby mice running around everywhere in my warehouse. I don't have mice in my warehouse... but I just keep stomping on them left and right they're everywhere in my dream! This is about twice a week it's happening now =(
  17. Thanks Chen! (sorry for some reason quoting your original post doesn't work. Quote function hasn't worked for me for a while). That link actually helps and your explanation is actually pretty close (see note 25b)!
  18. I'm struggling in this accounting course... Some taxation issues aren't making sense to me. I don't understand why my solutions manual shows a loss from discontinued operations net of tax when calculation earnings per share. A loss is an internal measurement and doesn't involve tax which is an outside expense... Also for some reason earnings per share isn't calculated using preferred dividends which is the standard calculation, (net income - preferred dividends)/common shares outstanding. theres no hints in my course material and I can't find a clear answer online >.< Any accountants on WATMM to the rescue?
  19. Ha! Awesome track boss, big bass and amazing melodies!! Thanks for sharing.
  20. I work on Christmas eve and new years eve.... Lucky you've got all of NYE off! Can't believe they're working you Christmas day though??
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