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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. it's already an external hard drive that I have multiple partitions on... should have set em' up in raid so that I had a backup of my important shit but I lack the foresight to do such a smart thing =(
  2. thanks m8. I found some program by pririform called "recuva"... It's found 44,000 of my missing files but not sure if they'll be recoverable. It says 10hrs remaining lol.
  3. hard drive crashed... 300gb gone, 200gb of that is music. I own it all so that's not a big problem, but damn that's going to take a long time to rip all these cds and vinyl again =(
  4. some butter chicken, basmati rice, and samosas
  5. the latest to recieve the banhammer!? Chief Smackaho

  6. ooo I understand. I misread the slant of your post, sorry lol . Stephen fail
  7. the point isn't that it's the best rendering/graphics etc ever seen. It's the tantalizing idea of the mother universe (which has many diehard fans) being brought into next gen (well, current gen now) graphics.
  8. I'm playing mother 3 right now. I love that series. This guy is seriously talented too. Nice find!
  9. seems kind of rude for them to do that if you are clearly trying to concentrate and get work done...
  10. where's tri-anus and his translations?

  11. you're within spitting distance from here! did you go to Banff to go boarding or just stopping there on the way to cowtown?
  12. -38 celcius and 4-6 foot snow drifts here. I still have to make it in to work though. =( What does "frozen" mean in texas?
  13. lol! No worries. At first I found the sound really jarring and it made me anxious. But now it really helps with my ADD tendencies when I'm studying. I find if I study with it on, I only have to read my textbook once (vs before where I was re-reading the same paragraph 4-5 times) and I don't come on watmm or check my e-mail 100 times or whatever lol.
  14. What's fennesz? I'm just referring to using different frequencies of drone/static and ambient noises with isochronic tones etc to help you focus. I use this vid off youtube most often but I also have some .wav files as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5mfNxFuXos
  15. I have this problem when I'm studying. Do you know anything about coloured noise? I've tried some therapy with different coloured noise when studying and it works (at least for me)...
  16. Smetty - shoot for crack-addled madman - you could become the Zizek Rob Ford of historical analysis! lol
  17. Maybe I used the wrong words... I'm financially successful, but find this is a result of circumstance/luck or whatever. Or maybe I don't have the confidence to recognize my own efforts or something I don't know. Whereas, I find through these forums that you and smetty, you two are genuinely intelligent... I wish you both great success though in your lifetime! I'm still only halfway through my accounting degree, nowhere NEAR a masters lol! Also, that avatar is fantastic Chen lol. For some reason the face is reminding me of a tim burton production.
  18. I'm alive and I've got something important to report. It was cold.
  19. I'm going for a smoke in the 80 km/h arctic, northern wind storm that's happening right now. TBH, I'm just interested in experiencing this storm in my regular skin. No housecoat or jacket. Boxers, Shorts, Sandals, 80km/h -25 celcius + windchill. Shrink my balls to the size of a sunflower, but nonetheless... I feel this is exhilarating !!!! not so much a fwp as a fwp endeavour
  20. holy crap meng. that's a pretty deadly burn there boss... glad it was just your hand on not your wee man edit: not sure why you'd have your dink out by the machines...
  21. flol what the hell? I see. He hit the nail on the head though. It's cold, bitter, and from the north. Expecting another foot snow by tomorrow.
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