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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Nice! More room shaking to be had. What model did you get?
  2. Oh ok I understand. That makes sense. They are pretty sensitive to that here in Canada too. Marketing in general actually. In certain parts of the country here, commercials aren't even allowed during childrens TV programming. Can you imagine like... Barney brand cigarettes? Babar brand lager? lol
  3. OMG that would NEVER fly in the US... what about it wouldn't fly? =/
  4. Like what? He can't get sausage out of his mind now. That and keeps hearing The Village People everywhere he goes.
  5. just had some leftover pork ribs and curried lentils
  6. straight jungle in my books good track mr. I've never heard of this guy, thanks for the exposure.
  7. The reason I was tying in HDI was because our basic needs are well met in North America (and elsewhere) compared to hundreds of years ago. However, It seems that people have a sense of entitlement about them, like they should have as many nice things as a forensic accountant, a lawyer, or a CEO who has put a ton of hours into their profession, and have been highly responsive and adaptive to the opportunities that arise, but they want that stuff while working a gen-labour job or pumping gas. All this while they aren't even working nearly as hard as a farmer 120 years ago that had to work damn hard just to survive. They aren't thankful that they're able to survive off of flipping burgers or whatever, they want iphones and nice cars etc, when our forefathers weren't even sure if they'd survive the next winter. Not sure I'm communicating effectively here, I'm going on about 20hrs with no sleep lol. I'm just ranting I guess. lol
  8. As you've pointed out yeah HDI as a composite measurement has only been around since the 90s. What I meant is all the indices/data points used for the composite have been on the rise such as life expectancy etc regardless of the aggregate measure not existing. And the US is indeed on its way down now that it's IHDI not just HDI, you got me there. I agree with you on all points, never disagreed at all and hope I didn't come across that way (even included a disclaimer in my original post, no?). I just find it frustrating when I run in to people or even have employees/co-workers say things like "man, you're so lucky" just because I have a decent job and nice things. I worked fucking hard, and part of that was the incentive of not making minimum wage. I think minimum wage should be raised, but it's a highly complex issue as you know. There would be many negative consequences economically (think productivity wise, rational people thinking at the margin etc) if the minimum wage was TOO high.
  9. help me understand.. so you threw up your breakfast once. And then you re-ingested it and threw it up again? =/
  10. Not agreeing with anyone on the subject... But I think that VERY, VERY often people who have made many mistakes in life or made many bad choices immediately blame "the system" when they were fully capable of achieving much more and it's simply their own fault for having a shit life. Oh, why are you living in low income housing with 9 children? Because you didn't wear rubbers? etc etc. I also don't treat those people like they are any less human though. I don't know. Also whether or not the wage gap is getting any worse (and it obviously is), quality of life/HDI etc are trending upwards as they have been for hundreds of years. So average people don't have it as rough as they think. Even relatively "poor" people smartphones so wtf? People have this sense of entitlement that I don't quite understand.
  11. combination of mushrooms and alcohol, that's all. sometimes you go on a weird tangent and it makes sense at the time but looking back it was pretty nonsensical.
  12. Last year while on a mushroom trip me and the gf and my brother had some long conversation about DJs and anyways mushrooms did their thing and the name DJ Salami came up for some reason. fast forward a few months and me and the gf made my brother a custom shirt that says DJ Salami on it and it has a huge salami across the front. It also says "superstar DJ" and "I'll jam you out" across the front. There was some old James Zabiela live set in central america and the announcer is really loud flamboyant and he says something like "I'm jamming out zabiela" because his english is really bad. anyway thanks for bringing up that memory
  13. Is it an unpasteurized beer? Lots of beers are unfiltered too, so it's possible it SHOULD have solids in it?
  14. DJ Wide Circumference DJ Endless Void DJ Bleeding Hamburger
  15. DJ Nulls DJ woody woodpecker
  16. any idea what happened to him? Same with the OP of this thread, KY. Inactive for a long time =(
  17. I sure hope the judge isn't a dipshit and this gets taken care of.. anxiety!
  18. he did. finally. i did ask about this and probably should have mentioned that part of the guy's parole is that he's not allowed to start relationships without asking his P.O. (which he did not), not supposed to have sex with them without asking his P.O. (he knocked her up), he's not supposed to go to schools or places with a lot of children (he went with my niece's mom to pick her up from school and has gone other places with lots of children), not supposed to handle firearms (the first thing he did upon release was go hunting), not supposed to live with people who have children (is living with my niece's mom AND MY FUCKING NIECE [and her other kid from another guy]). so yeah. i dunno whether he's "actually rehabilitated" or not but he's not making a very good case for himself by casually ignoring every restriction placed on him by his P.O. Would it be out of line for you to step in and call the police with your concerns? I think your niece's protection warrants it... It's not my place to say obviously, but I think if I was in your situation the risks and potential damage of the situation far outweigh anything. The fact that he's disregarding his PO officer and the limitations put in place because of his previous conviction show he has no respect for the law to begin with, what's stopping him from... doing things to your niece? That sounds so fucked up I'm sorry. I just mean I would think it would be more typical of a guy that actually wanted to reform himself to see that what he was doing was wrong and have maybe an oz of self contempt, but they'd also be more likely to follow court orders. edit: or at least sit down with your brother and explain the situation. It's his daughter I gather?
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