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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Why do you need a phone to check the time if you're in a scheduled meeting? You know, those ones that are held at a specific time? So you should know what time it is already? Also, flol "deflecting blame onto the oppressed"? Managers run businesses not slave operations (generally). Way to be over dramatic. People constantly checking their phone is annoying and disruptive to both the speaker and listeners. What Modey was doing is simply the respectful thing to do (in just using his watch). Better yet, use that big thing on the wall called a clock and don't disturb anyone.
  2. Nah, I just don't like taking my phone out of my pocket unless I really need to. Plus it's better to just casually glance at a watch while in a meeting rather than come across as being distracted by looking at a phone! ahh i see, stealth, when do we gtfo of this shit. Heh, i just pull my phone out, everyone there knows that we want it over as soon as possible. I can imagine though that there could be some bosses that relish their moment to shine, and would take exception to someone appearing not to be dazzled and in awe of their moment in orbit around this egocentric fantasist. well that's not really fair lol. I have anxiety issues and don't particularly like being the center of attention when I'm running a meeting. To have someone messing with their phone is disrespectful and distracting and adds to the anxiety. you anti corporate meddlesome troublemaking employee you. I'm gonna write you up for Performance (Below Standard).
  3. It went from (celcius) +14 on saturday to -18 today. I mean, not to minimize how cold -40 is (I know what that's all about) but the drastic change in temperature gives me massive headaches. meh, belongs in the fwp thread probably. sorry lol.
  4. Thanks man! I was thinking I might switch over to moneygram, hopefully they handle things a bit better than western union. I think more than anything I'm mad that they don't even give an opportunity to respond, they are just heavy handed and say NOPE, not letting you send money anymore. In the meantime my dad is trying to set up a bank account and then I'll just wire money directly.
  5. you look kind of like the mayor of my city The mayor of log city!Yeah was out for a walk in the countryside. Is it a big log, or am I really small? I think it's probably a big log. lol. I swear you look like a young mayor Nenshi. Feltcher: Mayor of Calgary:
  6. A preworkout meal! A big basa filet with herbs and butter and habanero pepper puree =)
  7. DJ Adjustments to reconcile net income with net cash provided by operating activities. DJ accounting
  8. DJ Forgives USSR DJ The Cold War Is Over
  9. lol no they aren't any of those. Thanks. I'm probably just falling within some sort of classification that they've determined with some algorithm to be a risk. I know they try and stop people from sending money to criminals or terrorists. So maybe somehow I've fallen into that description? Like maybe I've sent the money to Bixby but my parents pick it up in Tahlequah once or Locust Grove another time so it looks fishy or something? (They live out in the country so might pick it up from different locations out of convenience) I don't know. I've been sending money for 2 years now maybe they figured noone has $900 a month to send for 2 years. =S Not sure if this is politically incorrect somehow. But I have colleagues at work with family in Kenya and Somalia and they told me they've been sending $500 a month back home for 7 - 10 years with no problems. And I'm somehow categorically more risky than that.... what the... ?
  10. That was my thoughts exactly. I'm equating systematically labeling someone as a risk without any explanation or further discourse/conversation with the customer is actually a form of discrimination, in a way. Maybe I'm just being butthurt about it? I just think it's wrong.
  11. My thoughts exactly! I'm going to keep doing what I can. I'll wait for the newspaper to get back to me hopefully I can get a story going. This is wrong on so many levels =( thanks for your support Stephen, it's a legal issue. You have a contract with them, and if there's a clause which says they can stop giving you access to services - because of whatever - they prolly have the right, like they say. The answer is in your contract with them. Imo not in reddit or personal principles or broader moral values and what not. So you've got two options: legal help ( you have your rights as well, so there might be some clause which could force them to give you their services), or the services of another company. To what extent have they communicated they'd stop giving you their services? Was there a warning of some kind? You're probably right. That said it wouldn't hurt to get some public support to put some pressure on them. I've done absolutely nothing other than send money through their service. There was no warning. This is what happened: I went at the end of the month (october) to send money as usual. They accepted my money and gave me a MTCN (money transfer confirmation number). I made my parents drive an hour to the nearest town to pick it up. On their side, they were told they weren't allowed to pick it up. I called western union, and they said that they were now refusing service to me and I was unable to send or accept money any where in the world. To add to it, they didn't remit the funds to my card. They made me drive 45 minutes to the nearest money mart and pick it up. They wouldn't remit the money to my bank card either, they forced me accept cash so now I had to go to the bank to deposit it. There was no warning, there was no communication, and there still hasn't been. They've simply said you can no longer use Western Union anywhere in the world with no explanation. As far as I can see there's absolutely no way I could have breached any contract. I simply go to the store, fill out the paper with all my information and send money. =/ I know someone that works for the MP and we're talking later on about consumer advocacy and what avenues I can take.
  12. Sometimes I wonder if people are pronouncing stepheng as StephENG, like hey meng, hey stepheng... ENG.. =/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ifeelspace


      my name is actually pronounced if eels pace

    3. Hugh Mughnus
    4. may be rude

      may be rude

      u should have used a space if u didnt want to be steephang

  13. My thoughts exactly! I'm going to keep doing what I can. I'll wait for the newspaper to get back to me hopefully I can get a story going. This is wrong on so many levels =( thanks for your support
  14. thanks =) I've talked to them on the phone several times and all they say is they can refuse service to anyone and that they don't have access to why I'm not allowed to use it. So I ask to be transferred to the security department and everyone in that department says "well, we don't have access to why either but you have to fill out this questionnaire". so I provide medical receipts including my dads receipt for a prosthetic leg that I recently paid for, I include mine and my wife's proof of income to show I can afford it. No response for 2 months. So I contacted the better business bureau and put through a concern. Another month and a half and their response to my BBB complaint is the same shit they told me in October. We refuse you service. Sorry for any inconvenience. WHAT THE SHIT Interesting? Looking into it now. Consumer advocates of some sort?
  15. Not sure if being patronizing or serious. If it's the latter, thanks because I have no knowledge of social media and didn't realize stuff worked like that. I don't know what to say. Is it feasible to get something like this noticed? I think it's a relevant story. I imagine I'm being branded a security risk or something because I'm sending money monthly and it's about $900 a month, does that flag me somehow? How many people that legitimately need this service are being flagged and turned down? I'm so mad about it but I feel powerless.
  16. Canada wide newspaper. I'm pissed off! They haven't given me a reason or even the chance to respond. It's scary because I travel a lot. What if I'm travelling abroad and have a money emergency and need to receive money? western union being so international I could easily find myself in a situation where they were my only way out. Wish I had the brains to make this viral to force them to respond.
  17. So, there has been an ongoing thing between myself and moneymart. Long story short, my dad is very very sick and I send money to him monthly. They denied one of my money transfers in October and since then they refuse to let me use their services. They have given me ZERO explanation as to why, and only said I am not allowed to use their services anywhere in the world to send OR receive money. So I opened a BBB complaint. It's already the end of january and I finally get a response. It's the SAME FUCKING GENERIC RESPONSE THEY TOLD ME OVER THE PHONE IN OCTOBER! Re: Western Union Dear Stephen G, Western Union continually monitors the use of its systems to understand its customers’ usage. We apologize for any disruption in your ability to conduct money transfers and any inconvenience this may have caused. Western Union’s Financial Service, Inc.’s (“Western Union”) Money Transfer Service Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) provide that Western Union has the right to refuse service to anyone. We have reviewed the information you provided and have made a business decision to refuse and refund this transaction and any transactions you may attempt to send or receive in the future. This means Western Union will not accept any funds transmittal payments from you and will not pay out any funds transmittal payments to you (such transmittals will either be refused altogether, returned to the initiating party, or otherwise handled in accordance with applicable law). Sincerely, Compliance Department I get it, theres other money services out there. But at this point it's a matter of principle and I'm pissed off. My dad needs medicine, food, supplies... he is on a fixed income and unfit to work. And they've used some internal algorithm or some bullshit to figure out I'm a terrorist or something that shouldn't be allowed to send money? wtf bullshit is that? Anyways I've responded and contacted sun media.
  18. ooo! DJ it wasn't for you my little sweetheart
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