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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Don't worry -- I think WATMM still accepts you even though you partially caused all them stupid comments. At least you clarified that you too believe that how densely layered a track is is just "subjective" and "hard to define". But wait... you've turned full circle? Before you were saying that it's simply fact that confield was more dense and intricate. I was saying it was subjective the whole time? Or are you saying something else here =/ lol
  2. hehehehe =) Summary of evidence for a spherical earth[edit] These are given in an order which approximates how they were observed historically: When at sea it is possible to see high mountains or elevated lights in the distance before lower lying ground and the masts of boats before the hull. It is also possible to see further by climbing higher in the ship, or, when on land, on high cliffs. The sun is lower in the sky as you travel away from the tropics. For example, when traveling northward, stars such as Polaris, the north star, are higher in the sky, whereas other bright stars such as Canopus, visible in Egypt, disappear from the sky. The length of daylight varies more between summer and winter the farther you are from the equator. The earth throws a circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse. The times reported for lunar eclipses (which are seen simultaneously) are many hours later in the east (e.g. India) than in the west (e.g. Europe). Local times are confirmed later by travel using chronometers and telegraphic communication. When you travel far south, to Ethiopia or India, the sun throws a shadow south at certain times of the year. Even farther (e.g. Argentina) and the shadow is always in the south. It is possible to circumnavigate the world; that is, to travel around the world and return to where you started. Travelers who circumnavigate the earth observe the gain or loss of a day relative to those who did not. See also International Date Line. An artificial satellite can circle the earth continuously and even be geostationary. The earth appears as a disc on photographs taken from space, regardless of the vantage point.
  3. You didn't say it explicitly, it's just the impression I was getting. Am I incorrect in that assumption? (I blame the interwebz)
  4. I don't have the technical knowledge to discuss music critically. How are you gauging complexity though? that is what I don't understand. Because one person may hear certain rhythmic components in a song where another person doesn't. Most listeners dismiss most of what I listen to as "noise" and don't hear music at all. I've often listened to music and dismissed it as simple only to come back years later and "get it", so to speak. Also it seems you are using "density" and "intricateness" as the ultimate measure for which listening experience is better. Quite frankly, listen-ability, replayability, and overall sound design should come into play as well. Shit. Sometimes I prefer to listen to Astroblaster rather than Ziggomatic v17 (both afx, I know). Sometimes one is a better listening experience.
  5. I didn't really throw it out, lol. I'm saying some people who have ears that work fine hear Exai as more complex and then you hear Confield with your ears that work fine as more complex. So there's that! Agree to disagree or whatever the kids say these days. Yolo. Or... brah. ... autechre pls
  6. whoops nevermind you're right. I threw it in my complexometer here and Confield wins.
  7. Nope. Not only does it sound a lot busier, but it's just more funky, groovin' and melodic than Confield. A lot of the time, the sound of a new frontier isn't as exciting as its later incarnations. Or some shit. Well you're just factually wrong. Confield is way more dense and intricate on average than Exai. Even superficially complicated tracks like Fleure are way easier to unravel than, say, Lentic or Pen Expers. Draft beats them both by a mile. I don't even like Confield. Listened to it once and threw it in the garbage. I guess different people like different things. What an epiphany. Sure, but your musical taste doesn't change the fact that Confield is more dense and intricate on average than Exai. What is your measurement of density and level of intricacy? Do you have some sort of equation or are you basing this on your own hearing? If the latter, than it's a matter of subjectivity and yes, that changes with the person.
  8. Nope. Not only does it sound a lot busier, but it's just more funky, groovin' and melodic than Confield. A lot of the time, the sound of a new frontier isn't as exciting as its later incarnations. Or some shit. Well you're just factually wrong. Confield is way more dense and intricate on average than Exai. Even superficially complicated tracks like Fleure are way easier to unravel than, say, Lentic or Pen Expers. Draft beats them both by a mile. I don't even like Confield. Listened to it once and threw it in the garbage. I guess different people like different things. What an epiphany.
  9. This confuses the hell out of me.Not the fun part. Maybe Exai is more fun than confield. But as far as novel upon release... There is no way! I really like Exai, but it is hardly reinventing the sound of electronic music, or pushing new grounds. It's great in what it presents, but it's really just a well executed example of current techniques and musical directions. Confield definitely turned everything on its head and went into some uncharted territory, especially for the time of release There are definitely some songs off Exai that are "pushing new grounds".... Fleure and VekoS come to mind immediately. I'd love to hear some other songs that use the same techniques and musical direction. Provide examples please!
  10. Holy crap! I emailed the distributor right as I posted that FWP and they've already emailed back apologizing profusely and adding a 70$ voucher to my account. THAT is extreme customer service! Brilliant!
  11. ugh. I got my pre-workout supplement in the mail yesterday and it's as hard as a hockey puck. I can't use the scoop or anything. Going to try and exchange it. =(
  12. I've heard iPods are popular mp3 players... lol
  13. and but tasty sometimes wait no I never lol is it normal to be able to tell what they had for dinner the night before?
  14. I found "11 is" to be an extremely beautiful, if not eerie, track... It's haunting. I get goosebumps every time.
  15. It's ok. You can forgive me for caring that my coffee machine is fucking weird (apparently 156.5 ml is a "cup") and I can forgive you for not understanding what I was saying. Conversation complete. We can be internet pals now. =)
  16. ... what why?! Sorry to hear that man that's not cool =(
  17. Ah I see! Yeah a warm tripel isn't my favorite! It's like drinking bread. A little too heavy in my stomach. Now I want beer =(
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