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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!! So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus.... So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =( For what do you need all that money and all those residences? Also, how are you functioning at such a high level while also being an alcoholic? I'm like sincerely curious. Damn, hope you find something quick or maybe a place that'll let you crash til you do lock something down. Thanks m8 trying to get things sorted. Fingers crossed. That's what I am. A high functioning alcoholic. =( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-functioning_alcoholic sad panda
  2. that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!! So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus.... So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =(
  3. I might have a good job offer on the table that pays about 30k more than I make now and is a manufacturing manager role for a large consumer packaged goods company. But I'd have to a really small town to take the position. All that's out there is cornfields. =(
  4. I know most of you know... that my dad has been in and out of emergency treatment for his diabetes. I think he might lose his foot tonight. And, he's very low on iron. My dad isn't going to make it guys..... And it's really fucking me up..... He's my only role model. I have nowhere else to turn.. I'm crying and I'm a fucking man. I don't know what else to do.......
  5. If I post what I just ate I would get a warning point =(
  6. Managed to score 1/50 "Wiggy - Zombic Hunch" Cassettes (it's the Gasman). Wow! What a great album! fuck!
  7. You keep getting promoted, tips as watmms first ceo. lol!
  8. I might have a massive job interview tomorrow and I'm nervous.
  9. that's actually kind of eloquent in a way... Reminds me of a line out of a Will Self book =/
  10. Hell yeah man congrats! Glad you got the scholarships. My GPA isn't 4.0 or anything (it's 3.77) but I imagine that might qualify me for something?! Yes man by all means I'll do anything I can to endorse you, just let me know how I can help and I'm there! I really appreciated the help. I'm in a calculus course right now and struggling a little bit lol. You were a huge help in my last math course, PM me whenever you need my endorsement. =)
  11. It turns out that I'm actually eligible for scholarships too for my high grades and volunteer work. Also there's a scholarship for working full time and being in school full time (weird hey?). FW problem though: registration for scholarships is over =(. You've inspired me to apply next year =) What qualified you for scholarships btw?
  12. Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something." And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister). *sigh* Does anyone have normal parents? ( last emo post for awhile, I promise ) At least your parents won't be dead by December. You're right. This sorta stuff has just been on my mind because my mother makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit of a human being and so I've just been kinda struggling with that a bit. Sorry man I didn't mean to post that dickish post. I've been out of it lately. I definitely don't agree with people pushing their religion or spirituality on others! Do what you do and don't let it bother you man. You definitely aren't a POS (from what I can tell) and if anything, no offence, but your mother is doing the wrong thing and if you've told her how she's making you feel and she continues then wtf? Parents shouldn't be like that. =(
  13. Pretty much in agreement. Skyliner is probably BoC's most powerful track, and Heard From Telegraph Lines, which precedes it, serves as a good "appetizer". And Kaini, is it possible you could change your signature to something other than that piece-of-shit quote I made a few months back? I'm embarrassed Let's have intercourse! Or at least, breakfast together. :) lol
  14. Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something." And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister). *sigh* Does anyone have normal parents? ( last emo post for awhile, I promise ) At least your parents won't be dead by December.
  15. Dave, I'm surprised to hear you say that. I must admit, however, that your post here is one of the most powerful and relevant posts I've read. Essentially, people need to get over their attitude that all their music is exclusive!!! Hey Dave, please pm me with some jazz recordings. I saw a band live last year that will blow your testicles out! I'd love to share their music. That being said, Mr. Oscilik.. Still love you brother! =)
  16. Thanks guys and gals. =) I think I will make a point of writing him a letter or getting up the courage to say what I need to. This saddens me. I thought for sure they would. =(
  17. I feel your pain. I'm going to sleep on it and consider everything all of you have said. I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond. I don't have anyone in my life to talk about this with so as sad as it is WATMM has actually been my best friend through this, so far. I'll sleep on it and try and figure out how to ease my own and my father's pain..................
  18. Hey thank you... I really appreciate your help and I might take you up on that (hope you don't mind). Have an awesome night. =)
  19. I don't mean to come across as a dick, but I wonder if maybe some brutal honesty is in order. Maybe instead of tiptoeing around your dad and trying not to upset him isn't necessarily the best way to go about things. If there's a chronic communication problem with your family, then maybe you need to batter that down. It's ok to be rationally angry. I think it's alright for you to say to your dad "Hey, I was terribly unhappy for pretty much all of my life, and some of that's down to you. I was the child, you were the adult. But I'm willing to put that aside because even though you haven't admitted it to anyone yet, you're sick, dying in fact, and I'd rather not spend the rest of my life wishing I'd felt able to talk to you about this." I dunno, people's concept of reality, life, whatever changes when they know they're not going to get to be part of that reality any more. Maybe issues that could previously be glossed over are suddenly apparent. Chances are he's pretty angry too, plus more aware of your feelings than he's letting on but doesn't know how to approach the subject because he's never had to. And in terms trying to play family peace-maker I do have experience. You'll exhaust yourself and may never feel satisfied. If you stay strong and don't drink during this unfathomably horrendous time, that'll be a truly great achievement, not to mention something to show your family. Sorry, I didn't intend on this being such an essay, but I felt it was worth saying. Don't apologize. This is an approach I'm considering for sure. But I've just downed 30oz of liquor because that's the only way I know how to deal with anything. I'm sad. Goodnight WATMM. Thanks for your help and support. I'm a fucking random stranger, often a WATMM POS and still you've supported me. Thank you......Good night. Sorry for being such a fucking downer and not having a regular FWP like gum stuck to my shoe or something.... I don't mean to come across as a dick, but I wonder if maybe some brutal honesty is in order. Maybe instead of tiptoeing around your dad and trying not to upset him isn't necessarily the best way to go about things. If there's a chronic communication problem with your family, then maybe you need to batter that down. It's ok to be rationally angry. I think it's alright for you to say to your dad "Hey, I was terribly unhappy for pretty much all of my life, and some of that's down to you. I was the child, you were the adult. But I'm willing to put that aside because even though you haven't admitted it to anyone yet, you're sick, dying in fact, and I'd rather not spend the rest of my life wishing I'd felt able to talk to you about this." I dunno, people's concept of reality, life, whatever changes when they know they're not going to get to be part of that reality any more. Maybe issues that could previously be glossed over are suddenly apparent. Chances are he's pretty angry too, plus more aware of your feelings than he's letting on but doesn't know how to approach the subject because he's never had to. And in terms trying to play family peace-maker I do have experience. You'll exhaust yourself and may never feel satisfied. If you stay strong and don't drink during this unfathomably horrendous time, that'll be a truly great achievement, not to mention something to show your family. Sorry, I didn't intend on this being such an essay, but I felt it was worth saying. i agree (without going into my similar father issues) *** Life. =(
  20. Good points for sure... last thing I want to do is vent my feelings if they're going to make him unhappy in his final months.....
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