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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I'm like that for about a week if I don't drink alcohol. Part of withdrawal innit'?? I don't really drink often enough to have withdrawl, I'm guessing that although today wasn't particularly stressful it's more buildup of stress and pent-up aggression, I've been a little stressed lately. I'm glad you don't get withdrawal. It's a hell of a time... Sometimes you just need to have an angry day and get it all out of your system. Hopefully your weekend is great! =)
  2. I'm like that for about a week if I don't drink alcohol. Part of withdrawal innit'??
  3. So my girlfriend took him to the vet, no UTI. I'm happy he's not sick but at the same time that sucks because that means this is behavioural and we might have a lot more cat piss on our stuff before he calms down.. =( Edit: the vet said she didn't feel any stones or anything but I just found a pool of piss full of blood bigger than the palm of my hand. Now I'm really worried.
  4. But then you'll also have to deal with this: FWP: it's raining. It stinks and I don't have a second keyfob... all the car settings are stored in the fob IE seat settings, stereo, etc. I washed it but it smells still. =( She can have my cat for now it's peeing on everything lately. Madamechaos we've sent our kitty in the post please be nice to him
  5. My cat pissed on my corvette keys this morning. I don't want to rinse them and ruin the fob.. =/
  6. I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre. What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ... obviously it's "the information". or is it "the inflammation"....
  7. Seems like a good way to spend your time Charles. On a forum dedicated specifically to the type of music you're calling shit. You must have a great life, I'm envious.
  8. yeah you could be right, maybe I should get him checked out. It's still annoying as hell. =(
  9. My cat pissed in my lunchbox.... He pissed in my weight room the other day too, on my subwoofer. But the lunchbox... he would have had to open the flap, piss in it, and then close the flap (it was closed when I woke up). I used it yesterday so it's definitely new piss. But wtf. =(
  10. even though we haven't heard the tracks, we should send The Mates a thank you present personally I was thinking about sending the Married With Children dvd boxset I was thinking of preordering that boxed set off bleep. Hopefully the bros receive it by 2023.
  11. get a job. stop steallingggggggggg musiccccccccccccccc

  12. Honestly I don't understand the hate for oversteps/MOT. They're both fucking incredible and, IMO, represent huge leaps forward for Autechre. Quaristice has it's moments, but overall in terms of sound design etc Oversteps and MOT are incredible and I definitely understand the transition into Exai. Unfortunately I have to disagree with those of you saying that Oversteps is their best. Exai basically rapes all previous releases with a razor blade condom and habanero pepper puree for lube. Exai is it guys. Oversteps is beautiful. But Exai is Autechre....?
  13. Elaborate? My initial response is..... yes. Cry for help.
  14. Did you know that cottage cheese and Bacardi 151 shouldn't be consumed together?
  15. I know! But it's enough money that even after renting an apartment out there I'd come out way ahead. And it's a tier 1 company (PepsiCo) and they want to fast track me into a sr position so it's kind of difficult to say no. I'm 24 so I don't think this level of opportunity will come around again... But taber... really? Well, to be fully honest they haven't put the full offer on the table yet. Fingers crossed.... Corn. =(
  16. I do have an addictive personality, you're right. But I've found that I don't use weed or cigarettes habitually for some reason. I can smoke weed once on the weekend and then not again for weeks or months. Honestly, I need to stay away from all substances you're right. But it might help to have something to fall back on as a tool to help with the alcohol, I'm not sure... =/
  17. small cans, 355ml. Eh, any of the mental issues (if any arise) can be reversed by discontinuing use. Physically is has positive effects on the brain. Much better than liver failure, and diabeetus. agreed. =)
  18. That's what I'm thinking! I'd love to retire early. REAL early. 45-50 years old early! lol I'm working on kicking the habit before then though. I've been working on it the last few weeks anyways. Things have been going good in that regard, last week I only had maybe 30 beers (I was on vacation). Would rather have a toke than get wasted lol.
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