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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. omg charles watkins banned! who will be the next mega troll?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      rest in burning eternal non-watmm, Charles twatkins

    3. MadameChaos


      OMG Charles Watkins, in a panini

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I would definitely spit that out.

  2. shit sorry to hear that... was your appendix causing you trouble? get better soon... edit: stupid question. of course it was causing you trouble... I've heard appendicitis is pretty painful =(
  3. were you hung over? I hate when I wake up hungover and next thing I know I didn't do anything all day and it's already time for bed and work the next day. Unproductive, boring... waste of time =(
  4. thinking of going to put a down payment on one of these bad boys next Saturday but not sure if I want to be broke for a year. But it's just too sexy. I can't resist. =( edit: i'd probably be getting it in blue
  5. nice big glass of coffer. some calculus. a giant workout planned. maybe a beer and steak. thats my day!

  6. At least in Canada (I forget where you live, sorry..?) things stay on your credit report for 3 years even if there is no activity on the file. So an loan even if paid off still affects your credit in that it is calculated towards the total risk of your financial profile. Weird that it's giving you grief though!
  7. That sounds bad.. Is it possible there was some fraudulent activity under your SIN or SSN or local equivalent? =(
  8. strange it's still not working for me. preview shows my link as just that, a link. I've tried 3 diff youtube vids. I'll follow up with the mods or try a diff browser! =)
  9. Thanks buddy =) edit... doesn't work? It just posts the link, even with the "link" function in my toolbar =/
  10. how do you post youtube vids? =( It always just pops up as a link. Never used to do that?
  11. damn! partying hard lately. It's alright sometimes but I definitely hate the day after. Sorry to hear you're feeling shitty =(
  12. have you considered a hair straightener/flat iron? I use one to smooth out myPubes into a long flowing, majestic mane. I can lend you mine it works like a charm
  13. I'm sorry I have to ask... 1 or 2? No jk but who took the picture? You seem to have your hands full. Lol
  14. That's not what I meant! lol I figured something like this! lol jk jk you're very handsome
  15. That's awesome man keep it up! I really do feel a lot healthier and overall happier when I get enough exercise. All those endorphins I guess! cheers
  16. When I was younger I had to write with a pen or pencil. Imagine that!! pen-cil? =/
  17. Have you considered wearing a fedora and blasting some venetian snares or something to scare her off? wait. Is she cute?
  18. Do you sit in the same spot every day, or are you changing your spot and she changes her spot to pick the one across from you? If you sit in the same spot every day, try sitting in her spot or the spot right next to her spot and see where she sits lol.
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