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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. You'll do great man! If you're up for an interview you're likely qualified for the job so go at it with confidence and a value proposition for them and you're set! =) Mind if I ask what the position is? I HATE this feeling. I had my managerial accounting final exam last Thursday and I knew there were some units and formulae etc I simply didn't understand. So I was dreading it, thinking about whether or not those parts I didn't understand would end up as the long answer questions! Which were worth 70% of the exam =(.
  2. Tomorrow's harvest has sold over 60,000 copies now according to this website. http://www.mediatraffic.de/albums.htm I admit that website doesn't look too official. But I'm sure Tomorrow's Harvest will sell just slightly over 100k for the first release/pressing etc etc.
  3. I'm sure someone has mentioned that Palace Posy is an anagram of apocalypse?
  4. oh man sorry to hear that... I'm glad you're alive though. Bike accidents tend to be pretty bad. =( I have a fwp... I bought my first sports car.... and it's awesome! But it doesn't have an auxillary plugin so I can't plug in my ipod.. I have to use mp3 discs until I can buy a new head unit that has the aux cable.
  5. No doubt just a coincidence but did any of you guys venture to the Waterstones in Picadilly Circus last week to pick up a copy? A very determined looking man leaned passed me to quickly pick up a copy but was gone before I could congratulate them on their purchase! Not me! I did buy a copy though and it's great, thanks for the recommendation.
  6. MEAN! But yeah that's what I said too! If it had low river levels it would be called Low River. lol I'm glad you got out in time. I'm going to pick up my brother communities across the street from him are being evacuated. I have a buddy that I'm worried about. I hope he or she is ok... my thoughts are with everyone involved and even though i have a dumbass sense of humour i hope all is well. it seems that lives have been saved through awareness, but that says nothing for the damage that the flooding will cost in the end. talking with a few friends and, again, it's surreal. it rained here yesterday but the creek nearby didn't rise 154 meters. and godspeed to you and your brother StephenG! Do a backflip when you get home. Thanks! Thankfully it seems all of my family and most of my friend are un affected by the damage. The river is receding now slowly. Time to start the catastrophe cleanup! =)
  7. MEAN! But yeah that's what I said too! If it had low river levels it would be called Low River. lol I'm glad you got out in time. I'm going to pick up my brother communities across the street from him are being evacuated. I have a buddy that I'm worried about. I hope he or she is ok...
  8. MEAN! But yeah that's what I said too! If it had low river levels it would be called Low River. lol I'm glad you got out in time. I'm going to pick up my brother communities across the street from him are being evacuated.
  9. AUtechre... AUtism. Coincidence? I think not.
  10. Yeah it's REALLY scary... I'm alright but a lot of my friends are displaced... They've called in the military to help. The Trans Canada highway about 2hrs from here is washed out/destroyed. All the major trade routes from the west coast are destroyed by mud slides and closed. And this happened pretty much overnight (it seems)... It's been raining on and off for about a month but the last couple days it's been pouring
  11. My province is a disaster zone right now.... a bunch of towns are completely flooded, houses are washing away, and over 25 communities and 100000 people are displaced in my city. Downtown is flooded..... it's brutal! http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/06/20/pictures-and-videos-of-massive-flooding-in-canmore-and-southern-alberta/
  12. I figure it's significantly higher than 10,000 just off the pre-order alone. I wouldn't be surprised if the pre-order was 50,000 copies.
  13. lol me too. I had a good laugh when I first read it haha. I've given the album some repeat listens and I'm finding this a very powerful album... Where MHTRTC had a distinctly nostalgic feel, and I found Geogaddi distinctly creepy, Tomorrow's Harvest has a distinctly melancholy feel to me. Most people suggest a post apocalyptic theme for this album and I'm not getting that. Rather, it feels like the album plays out like the life cycle of something.. Some of the bigger moments: Reach for the Dead sounds like death itself.... the rising intensity leading into the skittery beats that ultimately fizzles out very quickly and fades out sounds like it could be a "death event"... Cold Earth makes me feel like I'm a corpse in a grave, in the cold dead earth. Skip forward to Nothing is Real, it sounds like confronting god or some sort of higher being and the voices are giving you a chance to go back or start over. Then New Seeds hits and it's like re-birth or something...? I bet this is sounding like nonsense but that's how I'm hearing it. edit: some of the vocals in Nothing is Real says "Promising Eternal Life"... ?
  14. I would love to see what you have in mind for the covers?
  15. fwp... I might buy a corvette tonight. But it costs money. =( edit: I did buy it and it cost money. =)
  16. I like your reviews. I will say a lot of the "filler" tracks, at least for me, have really added a ton to this over the course of repeated listens. ferox in particular is one of my favorites. there is so much play with voices again, which I love and is something I really missed on campfire. Thanks! I think it's funny you say that RE the filler tracks. I thought the exact same thing. My first reaction was exactly what I said, that they seemed like filler. But at the same time in the back of my head I knew those parts would need repeat listens. Agreed on the voices. I was very happy to hear them back. I really liked the voices on Telepath and Nothing is Real. Last night I had some smokeables and I could suddenly hear exactly what the lyrics were on Nothing is Real. Of course, now when I listen to it I can't understand it again.. =/ Does anyone know what it's saying?
  17. Alright! Yesterday was our first listening session to the album, with the usual array of tryptamines involved... I've got to say I'm definitely impressed. I think this represents a step forward in their writing capabilities. There were definitely some strong points in the album for me, specifically Cold Earth and Nothing is Real. I really felt that some of the ambient or drone pieces, like Uritual and Transmisiones Ferox were filler. I don't feel they added anything to the flow or concept of the album. At least on MHTRTC the short pieces like Bocuma or Roygbiv were exceptional songs on their own. Granted, I might need another listen or two for those short pieces to click. That being said, I found the album extremely (obviously intentionally) depressing and melancholy. Difficult to digest. I listen to music usually as an escape from the bullshit that's going on in reality, so it's hard to be reminded of the potentially bleak future we're facing in the medium of entertainment.... cheers
  18. Lol! I like that feeling when they over freeze everything and you can't feel one side of your face. Last week they used so much on me that the right side of my face was droopy and it looked like I had a stroke =(. I was also drooling everywhere. And I bit the front of my lip REALLY hard. Glad you had good students but that's a little nerve racking!
  19. wait... you got paid AND got your teeth cleaned? I have to pay $400 to get mine cleaned =(
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