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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I appreciate it man! And you're right... If I continue this cycle of self destruction things will only get worse. You're right drinking isn't the best way to deal with it. I definitely don't. In addition to all this, him and my older brother (he's 27) haven't talked in 12 years. They had a fight over something my step mom did. So at the same time I'm trying to bring them back together before he passes so that my brother isn't totally fucked up for life and at the same time I think it's part of my dad's depression. Aghhh! Thank you WATMM for being my therapist tonight... Sorry for the ranting.
  2. Sorry to hear that man. I guess my only advice would be to savour the time you have with him. I was in a similar situation last October, though my dad pulled through in the end. I'm happy to hear your dad is ok. =) His ailing health over the years has contributed to my depression and drinking habits... Right now he's living at a distance, he's in the US. He's miserable where he's living but I think in his mind if he dies far away it will have less impact on me and my brother.... Thanks man... that's tough. sympathies. my family is like this as well and I'm sure when the time comes I'll be in the same boat. I know exactly how you feel when you talk about the booze being an outlet and I know how difficult it must be to say no to it in light of this, but... you must. there's no other way. try to replace it with something more "productive", as lame as that sounds. It doesn't sound lame, but it's really hard. I really don't know what to do here. We aren't a family that expresses our feelings or anything. I've been considering writing a letter to him since we don't really know how to talk to each other. I want to tell him how all this makes me feel and the influence he's had on my life, etc. I'm not sure if that will aggravate him or bring him to peace. I don't know! I imagine some watmmers have lost one or more parents.... I have an interesting background. Between my years 1-15, my parents didn't pay any attention to me. They always poured their love and attention into my older brother. I developed a complex and acted out in school, etc. Presumably, my young brain though that was getting their attention lol. As my years progressed and I matured, I started to overachieve in school and in life in general. I work far too much. 100% owned my first home at 20 years old, etc. I guess in my fucked up brain I thought I was impressing my parents since I never seemed to be able to do this as a kid. But this hasn't done anything. I guess in the end I still feel like I've let my parents down even though I'm working so hard. I'm having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that maybe my Dad is disappointed in me and he will die disappointed in me. Or maybe he's proud of me but doesn't know how to say it. I don't know. My dad won't even admit he's sick to me (though everyone knows). I think he's worried how I'll take it. Fuck why does life have to be so complex? I'm really confused and I don't know what the future will yield and I don't know how to handle this. Sorry for rambling but that was cathartic to type out my feelings... /rant If he hasn't told you it means he doesn't want you to feel pain over it. You should make some attempt at communication in whatever form is comfortable to you. A letter may lead to a conversation, and at least you can have said you did your best in the end. The clock is ticking. Don't waste time. That's what I'm thinking too.... Thanks man. I think a letter will be the best way...
  3. Thanks man... that's tough. sympathies. my family is like this as well and I'm sure when the time comes I'll be in the same boat. I know exactly how you feel when you talk about the booze being an outlet and I know how difficult it must be to say no to it in light of this, but... you must. there's no other way. try to replace it with something more "productive", as lame as that sounds. It doesn't sound lame, but it's really hard. I really don't know what to do here. We aren't a family that expresses our feelings or anything. I've been considering writing a letter to him since we don't really know how to talk to each other. I want to tell him how all this makes me feel and the influence he's had on my life, etc. I'm not sure if that will aggravate him or bring him to peace. I don't know! I imagine some watmmers have lost one or more parents.... I have an interesting background. Between my years 1-15, my parents didn't pay any attention to me. They always poured their love and attention into my older brother. I developed a complex and acted out in school, etc. Presumably, my young brain though that was getting their attention lol. As my years progressed and I matured, I started to overachieve in school and in life in general. I work far too much. 100% owned my first home at 20 years old, etc. I guess in my fucked up brain I thought I was impressing my parents since I never seemed to be able to do this as a kid. But this hasn't done anything. I guess in the end I still feel like I've let my parents down even though I'm working so hard. I'm having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that maybe my Dad is disappointed in me and he will die disappointed in me. Or maybe he's proud of me but doesn't know how to say it. I don't know. My dad won't even admit he's sick to me (though everyone knows). I think he's worried how I'll take it. Fuck why does life have to be so complex? I'm really confused and I don't know what the future will yield and I don't know how to handle this. Sorry for rambling but that was cathartic to type out my feelings... /rant
  4. I heard yesterday that my dad won't live past December and I don't know how to deal with shit like this except with alcohol. I don't know how to express my feelings, as we aren't a family that does that. I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know what to do for him. I don't know anything I guess.
  5. Does it taste like vaginas? Please try and report back including what age and ethnicity the soap represents. That is disgusting. Please hurry back with your findings. If possible please also include your theory on the handsoap vagina's most recent dietary intake. Important.
  6. Does it taste like vaginas? Please try and report back including what age and ethnicity the soap represents.
  7. i love bad bitches that's my fucking problems bad bitchezes
  8. I'm trying to envision a cunt with a tongue to lick stuff now. Wouldn't said cunt be busy licking itself for pleasure? I'm... I don't..... well... interesting visual anyways.
  9. this is from something

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      How did you know ff?! Are YOU from something?! =O

    3. MadameChaos


      shhh don't tell anyone.... i'm from somewhere

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Holy crap? I'm from somewhere too. Do you know Bill?

  10. OMFG. It doesn't work! Is it seriously just fucking me or what? lol ahhh well.
  11. pearl necklaces? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_necklace_(sexuality)
  12. It's not showing anything formatted differently compared to my previous paragraph.. That's why it's so damn frustrating. I tried throwing in a section break to restart the formatting as though it was a new document and that didn't work either.
  13. I'm doing my homework in a word document and using a lot of bullet points. Initially when making a bullet from the far left of the page it would create it around 2 inches from the left of the page. Now, even though I haven't changed anything it's creating the bullets in the middle of the page and I can't shift+tab it to the far left. All I did is hit enter to move to the next line and all the sudden it wants to create my bullets 5-6 inches across the page. I've checked and nothing has changed for the way the margins are set up, nor have I changed the tab stop... Any ideas guys? Its fuckin' ANNOYING!
  14. But.. OAG has nice teeth and very clearly has DSL
  15. Feeling good! A lot of positive energy! =)

  16. Hey guys I really appreciate the support, it goes a long way. I'm going to try and keep at this and win this thing! I know I can. Seriously all of your positivity goes a long way.
  17. PROUD OF YOU! <3 Thanks! =) I'm trying really hard this time. I need to do this for my health and for people that rely on me being healthy and happy. I know I can do it! hell yeah man. one of the first things you will notice if youve been a constant heavy drinker is all the weight you will lose. No word of a lie, I went from 230lbs to 222.5lbs already since sunday... Absolutely insane how much weight you lose! Almost a first world success in its own! The withdrawal is very scary though. The week has been chock full of seizures, one so bad that my vision went blurry for 10-15 minutes... Lots of Ativan... BUT! I'm happy and motivated to do this! I'm going to take it one week at a time! =) But for this week I can say... SUCCESS!
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