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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. lol. Steps to check if you have a splinter in your finger: Look at your finger If there is a splinter in it, you have a splinter in your finger profit
  2. I cant embed youtube vids wtf..
  3. flol you're pretty talented with photoshop or whatever you used to make that btw.
  4. What's your favorite version of Aquarius?!

    1. Friendly Foil

      Friendly Foil

      The one on MHTRTC.

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I prefer the one from the 7".... I find the voice pans around more and the funkier bass makes it a little more psychedelic.. But I like the punch of the bass in the MHTRTC version...

    3. NorthernFusion


      7" version, by a country mile.

  5. My cat always looks pissed off too. I think it's because most cats actually drink out of the toilet when we're not looking. They like running water, not water that sits in a bowl. So the look is kind of like: "dude wtf are you shitting in my water for right meow?"
  6. Ordered Steinvord EP off a random seller on discogs from the UK 6 days ago and got my record today. PREORDERED my Bibio in April off Bleep and still, no Bibio? Fuck bleep. Last time I ordered from there it was aphex twin t-shirts and I didn't even receive them!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Friendly Foil

      Friendly Foil

      I can totally understand the Bleep part. I'm not sure I get the vinyl thing though..

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Well it sounds pretty stupid but I have really bad ADD and have a tendency to skip through songs or jump from album to album when listening to music. By putting on a vinyl especially for first listens of an album, I tend to listen to the whole album straight through. I find the sound quality quite good as well and enjoy the option of switching out cartridges to emphasize different characteristics. Some cartridges play warmer or softer etc than others. It's fun. :)

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      expensive. but fun.

  7. yes that makes sense. meanwhile over on bleep world... in_progress ah ffs Probably means I'll receive my vinyl in November.
  8. where kanakori go? =(

    1. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze

      banned to the shores of hell

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I was confusing kanakori with kakapo. I didn't like kanakori. Glad he's banished!

  9. I was transferring cooked rice from one container to another and I got some rice on the floor. Also our soy sauce is in a huge container (Costco) and it's impossible to poor so I need to find a smaller bottle to put it in so that it's pourable. I don't want soy sauce soup.
  10. I don't have any new Jonas the Plug Expert albums =( (jk man, but I was pounding Masker 1+2 over the weekend)
  11. dude I think junkies shitting on rainy public streets is pretty fucked up and dark lol. But I don't like burial.
  12. fucking lol smetty OHHHHHH! That's where smettingham rutherford went. He's SR4
  13. Location: Hell. Country: Canada. so... you're from Winnipeg then? lol
  14. I've been searching so hard for an accounting job.... And I just found out now that the work I've done in finance/accounting in University counts towards my professional designation (chartered general accountant, where I live). Technically I'm a level 2 CGA, I just have to do the paperwork. Having that on my resume I'll have a job in no time. So I guess my fwp is that I didn't know this before. =/
  15. Come on down to calgary I have a place you can crash at! Alaska is cold. =(
  16. I think he's just confusing you with Obel, who WAS recently made a mod...
  17. Hung over!

    1. ambermonk


      Electrolytes help, supposedly. And greasy food.

    2. Uniret


      pung over!

  18. I am sure they got compensated for it and maybe it was themselves who gave the green light, ever consider that? And perhaps give the tracks a listen before going off the handle. The tracks weren't that horrible, but you know WATMM. No I understand where you're coming from. I did only listen to it twice though.... But left hand side drive had a lot of very sentimental feelings for me, only comparable to happy cycling for me. It was strange and unwelcome for me to hear it changed. Cheers though man, to each their own =)
  19. Fuck. Left side drive is absolutely one of my favorite boards of Canada tracks and solange butchered it? That really pisses me off and I've lost a lot of respect for whoever gave the green light to license that out.
  20. Those are my thoughts exactly. It's all about intent....
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