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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. True lol we kinda need our lungs in case we catch this bug huh? ?
  2. @diatoms I hear that, 100%. That’s my PMO is to not function. I’m scary when I function lol stay safe and well
  3. Yeah man, thanks for asking... it was... well.. it's kind of embarrassing... but... I went to the garage, I was thinking I'd have a cigarette. And I didn't turn the light on at all, but on a whim I decided to flash the light from my fitbit…. and I almost lit the filter end of my smoke =/ (sorry lol just trying to bring a bit of levity to the current situation, this virus stuff has me down. <3)
  4. Holy shit guys and gals that was close. Yikes, I almost... I don’t even want to say it but thank god I lived
  5. Rlly? It says released March 22 2020. This was out a year ago? I missed it somehow ?
  6. Ah... Prob more likely the coronavirus? lol
  7. I often drink that tbh, or spiced rum and root beer (as long as it’s not one of those overly sweet low abv spiced rums)
  9. It’s really good zeph, it’s basically slightly less sweet, much creamier than reg cream soda. After I tried the a and w brand equivalent I could never go back to the reg pink crap I don’t drink soda often either its so bad for you. But that vanilla shiz is my weakness.
  10. An album would be welcome while we’re all hunkered down but financially maybe that wouldn’t make sense for them to release it given people’s munny circumstances. Not even them so much, warp would probably sit on it...
  11. Yes! The little things in combat make a huge difference. I find the bigger battles really exciting so far. I’m playing on nightmare. Gets my heart rate going lol. edit: I lied - just double checked, I've got it on Ultra Violence
  12. @ambergonk I could be wrong but I think Doom64 is supposed to lead into Doom Eternal, which is why they gave it to us with it. IE 64 is somewhere between the 2016 Doom and Eternal. edit: apparently it’s just a new level in 64 that bridges the gap or something. I dunno! Sam Hayden is around tho, I can feel it ? so far I’m enjoying it I prefer the fast pace and extra difficulty compared to 2016. And the visuals, it’s a purdy game for sure.
  13. What didn’t you like about it? I thought it was decent. Not my fav but it was better than 13.
  14. so far so good - running everything on ultra nightmare except have the resolution at 2560x1440, fps flits around from 100-160. Only issue I'm having actually is with the audio cutting in and out occasionally.... =/
  15. Thanks man - I have pretty bad anxiety so I think what you're referring to, a bit of information overload on the subject, reading about it literally everywhere, might be getting to me. I'm going to try and disconnect from the topic a bit other than checking on close family and friends and some of y'all in here. Take the weekend off from mainstream news and facebook. Good advice, I appreciate it. Stay safe and well...
  16. I’m not one to panic but I’m starting to worry about some of my underlying healthy issues. Irony that it takes something like this for it to sink in but... being a bit overweight, hypertensive, asthma... I think I’m at a high risk here. ?
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