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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. It happens to me yeah! I would say most of the time rather than it being an exception. Not sure if the browser is caching something or what (shouldn't be as my settings are to delete everything upon exit....?).
  2. yes it does this to me @Tim_J - it does that to me too. The above post ("yes it does this to me") ^^^ I typed up 3hrs ago when you initially responded. I closed my browser because I didn't think it was worth responding at the time... just came back now and it's still there/not discarded including quoting you. Is that what you mean?
  3. If it’s as acceptable as the last two albums I’ll buy it. they were p good
  4. for posterity: Just want to be clear - I understand how scary this situation is for us all, me and my wifey have been locked up and respecting all of the social distancing "recommendations" since they came out. I'm not trying to make light of the situation or downplay the severity and especially not offend anyone directly affected by this. I think almost everyone is indirectly affected by Covid-19 at this point - we've all mostly had to change our daily routines, as introverted as us watmmers are. tl;dr hope no one was offended by this exchange over the last couple of pages - not trying to minimize something so serious or equate it to an avatar change. But this really brought me out of a p deep funk as I haven't had a real laugh in days. thx @Goiter Sanchez I've been pretty ah.. anxious and messed up over this situation, really appreciate it.
  5. I look like a mortal kombat character lol The levity/laughs was much needed, thx guys
  6. I think you may have been searching a different type of sausages zeph and targeted advertising just made a leap in logic.
  7. That's terrible Marf I'm sorry, I hope your father stays well...
  8. I don’t know how to shop one on mine ?
  9. Aside from grumpy wife, all good news - glad it hasn't gotten worse. Get well soon! Side note I'm prob going to keep bothering anyone that suspects they might have caught this by asking for updates etc. Sorry in advance. ?
  10. uhm… same actually? A few friends of mine (still married, still happily) suddenly did this late last year. I kinda want to ask them why but not really lol...
  11. @danshoebridge how are you doing man? How is your wife?
  12. It’s wrong. 20 self lashings. kidding of course I haven’t played rage 2 yet! But if you enjoyed it more than DE I’m putting it on my play list ?
  13. I haven’t been paying attention. This is a new rdj account or? nice trax either way
  14. sorry for long response. Just felt I should say this in case it somehow helps one of you too... I struggled with shin splints for years, probably pretty close to 10 years, once I started taking up hiking? I probably even complain about it in this thread a few times. I went to physiotherapy every year, did a set of exercises supposed to help with shin splints at home, all that. And I'm pretty active, tons of hiking and regular exercise at home. Nothing worked 100%. The physio helped but within a few months the issue always returned. Until... Maybe I'll sound like a quack here but I don't care, it worked for me like f'en magic so it might be worth a try for you. It was recommended that I just try a TENS machine, once a night until the issue goes away - 10 mins on each shin at pretty much the highest setting the thing can go (lookup pad placement online), and repeat. So that's 20 mins per shin. I kid you not, within 2 weeks of doing this my issue was completely gone. I could jog on asphalt, 16+ km hikes no longer gave me issues. I couldn't believe the thousands of dollars I spent on dry needling and other physio just to have a $40 TENS machine from Wal-Mart fix my problem. I was extra surprised because I thought (still do for most circumstances) TENS machines are not rehabilitative they simply help ease pain like using a cream or advil. But I'm not exaggerating - 2 weeks and my issue was gone. I'm a little sore after the first hike of the year (we have a ritual 20km hike as the first of the season each year) but I hit it with the TENS machine the next day and I'm good for the rest of the season, jogging/hiking etc. tl;dr try a TENS machine
  15. I think I must have dreamt about it! I distinctly remember reading something along the lines of "4 or 6 confirmed cases now, goodbye watmm" etc. =/ Good news it is only one case so far and there were protocols to handle him. How much longer are you quarantined for, I feel like it's been a week or two but my sense of time is way off lately...
  16. The Rob Schneider of Schematic Records Did he actually repost a screenshot of yours? I missed this bit
  17. @Tim_J sorry, I don't recall if I dreamt this or if you reported it. Are there confirmed positive cases on your ship?
  18. Yeah he sure loves to steal things from here and take credit for them. bleep store easter eggs etc Sure he's a nice lad but just give credit where it's due. A+Student Syndrome maybe. ?
  19. Hugh Mughnus

    Rob pls

    Posting in the rob pls thread pls
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