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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Dude... sounds brutal, try and keep your head up.
  2. @Stock you're on the frontline then... stay safe and thank you for your service... I hope you and your colleagues stay well, I know it's insanely busy for you all and probably quite scary.
  3. how about getting a real doll? My wife says "no" =(
  4. Not sure why most people are taking that post so seriously. He’s not ?
  5. pro-tip - have someone else touch it wait.. social distancing. fack
  6. wasn't sure where else to put this but I got a chuckle outta this. =P
  7. lol for real... Honestly though we've never watched shows like that and we don't watch dramas/docu-dramas etc so it's funny. They're trying to cash in on the fear.
  8. Lol Netflix is suddenly recommending a bunch of disease related shows/movies to us... Contagion, Pandemic... Afflicted and so on. We aren't watching any of them, just thought the targeted advertising was funny.
  9. Is it worth just pretending to be an Avicii fan while you’re locked up? ? Lol
  10. K I’ll start hoarding toilet paper then
  11. To be honest I don't expect politicians to understand virology etc, it sounds like they are under the advisement of scientists that know their shit and are changing their course. That's good right?
  12. I don't think I can =( I tried. Let me try again. No, it won't go back. That was weird.
  13. Yeah that was f'ed, I quoted those guys and everything looked normal when I was typing but when I posted it, it was all... spliced with their posts =/
  14. Disney - Feb 25 Hulu (subsid of Disney) - Feb 3 Tinder etc - Jan 28 MedMen - Feb 1 L Brands - Feb 20 Salesforce - Feb 25 Harley Davidson - Feb 28 IBM - Feb 30 and so on I'm not implying any of that tinfoil hat stuff is true, other than a ton of CEOs did step down.
  15. Yes I googled most of them and they all stepped down in jan/feb, some effective immediately some within a month or two.
  16. At least a couple of the companies are directly linked to each other so prob restructuring or renewed corporate strategy etc.
  17. Most of those CEOs or maybe all of them did recently step down. Any ideas why? Don’t want to manage companies thru a pandemic?
  18. Yeah not really self isolation then really. Unless you get a hot plate and shit bucket for the room lol Not sure what you can even do in that situation tbh, hope your roomies aren’t going to pubs and parties etc. If you all social distance as best you can?
  19. Oops - it was a typo sorry (I’m on my phone). I fixt it now, good catch :). I meant closing borders to all that are not citizens or permanent residents. International didn’t belong in that sentence! also I’m reading now that the US is exempt from the ban which makes no bloody sense, the US is a hotbed right now.
  20. Same here - all schools K-12 in Alberta are closed. Universities (I think most of them) are transitioning to an all online format temporarily.
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