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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I think Vortrack was a good single though, it might be my second fav off the album actually. It's... different... Reminds me of go plastic era stuff. And it slaps quite nicely. The whole album is good loud but Vortrack in particular pounds.
  2. I went straight to google images too ? Some of those tools they use. My god
  3. Like his last two albums I think it’s setup to be played in either its original order or in reverse... it flows well either way.
  4. I’m used to anything other than upper class being called white trash though... like, I had a $1000 mongoose and even a $300 board and remember being called white trash just because I was wearing a hoodie or whatever ?. Maybe it’s my own very isolated experience and not representative of Alberta? That’s just how I member things ? Camping is another white stereotype here
  5. Hmm... Ok, I don't have much/any experience with macOS... But from what I'm reading, yeah, you're screwed if you have Catalina 10.15. 32 bit won't run. Do you have much experience with Parallels? I think you can install multiple OS. Or you can partition a drive using APFS, install Mojave, and dual boot...? =( I think there's definitely a couple workarounds that can make it possible. Sorry I'm not more help, that sucks to lose a bunch of your library.
  6. huh? That seems really odd... What about your new computer won't play 32 bit games? With a 64 bit OS you should be able to play all 32 bit games, just not 16 bit.. What OS are you using? Shitty buzz man ?
  7. Those sound nothing alike to me, not even remotely similar.
  8. Just listened through again for probably about the 22nd time. Good album is good. lol
  9. This might just be the new kiosk/keyosc fme If there’s a sonic reference on the next autechre release I’ll shit a brick seanic and rob-otnik shops now pls
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