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syd syside

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Everything posted by syd syside

  1. but Alien is excellent horror. So while Ridley may be past his prime, he is certainly better than Joel. I mean c'mon guys. Please.
  2. Fine... but he is a better filmmaker than Joel Schumacher and regardless of his consistency he has Directed some of the most visually iconic films of the past 30 years. Hannibal is a prequel to a really great movie. He probably just did it for the money and didn't give a crap.
  3. yes, Blade Runner and ALien at least in my book are total flukes. The guy has an absolutely terrible track record. I see him as the functional equivalent of Joel Schumacher he's a good visual director... or at least better than fucking schitmacher
  4. Awesome to hear Deer. I need to start biking again, been neglecting it lately because of the colder temps. When I was eating healthy AND exercising last summer I was in my most energetic zone in some time and felt awesome. Getting outside and pushing yourself to accomplish something everyday is important as it compounds the energy and grows. The reverse is also true, so the longer I procrastinate the more annoying and tedious it is to get into it later.
  5. Yeah that JP track is really underrated. John Williams is the man and Nixon/JFK are both excellent.
  6. Yeah I think best guess is, Richard AND Tom is involved, the name practically confirms this.
  7. same also recks on is completely mental now, i don't get how they made it
  8. Thank god lol, was distracting me sometimes when listening. Couldn't comprehend how
  9. That and someone mentioned they collab over skype now? Seems utterly absurd.
  10. holy crap was listening to bladelores in the car and at the point at the end with the ambience my window wipers were syned at the precise tempo with a small drizzle of moisture causing a kind of squelch sound that mirrored the prior beats. It was insane This album is gold. I love it. Tuinorizn is a grower also, absolutely flows into Bladelores perfectly. So dense
  11. North Korea Claims Nuclear Missiles 'On Standby' http://abcnews.go.com/International/north-korea-claims-nuclear-missiles-standby-cancels-nonaggression/story?id=18684653
  12. http://www.iol.co.za/news/world/china-calls-for-calm-after-n-korea-threats-1.1483200#.UTm3MFHDTlY
  13. lol aren't stuck there somehow* I'm not that petty of a boc fan.
  14. Watch the live NK stream: Wow there some pretty BOC cinematography in this. I hope they are stuck there somehow.
  15. Rally in Pyongyang yesterday, the banner reads "just give us the order". https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/309859768758042624/photo/1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21709917
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