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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. edit: just got through all of 28 organ. wow. that was incredible. such a journey the track takes you on.. it was just getting crazy at the end too, i feel like it could be its own 30 min opus lol
  2. not sure if anyone already mentioned this, but how bout dat T17 Phase out +3 yall? such fun ear candy. dont remember if rich has ever used the phasey ear tricks before, but this is well done. and yeah just listening to 28 organ now, beautiful.
  3. About this, you are certainly not wrong everyone who hasn't heard this yet should grab some good headphones, close their eyes and give this a listen immediately myfuckinggod this track is so good. thanks for bringing this to attention. literally conjuring up saw 85-92 feels but totally fresh. goddamn. what i would do for a whole new album like this
  4. anyone checked the tracks/vids in this "links" section?? https://aphextwin.warp.net/my-links
  5. umm have you guys seen this vimeo video on the druqks page??
  6. ^ yeah i keep trying to like blue cheese but every time its just not working for me. those gourmet burgers with like blue cheese, peppercorn, arugula, haystack onions etc etc, they sound sooo good, but i always regret the blue cheese on it lol as for pineapple on pizza, i think the part thats a turn off is tomato sauce and pineapple in the same mouthful. just totally clashes imo. cheese or crust and pineapple, all good.
  7. yeah fried chicken sandwiches can be risky cuz of the dry issue. a lot of places use mayo to make up for that and i hate mayo, so if its not moist enough or flavorful, ill sometimes get honey mustard, buttermilk ranch, buffalo sauce, etc.
  8. bcm, you had me at buttermilk. drinking a greens n ginger smoothie from jamba juice right now cuz i need to detox from eating straight junk for the last few weeks lol .. imagining that ultimate chicken burger is in my mouth right now
  9. Tell me about it! I was actually working on a track last year that incorporated a lot of techniques I'd picked up in a few places and it was sounding pretty pro, but I sort of felt it began to lose the 'me' element in the process. Most of the work I've done over the years has been reasonably lo-fi, either intentionally or simply through lack of experience / knowledge, and I've generally found moving away from that doesn't suit me, much as I'd love to produce stuff that's as stunningly intricate as most of my favourite day-job artists. And yeah, there's a difference between lo-fi and simply badly done (hence the many gigs of unreleased material on my HD!). I think when it comes to it, I'm relatively cloth-eared when it comes to the more technical end - particularly in regards to mixing - but I love collecting sounds and textures, so focusing more on incorporating grit and hiss into my track suits me better than making sure all the separate drum tracks are all at the right frequency to make the tightest mix. Your DH stuff has always seemed immaculately produced to me! Man, I really appreciate the words. Definitely sounds like you are growing and evolving with your sound re: moving away from stuff that doesn't suit you. It's all about simplifying and minimizing i think. It's hard to focus when there are so many options and ideas, but i think it pays off for sure. I have so much focusing I need to work on and so many other "ideas and things" i need to not be concerned with and just get the work done and get projects out.
  10. Anytime man, and yeah i hear you. Some of that hi tech production / mixing esp on modern dnb tracks released on proper labels are mind boggling. So much heaviness and smack, yet so light crisp and airy and a perfect balance with sweet liquidy mids too. It's kind of amazing how all of that character can be implemented in such a fast furious groove. I've been producing deep / soulful house stuff in my other project and still working out my approach with that sheen type of production / mixing, but it's never quite as dialed in as I want it to be, feel like it just barely gets by on the cusp in terms of professional quality haha. definitely a journey. Lo fi is just as much of art too, and it's not at all easy. A lot of people fake it and you can tell when it's well-produced and mixed lo fi vs mediocre, I think you definitely have it down in your work. To be honest, a lot of my Donovan work has been more of a bedroom approach to production and mixing, mostly because I've felt that the attitude and personality benefits from a more improvisational and spare of the moment approach. I've taken it to a sort of extreme in terms of not wanting to slave over mixes or sonic elements, unlike my solo work and certain collaborations that Ive taken more "seriously" within different genres and for other purposes like licensing, etc. But ironically there are still Donovan tracks which took close to no time to make that still sound more authentic and characterful and smoother than any of that "serious" work I do lol. So now I'm kind of working on finding a common ground between a more loose and raw mix and being heavily produced. Of course, it's always about the music first, but production and mixing is so important. I'm working toward trying to bring more sonic tlc and time into the DH stuff, as it's evolving in some different ways and i think its time for me to step it up. i don't want to lose the fun and sillyness, but I think you can still retain that and make it more professional sounding.
  11. Oh dude, not sad at all, however it was implemented, that track is killer as is the the full release. I've actually DLed the album (which i rarely do) and have been playing it daily since, while i work and fall asleep. it's very soothing and mystical for some reason. very nice work!
  12. Oh cheers! :) That was originally lined up to be an International Debris album but then ID moved on to more synthy stuff so I went with that name (I also lost the album for about 18 months). whoa no way, this is your project? cheers! and very cool for sure.. really digging the whole package man, it's excellent stuff. Gives me exotic Jarre and ambient techno vibes. Just curious is this all sample based or any original production? It's largely sample-based, although most of the synth pads on top of the main loops are from my MicroKorg XL, as well as the bits of vocoded vocals that appear occasionally. ParkCity Exit Closed is about 95% original, the only sample in that is the slowed down Biffy Clyro loop during the first third. Glad you dig it :D Thanks! That's a really old one, recorded in 2012 or 2013 I think. I occasionally throw in a bit of noisy stuff into my music like that (the other one I did for Swamp Circle, Feminine Module, is probably my noisiest). I have a ton of other projects in countless styles that I've done over the years (not all of them serious) - most are collected here. Very cool man, btw, did you program and mix that dnb drum groove on Skyship Launch Facility? That's some top notch dnb right there man, damn.
  13. yeah i hear you.. like in n out is always reliably hot and fresh and has a clean pure character in the burger and fries, but to me the taste is just okay. the flavor is kinda bland and mediocre. nothing to go crazy over, ill sometimes get a rare in n out craving though. i agree its overrated.
  14. Oh cheers! :) That was originally lined up to be an International Debris album but then ID moved on to more synthy stuff so I went with that name (I also lost the album for about 18 months). https://swampcircle.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-day-of-the-year-in-september this one's pretty awesome too.. over the top dark rainy drone in alleywalls of mystery. exagerrated and cartoonish but still mysterious with a sense of heavy noir and a dash of atmospheric black metal sensibility. i love the cover art too.
  15. Oh cheers! :) That was originally lined up to be an International Debris album but then ID moved on to more synthy stuff so I went with that name (I also lost the album for about 18 months). whoa no way, this is your project? cheers! and very cool for sure.. really digging the whole package man, it's excellent stuff. Gives me exotic Jarre and ambient techno vibes. Just curious is this all sample based or any original production?
  16. ^ Nice QB! Sounding tasty and digging the art as well... just discovered this release and really digging it https://swampcircle.bandcamp.com/album/park-city-by-day
  17. yeah it is ^ ive been having mad burger cravings lately, but i keep settling with non-burger places on my lunch breaks cuz theyr'e closer. need to get myself something epic like some of the ones in this thread.
  18. The first world problem I've lately been dealing with is reading about other people's first world problems on their FB feed and feeling almost so angry and bitter that they all just freely spew this trite non-sense complaining about the most non-issues and "problems" while so many other people around the world deal with real shit and choose not to bicker to gain sympathy. Exceptions of course are stuff like passed loved ones, depressing diagnosis, kickstarters for loved ones in trouble etc, depression, etc, but fuck you facebook posters if you're gonna try and get sympathy for your broken iphone or because youre having little relationship stuff or b/c the weather sucks or because something in the news outrages you. put a disclaimer before the post that its a first world problem or something.
  19. Exactly. What a great time to be alive / an aphex twin fanatic!
  20. fuckkin jealous, i wish i could hear new afx for the first time again. what an experience! haha for real.. i actually kind of love the fact that I'm barely 25% through the Soundcloud dump.. gives this sense of feeling like there's endless afx surprises around the corner to explore lol
  21. im so behind, havent even fully listened to the houston / london releases
  22. favorite fast food burgers? ive been really digging jack in the boxes jumbo jack w cheddar lately. ya know when you feel like eating trashy.
  23. love that were having fun lol just explained vaporwave to a dance producer/dj who did lots of huge club/pop remixes in the 90s (incl madonna / mj) and to this day, on a phone call we had. wondering if he'll get/dig it. always a crap shoot lol... its always hard to explain in a soundbite, but sounds like he was interested. tempted to ask if he wants to experiment on a soulful house/nu disco/vaporwave fusion project.
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