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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. fat greasy slobs? you must be projecting some sensitivity there because i was singular in my worship of your biscuits & gravy & you mistook humour for petulance if merkin heffers wanna keel over from that, thats their business, i didnt mention fat or slobs once chap & only in this post to impart the essentials never said you were all pieces of shit either, christ this is like conversing with my neighbour who has Alzheimers i stand by every point on the previous page vast sections of your society worship money, the entire US system is built on the notion of financial "attainment" whats the olde cultural model, feudalism, civilization & decadence? well the good ol' US skipped the civilization aspect & went directly to decadence from feudalism great, yer not a part of that, but systemically thats what remains unchecked, i saw it up close and v personal & it left me baffled as to how a nation with so much disposable income couldnt get a viable healthcare plan into action til O'bama & even then if you get cancer it can effectively bankrupt whole families US foreign policy since WWII is a record of shame, pick a continent & chances are the US military-industrial complex leveled it, then sent contractors in to be paid to rebuild, or failing that install a less than benevolent dictator is the UK clear of blame? not at all, like i said virtually everywhere a redcoat bootprint was left, everything went to shit, but your and the pebbles yourself & others brought to the table were mainly just "lol" etc, just look at Eugene's av to clarify his mindset, kinda tragic for what must be someone over 25 at least (and thats a conservative estimate) over to the herd.... ill throw lol's any day over pebbles. not looking to list off ills of the uk at the moment, i think theyre quite easy to find on a google search. your problem is here seems to lie with world superpowers and the corruption and greed of humanity. yes, america is the superpower of superpowers (though russia and china seem to be getting close to taking the torch there), but so is is the EU. Ill give it to you that your country and EU nations may *currently* - important word currently - have better conditions (re: healthcare, guns, etc) than any of the other super-powers. but the rest of your "list" (which is mostly half baked) is a poor foundation of your claim to "we're better than merka". poor because why? not because one can't even compare apples to apples like that, but because it's juvenile and pointless to do the whole "my country is better than yours". but this is light years off topic now.. my initial problem was yours and godel's kneejerk bashing of america as a country/people just moments after a massacre in our country. it's not like we dropped bombs on some country and then you posted fuck america, no you took the opportunity to kick someone when theyre down. so how do you think im gonna respond to that as someone who lives here? do you think i don't already realize how maddening gun culture is here?? are you that solipsistic to think that just because you live outside of america, you can see it "for what it truly is while we can't?", and even more absurd - that oh because you lived here for a bit that it all of the sudden makes you a cultural specialist on the states and the mindset of this nation? this is the problem with people generalizing -- whether it's nationality, race, gender, religion, orientation, etc etc -- and before you say but but world super power, okay, superpower number 3, check yourself before you get all conflict theory on superpower number 1 / 2. until we can recognize the problem of corruption and greed is one of humanity and knows no national boundaries or borders, we will be bickering and playing chess, wagging our own tales, and never getting quite at the issue.
  2. Yeah but when you talk to other forum members and reference america as ignorant fat greasy slobs, you put us in the same pool as trump supporters, alt right, and the worst of america. Forums like this are living proof (if you refuse to find other ways to demonstrate to yourself) that not all "merkans" are pieces of shit. In fact 95% of people i know here (and i even live in arizona) are compassionate, cultured, hard working people with a mostly liberal view of the world (ok maybe 90%). So you come off as a buffoon when you vomit nonsense like this. Critize our goverment, leaders, history, policies etc.. But you don't get to go off about how stupid / ignorant our entire way of life or attitude is from your glass house over there without expecting some pebbles chucked back at you. And dont bring up exceptionalism or obsession with money / greed bit unless youre prepared to tell me how giving, ego-less, and pure the ruling elite is in your neck of the woods.
  3. now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off. ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it. maaaaan, grow the fuck up, you have no fuckin idea what a douche move it is to try n take emotional ownership over some cunt on a shooting spree yeah i bet the *insert x number of facefuck acquaintances you have are in the middle of all this i've lived in the states & personally if i'd stayed i'd DEFINITELY have procured a weapon, because Merka is uber violent.....fuck off yourself with yer douchey "only emo 13yr olds hate on fat yanks".....that says a lot more about you than it does about someone putting things in a global context US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal A wall would do fuck-all at keeping aircraft inside. Just sayin'. Like Lane Visitor said, no need to be a snarky prick. I'm aware of the shit that's going on in Syria, CAR, and Myanmar. But that doesn't make the topic at hand any less tragic. You never know if someone on here happens to be among the bereaved. see above mass murder like this is clearly the result of an imbalanced mind, but pick any number of location across the world, and we're all humans right, there's slaughter on an entirely larger scale occurring day in day out, but how often do you see it discussed here or anywhere else that curtains off your world from the nightmares elsewhere? if you think i'm pissing on the freshly deceased, fuck off as well, its about context, not yank baiting, you length some people here dont half like to get their precioussss on Chill out man, why are you so angry? Ill admit i was having a shit day at work and a bit disturbed about the events that had unfolded.. I just found it in poor taste to essentially yell abt how much americans suck, what youre gonna tell me britian's shit doesn't stink? Lol who do you think we inherited all our oppression, greed and ignorance from? Thats all im trying to say, Come at american culture/citizens from sweden, haiti, mexico, fine. But fucking uk? Get outta here lol your brought the hysterics to the table and they were dismissed, get over it re-Britain - what language are you typing in? i tend to take a precious Euro-snob perspective over so many "lol"s.....its lazy English & thats coming from a region which has had 1500 yrs of mistrust of our duplicitous Anglo-Saxon neighbours Britain has an imperial legacy, no doubt, but its been however many hundreds of years since you declared independence and sank our fuckin tea...and fuckin with our tea is like fuckin with our emotions, sooooo i'd sort yer own house out before casting aspersions, besides, France your oldest ally was dismissed as a bunch of fags renaming French Fries "Freedom Fries" etc, so there's a shallowness that mindless patriotism bestows on nations who supported & delivered your indepence on some bs whim More than that, as the new Rome, America clearly appropriated "The British Empire" after WWII, fact. So, you live on the city on a hill built upon generations of sorrow sown by countless failed foreign policy interventions, wars & propping up foreign dictatorships, but you still sleep soundly at night. If yer not part of the solution etc Certain aspects of American culture are backwards to say the least, thats not Euro-snob bs, its a fact: guns <---insert countless case file here education & the waste of so much talent that isnt allowed to realize its potential...who knows if you had we might've cracked the cancer nut by now your nation's comical attitude to health-care your nation's prisons & the disproportionate internment of African Americans, year in year out your nation's insipid money worship, across vast sections of society & the entitlements of ingrained narcissism supported by low costs of living and high living standards good ol' "American Exceptionalism" the rate of veteran suicides and thats just the veneered surface Britain might be a lot of things, but it aint the manifest outlined above, not by a huge margin again, hysteria gets you nowhere in life, not now, not ever if you lived with ptsd, you'd have had a similar nauseating reaction that i did to the events in LV, but America isnt the world and every day far worse events happen globally which barely get a look in within your nation's focus. Even mentioning that got your knickers in a twist, so notions of context etc. How do i know what goes on in terms of the US collective perspective of the rest of the world? Cos i spent enough time in the US to see the place for what it is. Can you say the same about Britain? Case closed. honestly, it was like reading Limpy Loo Lite, you're a grown man so you'll manage just fine when you learn how to put events into a global perspective & appreciate gallows humour for what it is and conversely for what it is not and biscuits & gravy should be exported promptly, we could take that back as the interest on all our tea you dumped, or we'll sail up the Chesapeake & Potomac & burn your Whitehouse down again like we did in 1814 LOL I'm not even rah-rahing over here -- just was annoyed by your seeming to take the opportunity to whine about coverage of the lv massacre and jump on the whole anti-american bandwagon in the midst of others' loss, especially while it was still fresh... but apparently you're the offended one... Simmer down mate. Don't worry, I'll be sure not to say a word about your country or god forbid ever compare anything to the UK from here out as I now understand just how dear and important your maniacal British fetishism is lol
  4. Also who are you to judge how anyone grieves, feels, expresses, etc, esp at a time like this and then assume the ppl i was referring to were meaningless acquaintances. Even if they were and that affected me, i should still have the room to feel the way i do without being mocked or my authenticity being questioned. I think youre being the douchey one dude.
  5. now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off. ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it. maaaaan, grow the fuck up, you have no fuckin idea what a douche move it is to try n take emotional ownership over some cunt on a shooting spree yeah i bet the *insert x number of facefuck acquaintances you have are in the middle of all this i've lived in the states & personally if i'd stayed i'd DEFINITELY have procured a weapon, because Merka is uber violent.....fuck off yourself with yer douchey "only emo 13yr olds hate on fat yanks".....that says a lot more about you than it does about someone putting things in a global context US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal A wall would do fuck-all at keeping aircraft inside. Just sayin'. Like Lane Visitor said, no need to be a snarky prick. I'm aware of the shit that's going on in Syria, CAR, and Myanmar. But that doesn't make the topic at hand any less tragic. You never know if someone on here happens to be among the bereaved. see above mass murder like this is clearly the result of an imbalanced mind, but pick any number of location across the world, and we're all humans right, there's slaughter on an entirely larger scale occurring day in day out, but how often do you see it discussed here or anywhere else that curtains off your world from the nightmares elsewhere? if you think i'm pissing on the freshly deceased, fuck off as well, its about context, not yank baiting, you length some people here dont half like to get their precioussss on Chill out man, why are you so angry? Ill admit i was having a shit day at work and a bit disturbed about the events that had unfolded.. I just found it in poor taste to essentially yell abt how much americans suck, what youre gonna tell me britian's shit doesn't stink? Lol who do you think we inherited all our oppression, greed and ignorance from? Thats all im trying to say, Come at american culture/citizens from sweden, haiti, mexico, fine. But fucking uk? Get outta here lol
  6. now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off. ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it.
  7. What if I told you most major credit and debit cards are DIRECTLY connected to BANKS... ... What if I also told you that Sandra Bullock is an American female actress known for many movies over the last 30 years???
  8. ok this thread is getting too non-burger and text-oriented... someone needs to post a photo of a burger and FAST.
  9. Yes his Mixmag Live! from 1997 remains a personal classic for me. Nice man! I havent heard that one, will have to give a listen.. Discoveredhis Sacrebleu lp at a borders one day and never looked back. Love his In The House and Playboy Mansion series the most.
  10. Anyone here into Dimitri From Paris? Ive been into him and his mixes/edits since high school and was listening to his After The Playboy Mansion comp I dug up again tonight and fuck me, so good, still sounds timeless.
  11. not huge into eccojams style but digging this release this morning.. https://seikomart.bandcamp.com/album/corridors-in-time nice man, so much fun stuff to sift through in that little world. more a mixture of synthwave and techno, but i highly recommend this gem of an album: https://noproblematapes.bandcamp.com/album/advance
  12. I guess there was some huge business conference today and someone from DH Enterprises spoke with an update...
  13. I guess there was some huge business conference today and someone from DH Enterprises spoke with an update...
  14. brisket tacos on corn tortillas and chips and guacamole
  15. looks deece as fuck totally man, unforgettable. we ate them near the ocean breeze *tear*
  16. So my wife and I went to Carlsbad, CA to hit the beach and we discovered a local place nearby called Encinidas Alehouse that supposedly the best burger in the city. We got the Santana Burger (pepper jack cheese, avacado, grilled onions and alehouse sauce). It was surprisingly (as we're both hard to please in the burger department) 10/10. May not look like anything extraordinary from the photo, but I can say with confidence that it was hands down the best I've ever had, just behind Texaz Grill / Lonestar / Moab Burger Co. No microbrewery fads with overpowering brioche buns or fried eggs here. Just plain chuck goodness with a bun and toppings that serve the tantalizing perfectly seasoned 1/2 pound burger, not the other way around.
  17. It's funny i was actually expecting myself to really dig their other output, but as I was posting this while listening to other tracks of theirs, it dawned on me that the other album tracks are pretty decent, but actually nothing mindblowing or brilliant. I'll still say very good compared to a lot of the current stuff out but I think I'm actually more digging the band itself and the performance and delivery than the songs really. There's a punk rock energy here that's missing from modern day music that I think needs to be paid attention to. Rock music is boring today because the lack of elements like this. Also with so much electronic, dance and hip hop music monopolizing the cool factor, its a breath of fresh air to hear some gnarly fuzzed out guitar and wailing vocals, but with actual direction and groove rather than what could easily end up being either a meandering mess or samey sounding shoegaze (like so many run of the mill experimental / noise rock artists are churning out). Hahaha.. yeah i hear ya. I will say I prefer this kind of hipster vibe over the drab indie pop stuff that's been going around lately.
  18. Anyone heard this guys? Just discovered them today through a friend, and I gotta say it's one of the more interesting non-electronic artists I've discovered in the last like 5 years... Great post-punk energy with a lot of grit and emotion, while still focused and classy. Great balance between intention and raw energy. This track and video really grabbed me Other stuff seems a bit more low key but it's still cool stuff:
  19. Haha nice, that meal sounds right out of the 90s Robbin Williams movie Toys! Update: Just ate 3 metal pipes, a half a cup of dry wall and some bolts.
  20. Just had a lemon raspberry flavored calming drink mix stuff made of magnesium etc Had a super small dinner (healthy choice microwave bowl thing) way earlier and now im super hungry. Thinking of hitting up this hipster late night middle eastern place down near campus for some gyro. Would pair nicely with a corny direct-to-dvd natural disaster type movie.
  21. That's absolutely grotesque, and vile to praise something like that even if its not true. im not one of these "how dare you defame religious prophet's name" people, but that's some nasty islamophobia right there without a doubt.
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