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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Which one of the guys on RLM has that excessive high-pitched laughter? I haven't watched it enough to really get familiar with it. Regardless, maybe I should be watching more of that instead of political vids that elevate my stress levels.
  2. Freshly cooked white rice mixed with an egg and soy sauce. English breakfast tea as beverage.
  3. I started a new Fallout 3 playthrough a couple of days ago. One of the best things about it is not having settlements in distress being marked on your map.
  4. George Carlin was woke AF. Because this is exactly what's happening.
  5. I was never officially diagnosed, but it seemed like I had all the symptoms of dysthymia for years, and it got worse earlier this year up until mid-April. As stupid as it sounds, regular exercise helps a ton.
  6. Correct. Honestly I think it's mostly just lack of exercise. Also drinking too much... last week I had probably 2-3 beers every night. Ironically I haven't been drinking on weekends, it's just after work for me. I've felt legit depressed a couple times in the past. It felt exactly like that track from Exai "T ess xi". I fixed that in a few days by eating more turkey and avocado and exercising. This feels different, it's more just kind of bored/blah/malaise. But I'm sure the solution is similar. Also I haven't taken any time off this year so far and I think I need to just take a week off. I was hoping to wait until it cools down a bit in September/October because I don't really like the heat. Also I don't really have any friends in meatspace outside of work... probably because I'm a fucking flake and never want to go out. But I get along great with all the people I work with (well, as far as I know... maybe I'm The Asshole). Exercise does make a difference in your mood and boost the amount of energy you have throughout the day, especially if you do it in the morning. I hate to sound like one of those backwards-hat spandex-wearing fitness trainers, but you will feel better in the long run taking that route. Not gonna lie though, with my now-normal routine of waking up at 5:30 and hitting the gym for an hour on the way to work, there are some mornings when I'd rather sleep in. lol Probably the biggest challenge in that though is logistics, in terms of your daily commute. Because you may have go out of your way to find a reasonably-priced gym. You could simply go for a walk or a run around the neighborhood too, but then again there's the summer heat to contend with. Might just be best to take a walk in the evenings when it cools down.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN5Afgsi3EV9A2GbcA9XrtQ
  8. Strife was ahead of its time despite its old engine
  9. Don't get me wrong, I have no beef with the local PD in my town. They're stretched thin and have plenty on their plates, and I sure as hell can't knock them for trying to keep the peace. It's those "other" cops that need more training, and more discipline. Hopefully we'll see some reform in the coming post-Trump years that will mitigate their becoming a threat to the general public, especially towards the more marginalized demographic.
  10. Worse than that. The lot of them are effectively their own organized crime syndicate, under the ironic guise of enforcing the law. And on top of that we have these alt-right fascist bootlickers that support them without question. These truly are Fourth Reich/Orwellian times.
  11. plenty of time for everything to change 10 times. america is super batshit. media is up its own ass and doesn't really know how to deal w/this administration other than the typical partisan talking heads who bang it out night after night for better or worse. today there was a patriot prayer thing in downtown portland so as is normal for this sort of thing there is a counter protest and fights and violence and arrests. unless there's a for real smoking gun and a bunch of republicans get behind the mueller report and impeac trump or convince him to resign or whatever the fuck happens... well, his supporters are not going to let this go down quietly.. the argument that his lawyers are making is that trump can do whatever he wants and fire any special counsel and stop any investigation. he can commit crimes then shut down the investigation into those crimes. authoritarian much? all so he can cover up his money grubbing crimes. blah.. interesting... unless a big fart knocks them all dead... that'd be interesting to though i guess.. and farts are funny. If this country hasn't already gone full retard, it's right on track. And flatulence is always funny. Sometimes that's all you can in reaction to this fascist circus, is let rip a loud, wet one. But it wouldn't hurt to bring some spare undies in case of accidental liquid discharge.
  12. totally. though a lot of that stuff is making the front page on reddit it's slipping from normal news coverage.. oh, and there's the thousands of "hidden" dead in puerto rico. Apparently the death toll from the Maria aftermath is well over 4K now. The whole way the administration handled it was abysmal, needless to say. "Durhurhur let's play catch the toilet paper, you're welcome."
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5oam-vXq28
  14. You have to wonder though if all this stupid shit with Rosanne and other celebs is all a distraction for more sinister behind-the-scenes shit this administration is trying to pull. I'm not trying to don the foil hat. I'm just saying it seems to be a pattern.
  15. Not to apply the brakes to the hype train already, but I'm hearing rumors/speculation that FO76 is gonna be online multiplayer. If that means no single player, then count me out.
  16. Kanye said a piece about that back in 2009 That was around the same time Falcon Heene turned into a shiny weather balloon for a day Most IDM 2009
  17. I'd like to know when Scorn might get released. And Routine, for that matter. (Really hope Routine isn't dead. Lunar haven't posted any updates since March last year)
  18. Dope, as long as another settlement doesn't need our help. With E3 right around the corner, we shall find out soon.
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