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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Gotta love the irony. I thought the NFL was supposed to be as American as apple pie.
  2. Sounds like the AM radio equivalent of FOX, which my grandparents still watch just for the sake of background noise...lol Gotta love how those talking heads cry about Donnie being treated unfairly by mainstream media outlets. Never mind the fact that he's actively ripping apart immigrant families, encouraging police brutality, and attempting to sabotage our long-standing alliances, the economy, the environment...net neutrality...I could go on. And yeah, good to see you again Audio. It's been a minute.
  3. and they added charges of witness tampering. he's fucked. Let's just hope he doesn't get that presidential pardon...
  4. It's been two months now since I started doing morning workouts 5 to 6 days each week. But so far I've lost far less weight than I originally planned, even though I'm up to a full hour in each session now. Every couple of weeks I might shed a couple of pounds, but then there will be stagnation in between. So I'm not sure if muscle mass increase is a contributing factor, or if I need to be more mindful of diet. I just don't want all the effort to have been for naught.
  5. I live in a pretty diverse city. But the nearby towns up north are comprised of mostly hodunk white folk. That's why in the US you tend to see more of the former in coastal regions, while in the remaining inland you see the latter.
  6. Slicker than pigeon shit sliding down the windshield of a limo after impact on a hot day Smoother than a duophonic chord from a sine wave oscillator half an octave apart
  7. Guess we need UN Peacekeepers to intervene, because we have too many brainwashed zealots loyal to Donnie running the show now. And that Trump mural makes me wanna puke. Somebody should at least vandalize it by drawing pigtails and a dirty Sanchez on it.
  8. I've been playing the new Prey DLC Mooncrash the last couple of days. Incidentally it dropped on the first day of E3. Funny how it continually reminds you that player death does not necessarily mean setback in lunar base simulation runs. It's quite forgiving for a sci-fi horror game.
  9. So I'm hearing Net Neutrality is dead now. But then that's what we heard last December when the FCC voted to repeal it. But I thought the Senate voted to restore it last month. I'm confused as hell.
  10. Donnie has always wanted a military parade dedicated to himself. Just like the kind KJU gets.
  11. Just made some bomb-ass spam musubi, first time in probably three years
  12. If Sekiro is open-world, then I might just add it to my wishlist. Normally I'm into near-future/post-apocalypse/cyberpunk settings, but medieval Japan I've always found intriguing.
  13. Having Trump in the WH is like having a 3-year-old piloting a commercial airliner.
  15. Shut the fuck up Donnie You are out of your element
  16. I used to empathize with vegans just two years ago. But if some of them care that much more about their own agenda and self-perceived moral superiority, then their claim to the moral high ground is moot. Might as well be forest-dwelling cultists. Regardless, I came across a good eulogy of sorts this morning, which features a surprisingly balanced video take by the late Bourdain on the shift from Obama-era to Trump-era America: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-gastronomy/anthony-bourdain-and-the-power-of-telling-the-truth
  17. My dad and I regularly watched No Reservations back in 2010 when I'd come over and visit. Damn shame. I have to wonder what was really going through his mind in the past week, whilst xenophobia, nationalist zeal, and inward-looking attitudes have become increasingly pervasive throughout the world in the last couple of years.
  18. Donnie's forgetting that John C. Garand from Quebec made an important contribution to the war effort in WWII. Then again, he's probably never even heard of him.
  19. It's wedding season, and I'm responsible for preparing chairs, tables, and awnings at my work for these damn weddings. And it's typically either the brides or the mothers-in-law that do all the bitching ruling with an iron fist file complaints if we don't meet their expectations decision making. I can only do so much to pretend to care.
  20. Seems like he's actively attempting to sabotage our long-standing alliances. But on whose orders?
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