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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I heard that Valve get 30 percent of the cut on all Steam transactions. Hard for me to knock Steam itself though, as I've been using it since its debut in late 2001. I think May 2005 is when the service made its first third party developer game Rag Doll Kung Fu available. The good news is, and speaking of third party developers, I just stumbled upon a Project Borealis last night in the works. And it might just be the closest thing we ever get to HL3. I also get the impression that they are being cautious, so as not to repeat the train wreck that Hunt Down The Freeman turned out to be.
  2. Damn, was hoping that was Blade II, just for the Massive Attack/Mos Def collab on the soundtrack alone.
  3. Damn. Glad you're on the track to recovery tho. Hope you can get that $10/mo deal on the drug.
  4. In the original Star Wars: Dark Forces you can wreck the mouse bots, but gonks are non-existent. In the sequel, Jedi Knight, you can wreck gonks, but mouse bots are non-existent.
  5. Uncle Tom and Ginger SS. Of course they conveniently omit any mention of extrajudicial killings by police officers.
  6. At this rate we can only hope that this presidency is single term, even if we have to clench our sphincters at all the "genius" Cabinet appointments we get in the annual revolving door. Not sure if impeachment is the way to go, because we already know the successors wouldn't be any better. The Dems need to stop taking it in the ass from corporations if they want those votes.
  7. If he's the catalyst for America's collapse, then perhaps it's for the best.
  8. Listening to NTS 1 thru 4 in sequence now, but after this round I might check out the new Dr. Octo and Prefuse 73. I love Ae, but I still need the occasional break even from their music.
  9. Fun fact: one of us WATMMers originally uploaded that vid on YouTube (not me)
  10. I just beat the final level on the original Star Wars: Dark Forces on Hard...without using any cheats or Super Shield toggle
  11. Just wait til the full moon phase, then he'll be full-on lycanthropic
  12. Sorry for your loss Roo. I know how that goes.
  13. I am actually considering planks at this point. Fat loss in general is absolutely my number one goal, and so far I think I'm succeeding. Already spent half the day at home today in bed after taking cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) after those damn sit-ups the day prior. I guarantee I won't be doing those again. Sorry everyone if I'm going on a lot about fitness lately.
  14. Our last president was a Nobel peace prize recipient too, yet I also remember him being a proponent of the widespread use of Predator drones. But to even consider the current president as a recipient? That would be like granting sainthood to Mussolini.
  15. Turns out back-friendly exercises like doing cycling or scissor motion whilst lying down still works the abs without putting pressure on the back. So I think sit-ups are a thing of the past from now on.
  16. Damn, tough break there Spiral. Hope you'll still have a roof over your head after it's all said and done. FWP is I somehow tweaked my lower right back doing sit-ups as part of my warm-up exercise this morning. I ended up doing a full hour of workout at the gym anyway, but I might be walking like an old man for the rest of the day.
  17. Listening to gonk steady one from NTS 1 again, the track title is starting to make sense. Because that rhythmic low drone sweep actually resembles the sound the Gonk Droid from Star Wars makes, but with a slightly higher pitch.
  18. Isle of Dogs was pretty dope It's also a reminder how rusty my Japanese has gotten tho
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