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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Damn Amricams and their bastardized English basterd
  2. Some trax like l3 ctrl pulled me right in on the first listen, but four of seven is growing on me. My only complaint is that elongated ring-modulated water drop sound hits too frequently, like every second step. I like fLh too, it's like the percussion from NIN - Closer and the music from the original System Shock merged together (both from 1994). rude
  3. I have a feeling that searching for life beyond Earth won't be as high of a priority as preservation of our own species in the coming decades for when overpopulation and resource scarcity eventually become real issues. By then we will have to start moving people off planet. Mars is the most obvious choice of next planet for colonization, but we have to contend with lower temperatures, lack of oxygen, lack of magnetosphere to protect against solar and cosmic radiation, and lower gravity, which may damage our spines. I don't know if any kind of small-scale terraforming experiment has been tried IRL yet, but self-sustaining facilities for non-Earth environments that are equipped with amenities like solar panels and greenhouses are worth looking into. There's Venus too, which is almost as big as Earth and has almost as much gravity, and is our closest planetary neighbor. But obviously the only part we'd remotely have a chance of inhabiting is the upper atmosphere. So we could probably construct floating sky cities, but to hell with going outside. As for exoplanets like Kepler-452b, it would be a guaranteed one-way ticket. If we're going to send a space ship further than 1K light years, then our best chance would probably be to stow human inhabitants in cryo at the embryonic or even zygotic stage. So the active crew would have to be entirely autonomous robots with a level of AI beyond anything we have today, and could theoretically host artificial wombs for the early-stage human colonists once they arrive. But the trip itself would practically take an eon...meaning Earth may not even have any human life left by then. This probably all sounds far-fetched now, but then again so was electricity 200 years ago.
  4. Finally tried Goat Simulator, on Android. I don't know why I didn't get into this game earlier. It's like GTA but more benign. There should also be a cat simulator IMO that allows you to hunt small prey at night.
  5. Close-ups of Europa's surface would definitely be cool to see. I also heard that there's a plan to send an unmanned sub to Titan to swim around in the lakes of liquid methane and ethane there. Maybe there's microbial life there with the abundance of hydrocarbons, who knows
  6. Although I'm probably preaching to the choir, I'm sure it's coincidence.
  7. ambermonk


    It's the Ae nerd's secret weapon for when somebody's blasting B-grade trap thru their ghetto thumpers. Or if somebody's blaring shitty country music for that matter.
  8. I bought a bottled fruit & veggie smoothie that contains cucumber, kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce. But it smells like yard mulch after being run through a lawnmower. At least it tastes slightly better.
  9. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 confirmed?? I'm about ready to shout "a nuuu cheeki breeki i v damke" from a mountain top. Also just stumbled upon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCrYve2iavY And it's not even E3 yet.
  10. Yesterday morning she stepped onto the treadmill right next to mine, even though all the others were vacant. I then turned to her slightly and she said "good morning" and I reciprocated. She only walked on hers for about 5 minutes, and then said "enjoy your workout" as she proceeded to one of the elliptical machines. Then right after I completed my run, she said "have a great day" with a big smile as I passed. Since I'm crap at striking up conversation with strangers, I just quietly said "you too" with a brief wave. Maybe she'd been observing me for the past month without me realizing? I dunno.
  11. Looks like there's a girl at the gym who's interested in me. I still need to introduce myself and learn her name tho.
  12. She's still crazy. But if that's your thing, you know the risks.
  13. Already started a new one about two hours ago. It's just hard for me to ignore shit like this sometimes.
  14. And now more than 50 Palestinians dead because of how Netanyahu's goons handled the protests to the opening of the US embassy after Trump's decision to move it. The rhetoric that Hamas is to blame for the deaths is complete and utter bullshit. Their blood is completely on Netanyahu's hands, and by extension, Trump's. Fuck both of these far-right regimes. They need to be removed from the Earth.
  15. Back in my early days at work we had one of these that did the same damn thing. One of my coworkers proceeded towards it with a hammer one day when it started doing this and bludgeoned the shit out of it.
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