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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I'm just now finding out what the MGTOW movement is, and apparently I've been following it all along without realizing it, for better or for worse. What surprised me is the overwhelming consensus online in advocacy thereof. If control of the global human population is necessary, that's certainly one way to see to it.
  2. Sometimes cats will engage in a "sleep stare" - when their eyes are closed as if asleep but are still facing you with head upright. I've yet to determine if it's a sign of admiration, a form of feline meditation, or indifference.
  3. It's actually been five years since I played the original Metro. 2033 Redux is tempting, but I've already spent too much money lately on software. As for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., its jankiness is what gives it its charm, and will always have a special place in my heart.
  4. That guy who uploaded the McDrivin' vid, u m a m i...turns out he's got other dope animated vids on his channel unrelated to McDonald's. Dude's got talent.
  5. Is Redux much different from the original Metro 2033, aside from a slight graphical improvements? I have the original, but not Redux. Thinking about getting back into it in the near future. I decided to give Fortnite (the second most popular game on Twitch) a go last night. Had to purchase it for campaign mode, but it was 50 percent off, so I still got a pretty good deal. While still early access, it has potential.
  6. Looks like there's a growing trend of companies cutting ties with the NRA. It's a step in the right direction.
  7. If this is from 2018, does that mean he's still holding rallies??
  8. Shipping is one of the main reasons everything is more expensive up here.
  9. same here, can't even stand vertically too long at work or i fall asleep i wish i could sleep standing.. or any other way.. back pain sucks. i probably need a new mattress. Had the same problem yesterday and the day before, but it the ache was on the lower right. Because my twin mattress is only one-sided, I just spun it 180 and it seemed to solve the problem. But if your mattress is cushioned on both sides, I'd just flip it. At least until you get a new one.
  10. If that means fracturing into several regional nation-states, I won't complain. You and I are both about 4K miles from all the DC bullshit anyway.
  11. A proposal of teachers packing heat as a solution to mass shootings in school. Only in America.
  12. New gameplay footage of Phoenix Point; spiritual successor of XCOM
  13. Twitter deactivated a bunch of bot accounts today in a major purge today Good riddance. Now we need to make sure all future elections have antivirus/anti-malware/anti-spyware installed.
  14. Seems like the V for Vendetta masks have been silent since Trump got elected. Makes you wonder.
  15. Just created a brand new Twitch account. But I've never live streamed before. Seems like most Twitch users are watching CS:GO and Fortnite. Might give the latter a go. Now I just have to go shopping for a mic.
  16. I need to find a new job by spring (May), but I'm worried I'm not skilled enough to find something decent, even with a college degree. (Pretty sure I posted this before. Oh well)
  17. And I'm afraid we're gonna see a resurgence of far-right reactionary agenda later down the road from the latter group, if they decide to infiltrate run for office. So even after Trump's out of the picture and the pendulum swings back the other way, it doesn't mean we're forever safe.
  18. All those trogs who chant "Trump 2020!" in their comments on FB, U-toob, and elsewhere need to get bitch slapped
  19. I'd imagine most are too rational and level-headed to join such a faction. Besides, I can't even imagine such a scenario would go smoothly, given the NRA demographic is overwhelmingly angry old white men. They'd be "welcomed" at gunpoint, if they're lucky.
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