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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Dumb question; did he name his car after David Bowie?
  2. This chick I used to work with 6 years ago posted this on her FB feed. Not entirely sure what to make of it. Maybe it's just a joke. But I think it kinda still sends the wrong signals.
  3. Also just figured out how to adjust my office chair to my computer desk at home, and it seems I'm finally in the correct posture after nearly two years. Wonder if it'll help my circulation somehow.
  4. I found a UAE 1 dirham coin in my roll of quarters. Usually when non-US currency winds up in these rolls it's Canadian, but this is a first. Guess it's time to renew my passport and book a flight to Dubai.
  5. Trump-era American blue boys are the new menaces of society, at least the notorious ones that keep making the news. They think they're Duke Nukem or something. I miss old school cops.
  6. Who would be Prez then? As long as it's someone who actually cares about helping people and the environment, I don't care who. (page brek u suk)
  7. Only if proper target assessment isn't considered
  8. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that Mike Pence just had a stopover here where I live. Local news station is fawning all over it, and I didn't bother watching any of the videos on FB. But one local left this comment on one of them: Wow. I'm actually surrounded by these wack jobs.
  9. I may have to do a CoC Bandit playthrough just for the challenge. They're the only other faction that are hated by the rest of them besides Monolith.
  10. He thrives on the attention his supporters give him, but he doesn't actually give a damn about their well being. I also heard that he flat-out accused the Dems of treason for refusal to applaud him at his SOTU address. It's impossible for me not to imagine how this isn't the method of an unhinged tyrant. Damn it, November 6th can't come soon enough.
  11. Okay. I'm about to sound like a giddy school girl, but do you have a name for him yet?
  12. I can't say congrats, but at the same time I'm not sure "sorry" is the right response, since it sounds like a crappy place to work. So I'll just wish you the best of luck on finding your next primary source of income and hope you can stay afloat in the meantime. Of course, said source of income doesn't necessarily have to be a 9 to 5, Monday thru Friday gig. Hell, there are people who make a living with their YouTube channels thru ad revenue (by following certain guidelines) and Patreon support. Though I'd imagine that's a full-time commitment as well.
  13. Nor is this the forum for it. Because if this discussion were to be started as a separate thread, I guarantee it would get locked. Zeff, at this point all I have to say is this; pray that your mother never finds out you're on WATMM.
  14. No worries man, it's not directed at you. I'm just saying this isn't the first time the pot has been stirred on WATMM regarding so-called male victimhood. Latest FWP is I have a dental appointment in the morning and I feel like I can't be arsed to floss my teeth.
  15. You can already see the cunning in his eyes. Where are my manners...congrats
  16. Pretty sure we've gone over all this shit before.
  17. I think the prune juice is working, but it tastes like sugared piss
  18. Yeah they've been our ruling parties for what, the last 150 years now? While the GOP have become King Trump and his court of old white knights now, the Dems are still rife with pretentious white wine-sipping old ladies living the lavish life thanks to corporate donors - the one entity that both parties are now beholden to. Bottom line is, more of the lesser-of-two-evils crap in future elections won't make things better for the rest of us.
  19. did you have "PF Chang's mostly"? check out some of the papaya enzyme chewable tablets. helps settle the stomach and digest things for me. actually works. drink some coffee.. eat a bran muffin. lol no. PF Chang's tastes like cardboard compared to proper Asian cuisine. It was either the sausage or the chili I had yesterday. We had a big work luncheon. Might look into the papaya tablets next time. I just took a couple of swigs of prune juice though.
  20. Something I ate for lunch yesterday has given me constipation and intestinal problems. I ended up going home from work early today and slept the entire afternoon. I'm about to make a grocery run in a few minutes. For the first time in my life I find myself legit needing prunes. Guess I'm officially old now.
  21. Send him Ugandan Knuckles and Spaghet vids back
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