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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/microwave-popcorn It's something I tend to buy very rarely. But this is good to know. Admittedly the microwave variety is subpar compared to any popcorn I've had in the theater or from one of those small popcorn makers. Doing it on the stove though...I ought to try that. That method reminds me of a TV show I saw years ago where they were popping sorghum grains or something in a similar manner in some village in Africa (might have been Sudan or Senegal, don't remember). And I can't remember if the show was Andrew Zimmern or Anthony Bordain...one of the two.
  2. This is somewhat late to post, but I scorched a bag of microwave popcorn last night. Smoke came out of the bag as soon as I opened it and it smelled like burnt cardboard the rest of the night. Good thing the fire alarm didn't sound.
  3. Republicans have majority control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. Whom do they blame for the shutdown? Democrats. Well, maybe a year from now control of Congress can be wrested from these bastards and their inbred Nazi relatives. Maybe.
  4. Stable genius Smartest presidency ever More truth than Crooked Hillary and Fake News Media Bigly
  5. Well, that second video confirms her thotness. Why do we give people like her attention? Is that her primary goal? Attention? I'm tired of all the shitheads of the world getting all the attention.
  6. Somebody who isn't an asshole/Somebody with some decency 2020
  7. His mental health is of greater concern than his physical tho.
  8. I find it really frustrating. You'll watch your beloved high level party die because of a few bad dice rolls. It never feels like you're really in control. It's sort of the point, I really love the macabre atmosphere, but I got to the point where I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I never felt like I was making meaningful progress. Perhaps I'm just terrible at turn based combat, but it feels like a very difficult and very punishing game. Word, I'm a huge fan of XCOM, so I'll probably try it out. RNG can be a bitch tho Tell me about it. XCOM 2 is notorious for having your soldiers miss a shot even when the chance percentage is in the 90s. I never did complete War of the Chosen either, as I got my ass handed to me when fighting the Assassin at her hideout.
  9. There's a fly hanging out on my desk, but I'm not sure whether or not I should give it a name. I thought about naming it Henson, but the moment it leaves it would be impossible to identify it as the same fly again.
  10. I was always afraid to install Typhon neuromods because the turrets turn on you if you do. So the only Psi power I ended up using was that Combat Boost or whatever one that slows time, which is quite handy against Mimics and Etheric Phantoms. It works exactly like the reflex booster from F.E.A.R.. Also the Disruptor stun gun comes in handy late in the game too, especially when Dahl invades Talos I with his military drones, and when more Technopaths show up. And of course the Nullwave is useful against Weavers and Telepaths. Booze helps too when you're attacking Weavers.
  11. Hmm. Maybe I should try playing on hard next time I play. I find when dealing with larger Typhon, the Distruptor works well on Technopaths, Nullwave on Telepaths, and shotgun/Q-Beam on the Nightmare. Then again, the shotty will solve most of your Typhon problems.
  12. Of course I'm viewing this thread past my bedtime...
  13. Similar FWP here; freezing rain yesterday and now it's a freshly soaked ice rink all over the place.
  14. I can't tell if Span is serious or not half the time.
  15. He should be forced to wear a loincloth and pigtails until he learns to cover that biohazard geyser.
  16. ^ Qtio is how I discovered Brothom in the first place. Didn't realize until much later that Nikko sampled Passin' Me By by The Pharcyde in that track. Yeah it definitely sounds more than a little like Plaid. That bass patch (and the scales, tonality) reminds me a lot of this too: Couple of relevant tweets from the man himself: https://twitter.com/lpnikkoo/status/919901235347460096 (well, he retweeted it) Hopefully MISCWX003 is just something he had to get out of his system and he'll be make something as timeless as his 90s and 00s work in the near future... That first tweet was fairly recent, so there's definitely signs of life. Maybe he'll surprise us.
  17. That's the first time I've heard anything from him since 2001. Yeah it's solid. The second half kind of reminds me of early Plaid TBH.
  18. ^ Those last two actually complement each other nicely
  19. Dusk is available now in early access, and it looks like the original Quake but with HL1 soldiers and militant Klansmen. Reviews look promising, but I'm not sure yet if I'm ready to buy.
  20. I have zero doubts now that he's a racist, xenophobic bag of dog shit. As if all the ICEstapo raids weren't bad enough. Anyone who still vehemently defends him has no moral compass, and is devoid of compassion, empathy, logic, or intellect.
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