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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Funny how she pulls the victim card towards the end after dodging his question. "The press are being mean! They need to stop!" She takes after her master doesn't she. When Trumplets don't agree with facts, they can simply slap the "Fake News" button. Tempted to quote A Few Good Men.
  2. Nintendo was great back in the day, but now they're just recycling shit. DS Lite was the last Nintendo platform I bought, which was over a decade ago. Time to diversify this thread again if you ask me.
  3. Is it just me or are WATMM gamers stuck in an abusive relationship with Nintendo
  4. We just need to continue to be a pain in the ass to team Trump. And fuck Sean Spicer. What a god damn lying shrimp dick. "Largest audience at an inauguration ever" MY ASS. The photo evidence to the contrary floating around the web is plain as day.
  5. Splashed diesel fuel on my clothes while refueling the Bobcat at work. Now it stinks of diesel fumes everywhere I walk. It's a good thing I don't smoke. Heard Coca-Cola is good for washing out petroleum product, will try adding that to the detergent next laundry day.
  6. *CIA puts you on terrorist list* that's awesome BTW. Always feels great to do man-stuff. I repaired an oil furnace in my house and felt like I gained a few chest-hairs. But fuck, a bobcat, you basically just earned a pelt. MAN PELT. Ambermonk is now prepared to boss-battle a Xenomorph if and when the time comes... Watching that scene on the big screen at the local theatre pub last October...I wouldn't trade it.
  7. I obv don't support the man, but to be fair it was more of a stiff wave, as he bent his wrist upward.
  8. Probably too early, but my money's already on Tulsi Gabbard as 46th. Iraq war vet, opposes belligerent foreign policy and arming terrorist groups, believes climate change is a real threat, attended the Standing Rock protests in early December, and is a close political ally to Bernie Sanders, just to name a few. Pretty much Trump's polar opposite.
  9. Prophets of Rage are killin' it right now at the Anti-Inaugural Ball. Too bad I can't be there in person.
  10. Just found out a beloved doggo celebrity had passed yesterday morning. R.I.P. master borker.
  11. Gabe the Dog passed away yesterday due to heart failure. The timing couldn't have been more appropriate.
  12. As of today, I can now fully operate a Bobcat...even though I learned it on my own and received no formal training. I was faced with a situation at work which ultimately forced me to use it. My boss came in to work later and I told him about it then, after I finished. His reaction was..
  13. Al Franken wasn't the only one who grilled her. Bernie Sanders wasn't holding back either. He asked her point blank if being a multibillionaire made it possible for her to get her cabinet appointment. Just further confirms the corruption and ineptitude of Trump's cabinet if nothing else.
  14. ^ Poopoo? I'm surprised you didn't mention golden precipitation.
  15. ^ (pretend Morgan Freeman pointing meme) he's right, you know. After my time in Japan, it's a cultural trait I've carried on to this day. As far as the vid is concerned tho, the ramyun (noodle) slurping doesn't bother me as much as the open mouth chewing. But let me also clarify that the vid is in Korea and not Japan. Not gonna lie though, that food looks pretty tasty.
  16. Icky Pop Bubble Wrap Poppin' Daddies Pop Will Blow Itself
  17. Gaben can either poop out HL3 or receive a kick in the junk, as far as I'm concerned.
  18. This has to be some meta-troll. Right? Right? And that Kentucky-Obamacare video just makes me sad. Good people conned by a snake-oil salesman and fear of a changing world stoked by populism. "West Virginia, Tennessee. New York City ain't for me." Well, guess what? NYC is where your new president is from! (Nothing against average New Yorkers of course. I know he's already widely unpopular back home.) Also pretty sure that dude copied Ninja's sleeveless white hoodie style.
  19. I'm just as pissed off at the electoral college as I am at Hillary Clinton and her partner-in-crime DWS during the primaries for allowing this to transpire. No use bitching about it now tho.
  20. The world would be a better place without assholes occupying the highest positions of power.
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