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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. YouTube vids always get idiotic comments from people with zero attention span. While I doubt the transparency of CNN, the fanaticism coming from these Trumplets is the likes I've never seen before with a president-elect here. Demagoguery on a Roman Empire scale. These maniacs are completely devoid of logic.
  2. It's almost like we were intentionally given an inept POTUS because the powers that be didn't want to get bored by electing a competent one. He can try turning the whole country into Trumpland/MAGA/whatever, but it would be like trying to fit a toupee-shaped peg into a round hole. I just don't think it's gonna work.
  3. How quickly this thread turned from hating MAGA groupie broads to hornin' over those same broads. Sorry, but I fail to see how one can have it both ways. Tomi Lahren was obv triggered in that video by Meryl Streep's speech. All these ass hat Trumplets boasting about the taste of "liberal tears from snowflakes" appear not to be any thicker skinned. I saw live feeds of Obama's farewell speech on FB but didn't bother turning on the sound. I realize we're about to hand the White House key over to a comic book villain, but in truth Barack's legacy as POTUS isn't all sunny meadows and frolicking bunnies either.
  4. Says he was arrested at the end of the episode. Let's hope that bit of the prophecy carries through also, at least in an approximate manner.
  5. More of their grand swamp-draining plans. Repeal ACA but replace it with what? These inept mooks only know destruction and self-service. They give fuck-all about doing anything constructive in helping the citizens. MAGA = one big joke.
  6. I dropped my damn key to my work building between my driver's seat and the parking brake in my car and can't reach it. But at least I know where it is. Will try again during daylight.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG-n5ZKNXzo
  8. (defibrillates thread) Found out yesterday that a semi-coworker DJs and produces on the side, and is familiar with Ae, A Guy Called Gerald, Machine Drum, El-P, and other common favorite artists. No homo. Just cool when you discover that somebody you've sort of known for roughly two years has hidden common music interests.
  9. Well she wasn't on the best of terms with Trump either, so it kinda makes sense. Also interesting to note that former Fox News pundit Glenn Beck supposedly shifted to the political left just this past year. And we got that news yesterday about House republicans trying to gut the Independent Office of Congressional Ethics, but then backed down after Trump himself denounced the move. Interesting times.
  10. Still bouncing back between Fallout 4 on PC and Fallout Shelter on Android. Underrail though seems to greatly resemble the first two Fallouts. Bought it over a year ago and still haven't played it yet. lol Looks like for 2017 we'll finally get Routine in March. And Night Dive Studios' remaster of the first System Shock at the end of the year. And hopefully Star Citizen, which I hear has been in development since 2008.
  11. Getting smashed and doing stupid shit out in public on major holidays is overrated IMO. Or maybe I'm just too old for it.
  12. I just ate a whole god damn pizza in one sitting. Haqpy Neuw Yeir *burp*
  13. Ass Goblins Dumb Pieces of Shit Stupid Muthafuckaz The Chive Turkeys Stanky-Ass Skrubz
  14. Finally got studded winter tires this morning for my car. A bit spendy but worth it. Before today driving up a snow-covered hill successfully was a matter of chance. This time it took little effort.
  15. tfw water from an unidentified source gives you worse runs than five straight cups of joe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBInDTmEbU
  16. "China, China all time! I love China, how can you not love China?" Well, considering 2017 will be the next Year of the Rooster, it makes sense.
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