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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Yeah I heard about the procedurally-generated maps. This game has potentially high replay value for sure. My latest mission was one of those ADVENT Retaliations (like the Terror missions from the previous games), and my fighters were able to take down one of those Faceless shapeshifter things towards the end. Haven't encountered any Vipers yet tho. The last two missions I forgot to loot some of the highlighted dead alien corpses, hope that won't be too much of a penalty later on. Kinda struggling to maintain a sufficient number of able recruits at my base as well. I reckon that's the whole point though, to build up your XCOM resistance militia as you progress.
  2. Something tells me Sanders' campaign is a direct response to the economic dive in fall 2008, and the subsequent OWS movement three years later. I'll bet he observed quietly and planned while it all unfolded. If it weren't for today's social media (FB in particular), the odds probably wouldn't have been as much in his favor as they are now.
  3. Your call. If you enjoyed XCOM: EU (and EW), then it might be worth the standard sixty. Feels like Firaxis upped the challenge. I finally got around to playing it today and completed two missions so far, but already lost four operatives. There's more of a stealth element as well, as the game encourages guerilla-style ambush tactics, in keeping in line with the story. Kinda parallels Half-Life 2's plot, albeit based more on an alternate timeline. Plus the XCOM series got started before Half-Life did. Anyway, it's legit.
  4. True. Just have to be ready to fork some shit up.
  5. Magic Bullet blender, my friend. The hardest part is acquiring the right ingredients, but once you learn the recipes the rest is cake.
  6. Figured out how to make my own guacamole, bean dip, and hummus for the first time within a span of three days.
  7. Yeah that's pretty dope. One of the sexiest gun props in cinema history I dare say. Obsidian even paid tribute to it as a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. I'll bet Neill Blomkamp (or someone he's worked with) has an impressive prop collection as well.
  8. ^ Fuckin dope scratches. Q-Bert did it like a boss twenty years ago when he collab'd w/ Dr. Octagon, and he still does now.
  9. I'm technically one of Bernie's campaign donors. On a weekly basis, I should add. Nothing Clinton or any of the GOP candidates say or do will convince me otherwise.
  10. If it's any consolation...(fuck it, I'm just gonna say it)...I've never dated before in my life. Trust me tho, you don't necessarily need a partner in order to find happiness.
  11. Sorry you're going thru that shit Luke. Pretty much what Gh0sty said; you inherited that money. If she thinks she's entitled to at least half of it, she needs a reality check. Also, I hope she doesn't get violent. Not sure I've actually seen a silverfish IRL before, but can't help but point out that it has cute, beady little eyes. My latest first world whatever: Read an article of the top ten most horrific torture methods in human history, and wish I hadn't.
  12. I still think it's unlikely. Today's Republicans are just too retarded and backwards-thinking to really get anywhere. Everyone else knows they have no place the ever-evolving international community.
  13. Ass Predator Top Meat Gun Sperminator II: Fudgement Day
  14. Used to be a sucka for Sennheiser myself, but the last set I used I think it was the right channel that suddenly stopped working. Just came across this site tho, might be a helpful guide for your next set: http://headphonescompared.com/the-best-headphone-brands-from-worst-to-best/
  15. Just finished spreading three 60 lb (27 kg) bags of traction sand down on my ice rink of a driveway, but it was only enough to cover half. It's a long-ass driveway. Also finished downloading XCOM 2 but I'm too tired to play. Early phases of old man syndrome innit
  16. Can't figure out of this is "IDM" or not [youtubehd]oMsveYEEUEQ[/youtubehd]
  17. You're in for a treat, Yek. My favorite game in the Metroid series, not to mention one of the best platformers of all time. The music is awesome, too.
  18. The great part about DOOM is its modding community is still active today, even more than 22 years after its original release. Also worth mentioning, John Romero released a DOOM map just last month for e1m8. Thousands of shooters out there today and it's still among the top ten.
  19. Damn, sorry to hear about your hens Juice. Having watched undercover videos of corporate factory farms last May is ultimately what triggered my decision. I was probably too dramatic and overbearing about it last summer though. Since then I was kinda on and off veggie until now. So it's ethical reasons primarily. But I've been noticing other positive effects too - weight loss, lower heart rate, fewer headaches, less fatigue, cleaner body, and easier sleep at night, to name a few. And I saved a .jpg of your salad post Audioblysk, if that's alright.
  20. Sounds like one bomb-ass super salad. Plus it's veggie friendly, at least if you're ovo. Think I finally just perfected that banana avocado smoothie I mentioned in the SFWA/S thread. Good times.
  21. I realize this was almost two months ago, but how were the tacos?? they're pretty tasty. i have lunch with a former colleague once a week and we always goto the same place (a korean taco shop called hankook). as a vagitarian the only regular item on the menu is the tofu but occasionally they will run specials (tempura avocado or tempura mushroom). three tacos for about $7. hard to complain Sounds delicious. I've been vegetarian since Jan 17th myself. We have a Korean-Mex fusion restaurant too, but I've only eaten there once and can't remember if they have anything meatless on their menu. Of course, I'm sure it can't be that hard to make your own tacos in that fashion.
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