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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Don't worry what other people think. I don't think there's any rule that states you have to use strictly synthesis. You can get quite creative with samples depending on how you use them - take VHS Head as a prime example. He should be thrown in the slammer on account of animal cruelty charges. current Abk FWP: Melted cheese always makes my face stink.
  2. I think this is what Baph was deliberately defying grammar in reference to:
  3. [youtubehd]CKEg9K0-3Q4[/youtubehd] 10/01 + [youtubehd]TTFdDYQgc4Y[/youtubehd]
  4. Brothomstates is still lush

    1. Lewps


      fuckin oath mate

  5. New HD remaster of the original Biohazard/Resident Evil coming soon [youtubehd]V0MHn5nfZ08[/youtubehd] Honestly I don't know if this is gonna be promising or if it's gonna be a crock. Looks like maneuvering the player is gonna be like driving a golf cart again, but maybe it's in order to stay true to the original. Same applies to the goofy dialogue. I'll wait til the user reviews come in for this one.
  6. Florida never ceases to embarrass the rest of the US as a poor example by which the world views us. Seems like the whole state is full of nutters.
  7. Actually have to agree with that. Overall living here isn't as bad as many believe, but it also depends on the city or region you live in. I personally prefer Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
  8. I fly back home from vacation this afternoon and I checked in my luggage free of charge thru a special January deal with the airline I'm traveling on. So I basically saved 25 bucks.
  9. Main reason I started playing it a month ago is because my coworker is a big fan as well as his son, and he's been trying for months to talk me into playing it. Normally I'm not into fantasy-themed games, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to buy Skyrim plus all DLCs for less than 30 bucks on Steam. Plus it got rave reviews all round. Just finished the Dawnguard quest line at Level 34, but still have a shitload of pending quests - some of which are risky in terms of potential crimes.
  10. Skip to 7:37 to avoid sitting thru easter egg trigger attempts [youtubehd]tFdrqakwIvk[/youtubehd]
  11. Many times I've found myself questioning my own identity as an American. I've lived in Alaska half of my life now, which is large enough to be its own nation. I guess I associate myself more with Alaska than the US mainland, even though it's not my state of birth. I absolutely do not buy into the sentiment that the US is superior to all other nations. I prefer to treat fellow human beings on our planet equally, regardless of borders. And I also believe we have no business in interfering with the sovereignty of other nations, much less allowing some of our corporations to ravage and polllute our planet's ecosystems. I don't think we're alone with the whole pollution thing though.
  12. lol, no you haven't. you're like the most neutral person on here. sympathies and strength to you in this difficult time. Thanks again guys. I don't mean to make a scene here, but I try to be as fair and even-handed as I can. Once again your support helps a great deal during this tragedy.
  13. Thank you guys. I may have acted like an asshat here sometimes, but your support is one of the reasons I stick around. Much appreciated.
  14. I mean the actual feel of the combat is weird. I think someone humorously compared melee combat in Elder Scrolls to swinging a balloon animal at a brick wall. At least archery is entertaining in how the killing blow triggers the hilarious physics engine and sends creatures flying off cliff faces. lol I love your balloon animal analogy, that's genius. Yeah I think the ridiculousness of the arrow or bolt impacts on enemies sending them flying backwards adds to the fun factor.
  15. Sadly, he expired in the hospital today. I think he struggled with depression for a while, and much if it likely comes from his deployment as an army medic in Iraq in 2010. I appreciate your support Steve-O. I know you've experienced a recent loss as well.
  16. yeh hope the next fallout is just as cool. so looking forward to a new fallout game Pretty much my thoughts on what I hope for in the next Fallout. I hope they use the same engine too, if not a new one. Admittedly combat was frustrating for a while, since having to constantly go back to the selection menu to switch weapons is a pain in the arse. But I just learned yesterday how to hotkey equipment via a YouTube tutorial to make combat go more smoothly. But it's still bullshit that there's nowhere in the game or manual that tells you. Also an annoying glitch in the Dawnguard DLC when Serana keeps saying the same phrase like 20 or 30 times in that castle before you enter the Soul Cairn. I wanted to bash her stupid head in after the fifth "We're getting close. I'm sure of it."
  17. Although I'm three years late, I've been playing Skyrim for the past month. Think I can see why it got high praise. It's also nice to have a laptop on which it performs well.
  18. Thank you both, Delet and Chen. Means a lot to me. Have a safe and happy New Year everyone.
  19. oh lord, i'm sorry man. ;-/ 'Preciate it Delet.
  20. Not to contribute more drama here, and I've been M.I.A. the past couple of months, but I just found out a couple of hours ago that my step brother had shot himself and is in the hospital in CA. Not sure if he's gonna make it. Right on fucking New Year's. Sorry to be a downer everyone.
  21. A certain arrogant 81-year-old prick won a 22nd term as the sole House of Representatives member of our state. A couple of weeks ago ago he went to a high school as a guest speaker regarding the topic of suicide and said something along the lines that it was the parents' fault that that student committed suicide because they didn't raise him properly. Apparently he also called another student an asshole simply for stating his opinion. Shows that more than half of this state's demographic are idiots - the ones who voted him back in. But at least it looks like marijuana will finally get legalized, taxed, and regulated here for recreational consumption. Aight, peace.
  22. Yeah plus one for this, my Facebook feed is usually really interesting too. Suspended my account a couple of months ago in a bid to become slightly more productive but it's not really working - think it's time I just accepted the fact that I am in fact a master of the art of procrastination. Pretty pleased with myself for managing to go cold turkey though, thought it would be way more difficult to go without FB but it's actually really easy. Only a couple of ppl on my FB are drama queens, but most are just boring. Main reason I keep mine open is to keep in touch with mates I met during my time in Japan, but that was ages ago. At least there's sometimes interesting stuff from some pages I follow. I deactivated my account for the first couple of months this year, but reopened it since.
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