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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. My current Spiel Still relevant to today's conspiracy theories, even 14 years after its release.
  2. sleeper ships vs ESC

    1. sweepstakes
    2. ambermonk


      in that case, sleeper shits

  3. I'm itching for a new laptop, and I saw a couple at the HP online store that looked promising. But I'll have to wait til October to order a new one cos I get a special annual stipend then, simply for being a resident where I live. My current one is five years old now. A couple of Murphy's laws of dating (which may be applicable to either gender): 1) All the good ones are taken. 2) If they're single, there's a reason.
  4. [youtubehd]w7ftDkMQjXQ[/youtubehd]
  5. Damn, seems like bus rides can bring out the worst in people sometimes. Sorry you had to deal with that shit Luke. And Baph, I'm sure you and the wife will pull through. Light at the end of the tunnel, right.
  6. I saw a double rainbow on the way home tonight.
  7. That or just scrape your smegma into a bonfire
  8. Audio on my PC keeps crapping out when connect to internets. Something to do with latency I think. Ran a defrag on my hard drive last week but that didn't fix it, so who knows.
  9. Been following Lunar Software as well. Last update was exactly four months ago. Routine alone would give me valid reason to buy another new PC. My laptop is showing its age, and wasn't built to be a high-end gaming rig to begin with. That and Vault 106 seem to be the two creepiest locations in the game. Last time I played FO3, Reilly's Rangers became hostile and started attacking me at their base for no apparent reason. I'm in one of those "game limbo" phases right now, debating which one to play next. Probably the original Deus Ex, since it's been two years.
  10. [youtubehd]iyo0yf7r1SM[/youtubehd]
  11. Random fact: Maserati as a company will be a century old as of December this year. Oh. I made restaurant-style club sandwiches for the first time today.
  12. My dream this morning was I was hanging out in the hangar/warehouse where I work, staring out our big garage door. During the day the military was conducting "hardcore" survival training. So some air force F-22 pilots were deliberately crashing their aircraft to see if they could survive the impact. They weren't nose-diving tho; they were flying them at extremely low altitudes parallel to the ground and scraping. Then the army brought their armoured personnel carriers and did the same damn thing, driving them into trees and rocks and shit. Everyone survived, but I saw one of the soldiers limping. Then there was a thunderstorm (which rarely happens where I live) which quickly subsided. Then some round blond blue-eyed chick close to my age kept rambling off her life story or some shit to me, but I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or not so I ignored. Then my step sister's 4-year-old son showed up and she was all like "aww how cute!" and distracted her. Then I was like "atta boy dude!" for getting her off my back. For some reason my dreams are more vivid when I have the fan blowing on me throughout the night. Weird how that works.
  13. Backstab Boys N*STYNC 98 Degrees Below
  14. All the death and violence going on around the globe while this World Cup hype is going on inspired me to get drunk tonight.
  15. [youtubehd]eG1Z-7i_7T0[/youtubehd]
  16. Ex-roommate and I went to a BBQ after work with a group of JASDF members. I remember some of them from two years ago when we last a BBQ together too, two days before I joined WATMM. So I found out my language skills were better than I thought they'd be. Also made it home without incident after three beers at the BBQ, traversing the highway. Sipping a coffee ATM to sober up. I must sound cray.
  17. My coworkers and I got a recognition award today for our "outstanding service" whilst operating with minimal staff. Work has been a real bitch lately, but it's good to see our efforts haven't gone unnoticed.
  18. Playing the Duke Nukem Forever 2013 mod for Duke Nukem 3D. Pretty dope so far. Plus you get to drive a motorcycle! I put PixelJunk Shooter in my Steam Wishlist, so I think I'll grab that one some time. Looks pretty fun. The gfx also remind me of Risk of Rain a little. As for Fallout 2, I'm embarrassed to say that I've never played it. I played the original Fallout a while back but kept getting my ass kicked by Rad Scorps, so I gave up. I hear it's arguably the best in the whole FO series.
  19. Ok, think I have one finally. No Man's Land - Three orphaned chihuahua siblings - José, Juanita, and Max - must stick together as a pack to survive the outskirts of post-apocalypse Albuquerque after a supposed giant underground meth lab explosion. All humans are evacuated from the city, but the three chihuahuas venture there to discover the truth. They must hunt squirrels, jerboas, and crickets as prey to survive, while avoiding becoming prey themselves to hawks, coyotes, and AK47-wielding bandits. This film is not yet rated.
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