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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. That's how I've felt about Bioshock Infinite. The critics just oo'ed and aww'ed over it, but to me the gameplay was mediocre at best, despite the pristine graphix. It just doesn't have the replay value of several games that came before it. As far as the Borderlands series, I pre-ordered BL: The Pre-Sequel about a week ago. It'll get released around the same time I get my next laptop. I was skeptical of the BL series at first, as it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me plot-wise, but then soon realized how addictive it became. Plus it doesn't take itself too seriously to begin with.
  2. UFO: Enemy Unknown thru Open XCOM. Too many times I've played it and left it unfinished, granted I've beaten it three times in my lifetime. Currently in June of 1999, having already taken out three alien bases within one week. As a result, I was able to rake in over $18M by selling off surplus alien artefacts, having started the month with less than one mil. Talk about rags to riches. But now some smartass Ethereals decided it was a good idea to invade the capitol of the Philippines. Time to give those telepathic hoodlums a piece of my mind. EDIT: I'm sick of the god damn aliens ambushing my soldiers the very moment they step out of the Skyranger. Fuck this. Oh well. Not like anyone's paying attention to this anyway.
  3. Just wish I could fast-forward to October. Also, just feel ashamed of myself for some reason. I don't intentionally let people down, but sometimes I make mistakes and it happens anyway. Fuck it. I'm about to watch a stupid B-movie.
  4. I'm under the impression that Silent Hills will be an overhaul of the original game from 1999. Looks promising. I wanna play Wasteland 2, but I'm still waiting another two months for that fat chunk of change to come in to buy a new rig. I planned on a new laptop, since my current one is five years old. But all this talk of PS4 almost tempts me into buying one of those instead.. lol
  5. Diabeetus

    1. triachus


      lisa needs braces

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      stephen needs glasses*


    3. ambermonk


      Wilfart Blimey

  6. Night at the Cocks-Bury The Muff-Mower Man No Cunt For Old Men Crouching Cougar Hidden Snake
  7. Started listening to X-Eye again for the first time this whole summer. I think. Recks On is still grab-your-balls wicked. This is a must listen if you're driving alone at night, especially in areas where external light sources are minimal. I doubt most fans like it as much as I do tho.
  8. Just finished watching Evil Dead 2. I guess I've been on a B-movie binge lately. There's a scene in it that's almost worthy of the "When Taxidermy Goes Bad" thread. Quite literally. Evil Dead - along with Aliens - is also rumored to have been an inspiration for the FPS classic Doom. I think I see the connection now.. B-movie bloodbath/10
  9. That first shot looks quite similar to where I hiked last year. Something tells me it's more likely Montana or Washington than Alaska tho.
  10. More serious FWP than the previous one I posted - my lower back aches like a bitch, especially above my right arsecheek. Could very well attribute to the combination of frequent heavy lifting @ my job and prolonged sitting in the now-decrepit "comfort" chair in my bedroom. I'm too young to be walking like an octogenarian. I tried this shiatsu massage seat thingy, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I hope it doesn't require me to go to the hospital, but if it does, maybe I could get muscle relaxers, like cyclobenzaprine. For now, just gonna avoid the problem chair and take Advil until I get a new one. I kno the feeling bru
  11. I get very angry every time I see Mitch McConnell's face. I can't even rationalize it - it just makes me want to break all shit in the immediate vicinity and urinate on newspapers, then go stomping out windows of vintage cars and hijack a motorcycle for going on a trans-continental manhunt. Fuck that fuck.
  12. Word. Hopefully my next update will end up in the FWSs thread.
  13. I feel overweight and it's causing my clothes to feel tight, and might be a factor in my lower back pain. It's also making me too self-conscious to talk to cute chicks. When I was about to wrap up my grocery shopping on the way home, a cute chick working at the unoccupied checkout was looking at me expectantly, but I still had one more thing to grab, so I felt like I inadvertently ditched her. Oh well. I've lost a bunch of weight before in my teens. I already know how to do it. It's motivation to start again that's the greatest obstacle. Blah blah boring boring, I know.
  14. Thx Wipeout XL, for introducing me to this back in '96 (and electronic music in general) [youtubehd]Xc9l7pygQRo[/youtubehd]
  15. I played Super Metroid on my smartphone using the SNesoid app, and used ROM Gripper to download ROMs. That's the most available handheld platform I can think of for playing SNES games. I'm sure one of us WATMMers who is more tech-savvy could provide a better recommendation tho.
  16. John Kerry looks like mummified owl pellets

  17. killer clowns is my sister's favorite movie lol this past Christmas she even got me a killer clowns tshirt She sounds cool :) Taking Killer Klowns seriously only leads to self-torment.
  18. Finally watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space last night. I've henceforth drawn to the conclusion that any film with title containing the last three words "From Outer Space" is made of poopcheese. #edwoodlegacies tanukiballs/10. Herbert and Pooper give it Two Thumbs Up Yo Momma's Bumb
  19. Salvaged broken outdoor folding canopy tent frames at work today and managed to assemble two functional ones out of a pile of junked ones.
  20. Yeah I saw those a little while back also, pretty dope. Sergeant Mark IV still seems to be hard at work getting Version 20 ready for release. I know we lot love to play video games, but out of curiosity has anyone here developed games, or at least mods? I've been coming up with ideas for years, but I don't know where to start, in terms of actual development...
  21. ^ Pretty cool, building an emulator platform out of an old Game Boy. I'm intrigued by the concept of modifying and repurposing relics in general.
  22. 1:55 - 2:25 Kenny G I wonder if they've taken the cue from Brutal Doom I'm thinking that as well - Id developers are secretly fans of Brutal Doom I'll bet. If this is so, Gaben is getting left in the dust. Could be a big comeback from Id on the horizon.
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