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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ^ Yes, Ghana film is awesome. I also recommend 12 O'Clock 1, 2, & 3, as well as 2016.
  2. * Incoming FBFWP * I see some of the most boring shit on FB that gets double-digit likes, yet I posted one of RackaRacka's Ronald McDonald vids on there this morning and...NOTHING. Not even one fucking comment. Surprisingly my Friends count hadn't changed either. But still...FUCK BORING FECESBOOK UP THE ARSE Humour is a rare quality on FB anymore.
  3. I actually was afraid to watch Ryutaro Nonomura's breakdown that went viral a couple of weeks ago until just now. I found a near-IDM parody of it thru the game Taiko no Tatsujin:
  4. Restraint is a real challenge sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      with handcuffs restraint is easy

    3. ambermonk


      Even so, the anus is not so easily restrained, especially with intestinal gas buildup

    4. Hugh Mughnus
  5. Five months late, but fuck it [youtubehd]snsHiY3RFmk[/youtubehd]
  6. The Lego Movie says "Everything Is Awesome", but what about all the people still shooting and blowing up each other over religious and territorial claims throughout the Levant and eastern Ukraine, not to mention disease and famine in west Africa? Just a rhetorical question.
  7. Joined 16-November 05

  8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha. It's been out for about three months now. Technically it's more than just a mod for SoC - it's a free, standalone game. As I understand it, it's an overhaul from the ground up, depicting SoC "as it should've been" before final release. I'm only in the Cordon so far, but Dezowave has not only expanded on the textures and lighting, but also the maps, gameplay, NPCs, mutants, etc. And Zombies aren't just brain-dead S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s who lumber around with guns. They're actually the type of zombies you'd expect from most games that include them.
  9. Caught a cold. I knew it was coming too, after having a soar throat the last couple of days. But at least I'm not on an airplane. Being sick with sinus congestion on a flight is fucking miserable.
  10. Danny - Never tried DX on PS2. But it's definitely worth a try on whichever platform can run it. If you're into games that incorporate both stealth and exploration, like Thief or Dishonored, you'll like this one too.
  11. Beat Deus Ex again just now, with the following ending: Although now a 14-year-old game, I still believe it could indeed have relevance to the real world, come 2052. And even though it's technically science fiction, it might be plausible after all, kind of like 1984 was. Those with the powah can move this to the Current Video Games thread if you deem it necessary. I don't care either way.
  12. I'm house-sitting in the city ATM, but I live out in the country, where it's almost like a sanctuary in comparison. Cool. Glad to hear things are looking up man.
  13. People outside are crazy on Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes I feel like Will Smith in I Am Legend, when the former humans and wildlife can be heard throughout the night, hunting and ravaging each other loudly while he's trying to lay low in cover and sleep. Sometimes I think anarchy is inevitable, as civilization gradually deteriorates and we revert back to our primal instincts. But the potential danger is increased with access to guns and high-speed motor vehicles, as education and manners eventually lose relevance. I hope I'm wrong.
  14. IDM Man is a space rocket in disguise

  15. [youtubehd]e7ieg_mxxws[/youtubehd]
  16. PC security FWP. Right after I got one of those automatic Windows updates, some PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) called RegPro showed up and started scanning my registry. Then I promptly uninstalled it. It also hijacked my browser. Same thing happened when Apple had me update iTunes a week or so ago. I'm starting to think some of these automatic updates are doing more harm than good. I have the trial version of MalwareBytes Anti Malware, but I wonder if I should buy Premium. Seems trustworthy enough.
  17. htfp://yuoto.b/HggK8lK33Us

  18. Yeah, what the fuck, Internet. I successfully assembled and serviced a brand new lawnmower at work today. I suppose the fact that it was already mostly assembled out of the box isn't as much to brag about though. But the self-propulsion system is quite powerful. Feels like trying to hold a Great Dane on a leash.
  19. Seems that uncertainty is a natural feeling with the start of a new job. I'm having a similar FWP - I want a new job, but I don't know if I'm skilled or qualified enough to get one.
  20. I think I've heard of this. Isn't Trent Reznor in it? He plays the Neckless Roid Daemon™ I have no idea what this game is and I have never played it ever in my life, but I think you're referring to the Shambler. The Quake Guy mugshot makes it look like he's always constipated. I'm inclined to cut 1996 a little slack tho.
  21. [youtubehd]YAR6BBQO8-k[/youtubehd]
  22. Wonder if I'm turning into some crazy hermit. Killer drones, sex robots, aggressive drivers, evil corporations, crowds, corrupt governments, screaming children, openly affectionate couples...I want nuttin' to do wid it.
  23. I think I got about halfway through Dishonored, but suddenly got bored and stopped playing. I'd honestly take any of those three over Dishonored. It's like "kill everybody you become bad guy. tranquilize everybody you become good guy." After I realized that, it was pretty much an ending spoiler for me.
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