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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Oh shit, how did I miss Ant Christ
  2. Did the same thing a couple months ago. It still looks good and plays smooth. Regardless what Valve does from here on out, I think it'd be cool if there's a mod that makes HL2 more "open-world", kind of like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or FO3. The only way HL2 feels aged to me is the dialogue feels mechanical and it's a linear story, but since the pros outweigh the cons I might play it again regardless. Beat F.E.A.R. again last night, now trying to figure out which one to play next. It'll most likely be an older game either way.
  3. lol I haven't listened to it in ages. Silverside stood out the most for me, but Montreal is lush too.
  4. WWI/II-style guns in 1886. Weird. Playing original F.E.A.R. again after nearly a ten-month hiatus. Still a good game. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who regularly plays either older games or lighter-end indie games.
  5. Probably time to watch Inception again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Friendly Foil

      Friendly Foil

      the cake is a lie LOL

    3. ambermonk


      actually I received German chocolate cake this evening, so truth.

    4. Soloman Tump

      Soloman Tump

      I had a dream about watching inception at an IMAX theatre. How's that for recursion.

  6. Divergent: Post-apocalypse city enclave fenced in for unknown reasons, and the reasons are never explained. Ends up being a love story. Never saw Hunger Games, but seems to be a spinoff of it. Somewhat forgettable. 6/10 The Lego Movie: Stays true to the Lego lineage, while keeping in tune with modern day overtones of plutocracy and robotic henchmen. Also has good visuals while not taking itself too seriously. Would watch again with someone who shares the same childhood love for the Lego franchise. 8/10 Godzilla (2014): Keeps in tune with the original Toho "Gojira" franchise, and reflects Japanese sentiment that nature is a greater force than mankind, as well as the scorn of nuclear weaponry. Like Doublename said, the Halo scene was pretty dope. Also puts the 1998 "Godzilla" movie to shame. So 8/10
  7. Skies are still blanketed with hazy smoke, originating from a wildfire about 180 miles south of where I live. Looks like the Martian skies in photos taken by NASA rovers. The river in that area is called Funny River. I hate when unfortunate events involve persons or locale with ironic names cos it fucks with my head.
  8. The new Wolf does look pretty cool, but it'll be a while before I grab it. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is my latest game, and even after one year I still find it pretty badass. Probably among my Top 10, in fact.
  9. Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho.
  10. lol sounds like the pros outweigh the cons! I'm happy you're back :) hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol) Yea welcome back brah. Hope you took some cool photos! My FWP is my job primarily. I've held it almost eight years, and I get along well with my coworkers, but the actual work can get shitty and the pay isn't that great either. I keep thinking about prospects in the Seattle/Tacoma area in WA, but moving is a pain in the ass.
  11. I drank two black coffees and now a green tea, even tho I'm supposed to be in bed soon. Can't sleep now. Fuck I don't wanna go to work tomorrow...
  12. Well, I finally gave in and watched it. That doge is an asshole - totally unprovoked attack. Don't get me wrong. I've always been a dog person, but that one was a menace.
  13. Ika-somen! I lived in Hakodate six years ago, and that's the food they're famous for in Japan. Never actually tried it tho. Anyway, I've seen the same effect in another video with table salt sifted onto frog legs. Something to do with their chemical makeup reacting with salt innit.
  14. Canadians? The uploader's name is "nytransfan"
  15. What the hell happened to the OP? He turned into some kind of ghost, guest, erm...ghouest, thing.
  16. Not sure how I feel about post-Wii Nintendo anymore. Like I said they were great "back in the day", but they make so many god damn Mario and Kirby games and it just seems like the same turd in a different bag whenever they release something new. I never did finish it, but I agree it's a pretty dope game in general. The Sun Araw trax are the best parts of the soundtrack, imbo I've been playing Strife thru GZDoom, which I admire for being ahead of its time in some ways, but feel like I'm getting burnt out already. Vidya gaymez.
  17. ^ lol, looks like the table top was glued on [youtubehd]aa3s9fMOic8[/youtubehd] You can stop @ 4:08 if you're squeamish. Not really graphic at that point, but still hard to watch.
  18. insects + high oxygen = larger insects

  19. [youtubehd]VWp-ne4b_XI[/youtubehd]
  20. Finally got around to listening today. Although I have a habit of making throwback comparisons, I'll indulge once more and say it reminds me of the end of Tilapia (on Cichli Suite), at least melody-wise. I also like how the second kick in the 3rd and 4th bar of each percussion loop begins to shift closer to the first kick. The synthetic cymbals add a nice foggy, spacious texture too. I'd still say the Oberman Knocks - Dilankex remix is the better of the two Ae 2014 trax, but this one's still good on its own.
  21. semi-jazz [youtubehd]-ydQ-qPD324[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]Pb4rBcW9NFE[/youtubehd]
  22. the first Deus Ex Good call on DX. The third one (Human Revolution) is good too, but the second one is shit.
  23. Girls are more attracted to you when you're already with one. Murphy's Law innit.
  24. I don't often see moths here, but mosquitoes are a bloody nuisance in the summer (no pun intended). I want to destroy all mosquitokind.
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