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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Haha I saw that this morning too. Someone commented on it likening it to a shrinking Mario losing his mushroom might.
  2. fuck yeah Well, holy shit. First World Success, amarite? I picked S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SoC (w/ Complete 2009 mod) back up - one of those classics I play at least once a year. I've already rambled on about it enough in the course of my WATMM membership tho, so the only thing I'll say this time is that there is a Half-Life easter egg in the game.
  3. The entire Metal Slug series is great, and well worth a play through. Yeah I enjoy MS3 quite a bit. I got very close to the end but died too many times and depleted my Continues :( It's weird - so do a lot of people, however for me it instantly sums up exactly the kind of game it'll be. Probably helps that Super Metroid and Castlevanis SOTN are my favourite two games. The recent indie game Steam World Dig comes to mind - its gameplay falls under the Metroid/Castlevania vein of open-world 2D platformer. Not sure if it's available on consoles or not, but definitely on Steam. As for Routine, it appears Lunar Software just posted an update within the last hour! Sounds like they're still hard at work. (http://www.lunar-software.com/)
  4. Had a mild nightmare in which my teeth suddenly and inexplicably began to shatter. Then when I was lucid I ran my tongue along my teeth and found out they're all still in tact. Whew.
  5. I remember that too. I visited their official website yesterday just for shits n' giggles and apparently they have a bunch of positions open for hire. Weird. No news on HL3 though, obv. As for KLevine, I'm curious about what projects he might have planned for his post-Irrational dev team. SShock 3, maybe? Too early to speculate tho I reckon.
  6. Beat HL2 last night (again) and now playing Metal Slug 3. First time I've played any of the games in that series. Very similar to Contra in terms of gameplay, but also doesn't take itself too seriously. Must have missed out on the hype back when it was more popular.
  7. [sc5]130225946[/sc5] + [youtubehd]ITHEDU6BcMo[/youtubehd]
  8. Complementary joy beatzh [youtubehd]X_xUdYfoftk[/youtubehd] And P7 you have the coolest fucking stories brah
  9. "Mr. Oizo loves the saxophone, doesn't he!"

  10. Nose rings I believe. Apparently they have birds that eat marijuana and shit it out in their backyards tho. Fuckin' amazing.
  11. For being too IDM? Bwahaha. I dunno, I thought Tokyo was pretty IDM when I was there. Odd that some keisatsu would be crackin' down on it. Depends on the district I guess.
  12. Yeah, the time is ripe for it innit. Guess it's time for me to stop whinging and start doin' sumpin.
  13. [youtubehd]C-82P05vgM0[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]Mzwl50dHJas[/youtubehd]
  14. Worried that I'm not living a healthy enough lifestyle. I'd imagine some of the world's happiest people live in places where they get the most sunshine/vitamin D and are always find ways to get outside and socialize. But I've been cooped up where it's cold and dark - the opposite of equatorial regions, basically. Used to have more mood swings, depression, etc when I was younger, but these days I think it has more to do with environmental and climate factors. Hell, I probably would rarely have an excuse to be on a computer at all if I were in Hawaii again, or even Jamaica. The reason I spend time on WATMM in the first place is probably to seek refuge from the outside (which can kill you if exposed for too long) At this point I'm just tired and my mind is wandering. Probably just time to call it a day.
  15. lol touché Stoned Temple Pirates Mario Speed Wackin' Counting Dead Crows
  16. I guess because it was withing my "comfort zone" at the time. But this time I can't be arsed to continue with it. Gotta seek more variety as I get older. Went back to HL2 last night, and even nearly a decade after release it still looks and plays pretty damn good. This'll keep me occupied 'til Metal Slug 3 is out on Steam tomorrow.
  17. The Bug - London Zoo: some REAL dubstep. also Ae remixed Skeng/10 Sun Araw - On Patrol: dig the psychadelic 1970s SoCal vibe, plus Deep Cover is featured on Hotline Miami/10 Mr. Oizo - Stade 2: is it just me or do French artists know how to make badass dance music? (Not just Oizo, but also Daft Punk & Vitalic)/10
  18. On Fallout: New Vegas still but starting to get bored with it already. Maybe it's cuz I already played it 10 times before when I had a better machine to run it on. It's not so much the technical issues this time as the repetitiveness and backtracking of it that are making me bored with it. Still a great game, but I'm getting burnt out. Kinda itching for something a little faster paced, more responsive, and less buggy - don't care if it has lower-end grafix.
  19. Made Cajun-style po' boy sandwiches for the first time for dinner, combining fried shrimp in special cornmeal seasoning and andouille sausage. Then I added lettuce, tomato, Louisiana hot sauce, mayo, and pickles. Shit was off the chain, and got the thumbs up on it from my flatmate/roommate as well.
  20. My left ankle is acting up whenever I walk on it, since yesterday. Wonder if it has anything to do with when I sprained it in Japan back in July 2008. Probably some residual scar tissue.
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