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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. First time playing HL2? That chapter's a bitch if I remember correctly. You'll see.
  2. Got a phone call about 20 min ago, and in my haste, I knocked over my laptop like a drunkard falling off a bar stool backwards, as it was laying on its monitor. It looked ridiculous. Once I finished the call and picked it back up, it froze, and then about 3 minutes later the infamous BSoD came up. Then it "rebooted" and displayed some strange error message that said something like "error: boot device missing" I bought this laptop new in August 2009, then bought a desktop in October 2011, which I had to sell last May because I was getting broke. My next computer will probably be another HP laptop, but one with an i7 processor once I can afford it, which prolly won't be until next year some time. I gotta save like a fiend first. Also Baph, I'm sorry to hear about your cat's health issues. And Steve-O, that would be cool if your dad can get the prosthesis. I remember you posted about three months back and weren't sure if he was gonna make it, so I guess things could be worse right. My dad was in a similar situation just over a year ago. Ugh, this one hits close to home for me as well. Just know that you're not alone.
  3. hang in there Phillipines

  4. [youtubehd]_SSq_vSP-_s[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]Anb236pAVvw[/youtubehd] God damn. I forgot how beautiful the second one is. Don't think I've heard it since literally the 20th Century.
  5. lel. Some of my friends back in Japan are One Piece fans as well, not sure why I never got into it.
  6. So XCOM: Enemy Within is due out tomorrow in North America (15th everywhere else). Shame I don't have a rig that can optimally run it. Looks like they've spiced things up from EU tho. New alien types like Seekers and Mechtoids (Sectoids in hulking mech suits), as well as a rogue organization called EXALT. Mechanical augmentations and gene modifications are incorporated as individual upgrades for soldiers as well. I also understand there are new terrain types, and the return of XCOM base invasions. There's a video glimpse of it here: http://kotaku.com/xcom-enemy-within-the-kotaku-review-1462241341 If anyone here gets the opportunity to play it over the next week or so, I'm eager to hear your impressions.
  7. Smartest thing Mr. Simpson has ever said [youtubehd]fO1Vhc88QkM[/youtubehd]
  8. This must be how many folks from outside the US perceive Americans. I feel kinda bad for this poor fellow. [youtubehd]21ujWvE7r3I[/youtubehd]
  9. Favourite bit @ 0:14. I love combinations of shit that have nothing to do with each other.
  10. José Mujica for prez

  11. Played both OPN - R Plus Seven and The Stanley Parable for the first time simultaneously, but the latter crashed right after the intro. Also lel.
  12. What a fine democracy plutocracy we live in today. That's no small FWP. At the very least we as consumers can choose what we consume, and boycott the big evil corps like McD's and Wally World. This could easily stray toward another political debate tho..
  13. Alright alright. One more Busta piece and I'm out [youtubehd]AiVpSSkwPU4[/youtubehd] I was 11 years old when this first played on MTV, and it was literally my favourite song at the time. This was only a few months before I started getting into electronic music techno. So surreal listening to it again.
  14. ...and this, OF ALL THINGS [youtubehd]etebeZDt7Eo[/youtubehd]
  15. Maybe it's a R.O.U.S. Try lacing the poison with thermite and see what heppens
  16. Not to pull the political correctness card, but if you went there you'd be surprised at the build of the younger generation. Anyway, I'm playing some maps by Sergeant Mark IV thru Brutal Doom v19 by the same developer, which was just released last week. Sgt has some serious talent as a WAD developer. Even after two decades since the original game's release, I'm gonna keep making them damn demons say "Paul" with mah shotty. I did download The Stanley Parable as well but have not gotten around to playing it yet. Anyone who's played it recommend it at all?
  17. G'night gentlemen. Once again we sincerely appreciate your time on WATMM.
  18. wonder how Torontonians are coping w/ their mayor

  19. I wouldn't take it personally. They are getting quite a lot of questions thrown at them, so it may not even be possible to answer all of them. So far I only asked one (to which Mr. Booth responded), but I'm afraid to ask any more out of fear of sounding foolish. Another FWP in itself innit
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