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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. What was the point again? (Maybe Lawrence Fishburne can put on sunglasses and enlighten us)
  2. That's pretty badass. I bet this is every high school teacher's dream. Which movie is it from?
  3. Just realized she's born the same year as my parents, haha. I guess she could make a cameo appearance if co-starring doesn't seem feasible. I still think Blade Runner was well ahead of its time. The Fifth Element ripped off of it blatantly.
  4. Even up in Anchorage there have been at least five traffic light intersections replaced by roundabouts since 2003. Anyway, continuing thread [youtubehd]MAU_Ez84l4c[/youtubehd]
  5. Thing is though, before changing schools you might wanna do a little scouting first and see if the alternative school environment is right for you. My current FWP is that I can't go back in time and fix all the social mistakes I've made. Other types of mistakes I don't really care about, but social ones are the most embarrassing and the greatest risk to one's reputation. (Edit: Damn, new page. Oh well.)
  6. Sounds rough man. There were occasional fights that broke out at my high school back in the day, and I think half of them were guys fighting over some girl. But it was tame compared to what you seem to be dealing with. I hope those kids in your PE class get their asses kicked.
  7. I listened thru the EP five or six times now. The fourth track is OK but the third is meh for me. My impression hasn't really changed from the initial listen, though it's only been Friday since the Warp stream.
  8. I have two FWA/S's. The first, I replaced the crappy tape deck adapter I destroyed. I bought the most expensive one they had in the store, but it paid off. It hasn't ejected once, despite cold temperatures, and the sound quality is better as well, not to mention getting equal volume distribution from both truck speaker channels. The second is a little weirder. A good friend of mine from S. Korea I met four years ago has a birthday today. But last year, I unfriended her on FB because she didn't wish me a happy birthday. But I later regretted it as one of the most childish things I've done in my adult life. Anyway, I attempted to re-friend her today after nearly a year and she surprisingly accepted my request. I did it to acknowledge that I remembered her birthday and felt sorry I unfriended her last year. Maybe she forgives me after all. As embarrassing as that second one was, I had to get it off my chest. Shit. What an awkward post.
  9. I've been playing Doom 3 thru the Revility Mod, of all things. I forgot how many god damn Imps are in the game though. Why not make a map with an infinitely-stocked Imp dispenser and continually blow them away with the BFG. Or better yet, make them run thru an obstacle course like the Eukanuba dog show until you get tired of them and then BFG-frag them. Fuckin' Imps, I tell ya. I wonder how Lunar Software is doing on their Routine development. Playing that game is on my bucket list.
  10. Still in love with tac Lacora. In fact, if all I did was listen to that track on loop during my commute and forget the other three, I would be happy.
  11. I'm sure I've posted this before, but whatevz. [youtubehd]kKv_eZwJh34[/youtubehd] I almost posted another video for this, but decided it was probably too risqué to post on WATMM. It featured celebrity actors including Natalie Portman, Jessica Biel, and Lindsey Lohan as night club dancers with pretty impressive cinematography. But I don't wanna get in trouble, y'see.
  12. MDE's new "Officer Maggot" video features New Seeds

  13. My tape adapter I used for the past couple of years to play my on-board iPod Nano thru my truck's speakers kept ejecting from the tape deck due to cold weather. It's done this many times before, but since I was wanting to finish listening to L-Event on it, I finally unleashed my pent-up rage and smashed the adapter on my dashboard, cracking it open and spilling its plastic reel guts onto the floor, while the cord severed off. I actually felt a bit guilty afterwards. I just had enough with the ejection bullshit. Also Limpy, I'm truly sorry about your aunt.
  14. tac Lacora is (currently) my favourite track on L-Event. I especially like the FM towards the end with the weird harmonics. The track title sounds like the name of some obscure locale or institution from a dream. Even after sixteen years of listening to their music, I still don't know how the hell these guys manage to continually introduce new sounds.
  15. That was my same reaction this morning. My brother (also a WATMM member) brought the news regarding the Warp L-Event stream to my attention.
  16. Just bought L-event and synced it to my iPod Nano, so now I can listen to it during my commute to work #stupidfirstworldachievementsandsuccesses
  17. Been getting this vague, nagging feeling that I've been unintentionally letting people down in life, and that I lack a sense of overall purpose or direction. Sometimes I feel like my monotonous day job I've had for about seven years is the only thing keeping me going. But I feel like I lack the skills or experience to get any specialized job that pays more or is more enjoyable, despite having a bachelor's degree. Either that or the jobs that appeal to me are hard to find in my area. This probably sounds whiny and trivial compared to more stressful or serious problems people have in the world tho.
  18. [youtubehd]jDg6GHLWPJY[/youtubehd] (What the hell am I doing with my life?)
  19. That is a cool-lookin' dog you've got there Josh. Is he/she a German shepherd mix? Also, I take it you guys were in New Mexico in the vid.
  20. Defenestration of fluids

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Then it becomes part of the atmosphere, increasing the ambient uric acid content. hmm

    3. ambermonk


      Uric acid occurs commonly in bird poo

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      So even though we can't taste it, it's floating around. I mean.. if you can smell poo, there must be little poo particles everywhere too right?

  21. I know there's a YTP thread, but I can't be arsed to dig through and find it [youtubehd]nkAN3sPJWc0[/youtubehd]
  22. Resident Evil 4 seems to be the best in the series. It's been quite a while since I've played it. The only thing I don't like about it is escorting Ashley, because she acts like a dead-weight blonde damsel in distress. If she could handle herself like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite and know how to avoid enemy attacks and drop supplies and hints for Leon, RE4 would be about perfect.
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