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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I know there's a YTP thread, but I can't be arsed to dig through and find it [youtubehd]nkAN3sPJWc0[/youtubehd]
  2. Resident Evil 4 seems to be the best in the series. It's been quite a while since I've played it. The only thing I don't like about it is escorting Ashley, because she acts like a dead-weight blonde damsel in distress. If she could handle herself like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite and know how to avoid enemy attacks and drop supplies and hints for Leon, RE4 would be about perfect.
  3. Playing Hexen now, after playing through Heretic, its predecessor. I'm usually not into fantasy games, but I'm picking up where I left off about 18 years ago, since I never played beyond the shareware/demo versions of either until very recently. Heretic is basically Doom in a fantasy setting. Hexen uses the Doom engine as well, but with innovations in game-play, such as being an early type of open-world FPS and being able to play as different character classes with their own unique characteristics and arsenals. I'm playing as the Cleric because it seems to be the most well-balanced class in terms of physical stats and magic abilities, not to mention having a devastating fourth weapon. I think I'm close to the end of the game now. Until June this year I was able to play more up-to-date major titles like Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 (which I kinda want to play lately), but had to sell the desktop for badly-needed scratch around the end of May. So I'm back to my four-year-old laptop for the time being.
  4. I tried that reverse hair loss herbal remedy diet supplement shit last year, but it proved ineffective. So I just shave my head with a 3mm attachment. Baldie haters gonna hate
  5. Noticed this was linked to one of the vids that Funkaholic posted in the previous page. I like these minimalist, poetic pieces with little or no dialogue. This one's kind of a satire on the latest technology I think - while visually impressive, it can be equally destructive. Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing. Either way, this is more proof that Katsuhiro Otomo is an animation genius and ahead of his time.. [youtubehd]CNIUwBp7Zt0[/youtubehd]
  6. I got injured at work today because I was being a dumbass. I was trying to pull-start a gas-powered wood splitter but at an awkward stance, and suddenly the rope jerked back and I felt something rip in my inner right elbow. No fractured bones, so I think it's just a pulled muscle. I can still use my right arm (as evidenced by my typing here), but it hurts like a bitch if I attempt any heavy lifting with it.
  7. I couldn't even listen to the OPN remix - it wasn't a great song to remix in the first place, and honestly, nothing I've heard of OPN (and by GOD I hate his fucking artist name) has impressed me. I think I listened to one music vid by OPN that someone posted here about a month back, but wasn't all that impressed. I'm hesitant to listen to more because his alias sounds like the title of a shitty over-hyped anime adored by overbearing Japanophiles with inadequate hygiene and vitamin D. I'm not saying that fan-base description applies to OPN fans too, but the the name is off-putting and discourages me from finding out what all the rage is about.
  8. LOL, is that an actual picture of Trent with a pink beret on, or was that photoshopped? I got a genuine LOL out of this I'll admit that I enjoy the album more for the instrumentals than the vocals. In fact, they kind of get in the way i.m.o.
  9. Black coffee. Until recently I always mixed it with creamer. I wonder if anyone's created an official coffer coffee thread yet
  10. I agree S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is better overall. Armed with only a couple of the higher end guns (like the HK G36 and VSS Vintorez - both highly versatile) you can take down pretty much any "bad" Stalker or mutant in your way, provided you remain stocked on ammo. And in Call of Pripyat they've taken customisation even further with tier-based fine tuning. For instance, if you find the right tools, you can have a craftsman give you sprinting ability for Exoskeleton armour, after you've bought the upgrades for previous tiers.
  11. Borderlands 1 & 2 have the same basic loot-and-shoot premise. However, the series is unique in that all the guns, grenade mods, and shields are algorithmically generated, so it's very rare to get two that are identical. BL2 I like more tho cos it has an actual story, along with a grafix upgrade and a bunch of new enemies and NPCs. As for Bioshock, the gameplay is hard to beat. I'd say it's still better than BS Infinite in that regard. I'm having a bit of gaming fatigue lately, so I'm kind of in limbo about what to play. Deus Ex 1 is excellent, and Raptor: Call of the Shadows is a good arcade 1941-style airborne shooter. I left off on Hotline Miami a couple days ago, but it just got too difficult and I've lost the motivation to continue. Good soundtrack tho.
  12. I'm funnier when I'm drunk

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MadameChaos


      I once got so wrecked that I woke up naked next to a hamburger, and I was like "did I just have sex with a hamburger?"

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      so what was the verdict..? DID you have sex with the hamburger?

    4. ambermonk


      Damn dat's hott

  13. No one seems to give a shit what I post on the internet, at least when I'm sincere. All these "cute" photos on Facecrook are racking up thumbs up like they're going out of style. It's more of a frustration than anything tho. Then again, it's probably better to be scorned for what you truly believe in than to be praised for what you don't.
  14. I ended up buying this album, and I enjoy it more than I thought I would. Copy of a is my favourite track right now. I have mixed feelings about Everything; 0:32-0:55 and 1:34-1:57 are the cool parts, but the rest of it kinda sucks. The rest of the tracks are pretty good tho I think. Honestly, I liked NIN even before I discovered IDM in the '90s but I think Reznor's matured a bit since then. You can laugh at me and tell me I'm full of shit or whatever, but I genuinely appreciate the new album overall.
  15. That sux man. Maybe drink some water to flush it out of your system? I learned to make my own sushi when I was almost 16, but somehow I lost my appetite for it altogether lately. Kind of ironic, really. I can relate. My dog I grew up with from childhood reached that phase right before I graduated from high school.
  16. I'm going to be annoying and share three in a single post [youtubehd]dvYPISSI06c[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]tJlyZiMi08s[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]dw1HavgoK9E[/youtubehd] (The video ID of the first one says "PISS" in the middle. No joke.)
  17. Got my tax refund in the mail and deposited it today. A little more dough in the bank is never a bad thing.
  18. I got a call from my dad today, and he said that his cousin went missing Monday afternoon. He was piloting a private aircraft and was last seen near a glacier in Yakutat, which is between where I live and the state capitol along the southeast coast, but has been off the radar since. Whether he's still alive, nobody knows. I don't know him that well, but he's technically a relative. He seems like a good guy though, from the few times I've met him.
  19. [youtubehd]-u70hXTJqgM[/youtubehd] I remember finding this before Hotline Miami came out, but I just love the dubby, lo-fi texture. Makes you wanna light one and bask in the sun for hours.
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