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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Courtesy of Tesselate (http://forum.watmm.com/topic/81939-atp-2003-and-team-doyobi-related-videos-now-on-youtube/) [youtubehd]5-iWiPCtqoU[/youtubehd] Dunno if I still have that Ae-curated ATP 3.0 comp CD or not. Used to crank that a bunch a decade ago.
  2. Damn, hope you can recover it somehow. I think last time I had an unusual transaction on my account history someone from my bank called me to verify. My FWP: Got a 16-track album planned for completion this year, but haven't felt motivated to work on it lately. Already started all of them and completed three of them tho, making minor tweaks here and there along the way. They're tracks I started as far back as 2007, but my goal is to finish and compile them this year. A New Year's resolution, perhaps. Motivation is this greatest challenge thus far.
  3. I lost my 3-year-old iPod Nano this morning, then found it hiding under one of the feet of my bed frame when I returned home from work. That little thing is still the binness, especially running thru the tape deck adapter in my truck. Think I bought it about the same time Seefeel released their self-titled LP.
  4. [youtubehd]-aW7NFSGklM[/youtubehd] Kode9 mix of this is off tha chain
  5. High five for pooping!! i'll drink to sufficient fibre
  6. Congrats. I'm both happy for you and jealous at the same time. Finally got a USB-powered cooling pad for my laptop and already seeing better performance. It doesn't get hot now like it did before, all this time. Also found an 8GB RAM card online specific to my 4.5 y/o laptop, so I can double its speed from the current 4GB. Have to wait til next payday to place the order tho.
  7. My cousin spoke fondly of Papers, Please last time I talked to him. I added it to my Steam Wishlist just in case. Started playing the first Borderlands game last night for the first time in about two years. I'm surprised at how well it runs on my underpowered, outdated laptop. That's the perk of cell animation innit.
  8. ambermonk


    Oh that's a definite.The song No Awareness off Dr Octagonecologyst has a line "jam like a teacher" (and sounds more like jam like autechre) which is pitch shifted up and repeated numerous times in Goz Quarter. Classic album. That "jam like a tecker" bit I thought was a slang reference to a Tec-9 high-capacity 9mm handgun, which is notorious for its tendency to jam. But seeing as how Dr. Octo's album came out just a few months before Envane, it could be interpreted either way I suppose.
  9. ambermonk


    I think Recks On from Exai is a recent example of this - Sean mentioned it as a nod to '80s hip hop in the AAA thread if memory serves me right. Also, I've heard rumors that the scratching in Goz Quarter contains the voice of Kool Keith...dunno if that's been asked in AAA as well. As for Envane itself, Laughing Quarter is one of Ae's most solid trax in their entire career i.m.o., even seventeen years later. Damn, hard to believe that much time has passed already. Everything about it is a big adrenaline rush for me.
  10. Seems like every week the past month or so I've been playing the following during my commutes: Actress - R.I.P. DJ Rashad - Double Cup Machine Drum - Vapor City ...and occasionally OPN - R+7 The Actress album is perfect for winter, especially during a fresh snowfall. DJ Rashad is good for driving within the city, and Machine Drum in between the city and countryside, where I live. OPN I don't listen to as much, maybe because I don't get as drawn in by music in which bass and percussion are absent. (I'm not talking about dubstep either, unless it's the likes of Kode9 or Scorn.) Might check out more footwork stuff, since DJ Rashad basically got me into it. I hear RP Boo pioneered it in Chicago, so maybe that's the next artist to explore.
  11. My favourite trax from the Hotline Miami soundtrack are by Sun Araw (i.e. Horse Steppin' & Deep Cover) Also some of the NES classics like the Brinstar music on the original Metroid and the first stage on Bionic Commando I'll always remember
  12. Probably five years too late, but fuck it [youtubehd]TkZ47BhpH_U[/youtubehd] This type of buttstep is more in the vein of Kode9 style. Also, I watched the actual film The Snowman when I was a kid.
  13. Finished playing SteamWorld Dig last night, and just now started playing Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures. While basically a spoof on the NES MegaMan games, it is deliberately frustrating to the player but at the same time about the same vein of humor as WATMM, at least as far as I know. Probably nobody gives a fuck about this post, but I couldn't give a fuck about anything right now anyway.
  14. Work fucking sucks lately, and I don't anticipate things will get any easier. I'm already fatigued after over seven years of employment there. But at the end of April I'll resign, regardless whether or not I have another job lined up afterwards. Sment from my Plexus 4.20 using Fap 'n' Walk
  15. Hmm...might check that out then if and when I get a proper desktop PC for gaming again. Metro 2033 I've played through, but the gameplay was underwhelming and even frustrating at times. The visual quality was quite impressive though. As for the voice acting, I've opted for dialogue in Russian w/ English subtitles just cos I figured it would sound more natural, at least in the first game. I highly recommend playing Doom and Doom 2 through the Brutal Doom mod. The blood and gore factor is so over the top it's comical, but there's also a bunch of improvements in overall gameplay, so you get more of the fluid gameplay of modern FPSs as opposed to the clunkiness of the original. Honestly I can't go back to the vanilla/original after experiencing Brutal Doom. It was entirely the work of mod developer Sergeant Mark IV, so be sure to thank him.
  16. Same. Also holiday FWP #2: I ordered a XMas gift for my brother this morning, but I later got an email from the guy in charge of the site saying that their warehouse is closed until "the first of the year." Oh NOW you tell me. So it's not gonna ship until after New Year's Day. Fucking imbeciles.
  17. I'm kind of going on a low-end indie game binge here, but fuck it. Started playing SteamWorld Dig last night, which was released only about two weeks ago, and enjoying it so far. Fans of Metroid will like this one I think. Plenty of mining and exploring to be done throughout. You can collect various minerals and gems and return to the hub town to sell them for cash and then buy stuff with said cash. You can also acquire special power-ups and abilities in certain areas, much like those sitting Chozo statues holding those mysterious balls in the Metroid games. I also found a Half-Life Easter egg which is actually a satire regarding the release of HL3. I tried taking a screenshot of it in-game, but ended up not being able to paste it in my paint program. Maybe I waited too long or something. Oh well.
  18. Holiday FWP: Crimbus is less than a week away and I've only gotten gifts for one person so far. And I don't know what to get for my far away relatives because I don't know what they want. Maybe I'll just get them e-gift cards.
  19. Tried Samurai Gunn for a little bit - another recent indie title. Pretty fun so far. It's a 2D platformer with "8-bit" grafix and arena-style combat, but less like Street Fighter and moar like Super Smash Bros. The gameplay is similar to that of Hotline Miami, in that it's all one-hit kills and you have to rely on your reflexes. It's one of those retro style games that looks old in the jaypegs but has up-to-date audio and plays smooth like butter.
  20. ^ No Man's Sky looks quite impressive. Open world exploration along with both air and ground combat I'm guessing? I wonder what platforms it will be released on.
  21. Yeah glad I'm not a baldie eit...wait, yeah I am. Fuck.
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