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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. [youtubehd]Ninp6rrNgHY[/youtubehd] discovered later on that Psycho was sampled in this piece
  2. More of an internal than external FWP, but I feel that I ought to get schooled on the basics of electronic music. It would be nice if there were an Electronic Music 101 uni course online or something to that effect, but I understand there's a couple of books out there too. I just feel that at some point I need to move beyond my decade-long FL phase and acquire some new gear, so I can be more active in YLC and EKT discussions rather than assclownin' in GenBan 90 percent of the time. I have a basic grasp on res and cutoff knobs and oscillator waveforms on synths, but I ought to learn more about terms like dither and how FM actually works.
  3. Although uploaded more than six years ago, I didn't stumble upon this until now [youtubehd]jbfZGSy-ydY[/youtubehd] I commend this judge for not taking any crap and standing up for morality. And also shame on all the dumbass YT commenters throwing racial slurs at one another whilst arguing.
  4. Damn this trac sexxxay [youtubehd]i58pI_gebAg[/youtubehd] Also looks like Rashad is on the same label as Kode9 (Hyperdub)
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand you guys toured in Japan back in '05. What were some of your favourite things about being in Japan in general? (like the local food, the shops, etc) I'm curious cos I used to live in the north (Hokkaido).
  6. DJ QBert is legendary for his scratch skillz. He did some for Dr. Octagon back in tha 1996 day if I'm not mistaken
  7. Historically one of the best lesser known music vids in existence. 1996 urban astronaut jackets, can you dig [youtubehd]JH-LM4aWxLU[/youtubehd]
  8. 2 FWSs in the past hour: 1. I accidentally discovered the secret, definitive ending for the Reelism mod for GZDoom. 2. The actor who played the role of Abduwali Muse, the lead pirate in Captain Phillips, accepted my FB friend request.
  9. Damn...glad to hear you didn't get in a wreck tho 'Sagi
  10. [youtubehd]OINa46HeWg8[/youtubehd] Koyaanisqatsi 2013
  11. Had two sawtooth oscillators going at the same time, and as soon as I applied the ring modulator, I got a square wave. Haodafuq..
  12. A chihuahua keeps attempting to jump up onto my lap but his legs are too short. Bear in mind that this is the chihuahua's FWP and not mine.
  13. I wondered if those chicks were supposed to be Miami hookers, and sure enough, it said The Miami Booty Club. Well, maybe not hookers per se, but at least Miami.
  14. [youtubehd]3kQa0ehEedU[/youtubehd] I'd have to side with the hecklers this time. This douche-clown is a sorry excuse for a stand-up comic. The only things funny about him are how stupid he looks during his tantrum and his attempt at scoring cheap laughs with one of the most cliché jokes in the book.
  15. Seems like folks in both Australia and Canada are complaining about how their PMs are douchebags. Of course, it's obvious that leadership in the US government leaves much to be desired too. But still...what kind of Bilderberg shit is going on? I'd hate to turn this into a political debate, but it makes me a little suspicious..
  16. Raptor: Call of the Shadows from 1994. But I might have posted this already. Best 2D aerial arcade shooter I've played. I hope some indie company makes a reboot of it one day.
  17. That's bullship. Last time I missed a delivery they left me a note to pick up the parcel at the nearest USPS office. Dafq kind of methhead kyidz are they hirin' these days
  18. Saw Captain Phillips yesterday. I thought they did a good job of portraying the situations from the perspective of both the Somali pirates and captain Phillips and his crew. I admire the fact that the pirates are portrayed in a very human manner, making it clear that they resort to piracy just to making a living, showing how desperate their situation is back home. So I'm glad it didn't turn out to be some generic, run-of-the-mill, good guys vs. bad guys shoot-em-up. However, as with most films based on real life events, I think there was some deviation from what actually happened back in April 2009 for cinematic dramatization, though the way in which the standoff was resolved remained accurate. Also, I would've liked to have seen more of what was going on with the village elders back in Somalia, from whom the pirates were taking orders. That being said, my obligatory film review rating for Captain Philips: 8/10
  19. The dentist's office will be busy next weekend
  20. I think last time I had that problem I simply ran my truck thru a car wash and it did the trick. But there might be some cheaper options discussed here: http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/23231-how-safely-remove-dried-bird-dropping.html My latest FWP is having a sudden drop in self-esteem after randomly browsing local chicks on Match.com just for shits and giggles. The ones my age either already have kids or have preferences for guys with a greater income and athletic build than mine. But at least I have a college degree. So unless I get in better shape and earn more scratch, I'm pretty much fuct. But on the same token, seems like many of them have generic, conformist self-introductions and have very little interests that overlap with my own. So I dunno whether it's better to exert the effort to meet their demands, or to resume my usual hermit lifestyle. But if I have to strive and sacrifice order to win someone else's approval, then I can't be arsed.
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