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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I get a similar vibe here. I moved out of the city three months ago and the rural vibe is much looser. Not sure whether I can draw the conclusion that there's an inverse relationship between friendliness and population density. I generally got a warm welcome my first month in northern Japan thanks to my effort to adapt culturally and verbally tho.
  2. Klondike was founded in Mansfield, Ohio lol
  3. You literally handled that in the best way conceivable. Yup, victory. The semi-fart makes more logical sense than that guy's entire statement.
  4. Correct. Elmendorf AFB became a joint base with Fort Richardson three years ago. Even though several old structures remain, there've been quite a few administrative and budget allocation changes in the past few years. I understand the cops here aren't gonna bust people for smoking weed privately at home, but smoking or selling it in public is more likely to draw their attention. Marijuana is quite abundant here, even though it's not officially legalized like it was last year in Washington and Colorado. I have also noticed quite a few Texas license plates on vehicles in this area too. I think a lot of GIs get assigned up here from there. BTW if anybody ever plans on visiting this frozen land, hit me up.
  5. Finally installed a motion-activated flood light above the door to the storage shed at my residence. I made a mistake or two along the way, but it works, and that's all that matters now. (Dammit I hate inadvertently starting a new page)
  6. I'm 'avin one of those late night "weird part of YouTube" moments that went from watching random comedians take on hecklers to murder suspects either going ballistic in court rooms or being attacked by the victim's parent. Coffee before bed probably wasn't the smartest idea.
  7. This teacher's got pretty damn good aim. The only thing that needs improvement is that the projectile should've been a brick. [youtubehd]hXk8WIiwWWk[/youtubehd]
  8. I've always had a really good impression about Alaska and it's overall society and government, seems like law enforcement is seemingly reasonable there for example: I've watched that NatGeo show about their State Troopers and was amazed that they actually let people off with tickets and used restraint far more than most cops do elsewhere in terms of conduct and attitude. I wouldn't be shocked if they or Hawaii ever broke off. Their strategic value militarily probably made them states above anything else. In fact, even now the term CONUS is used to classify "domestic" military bases and that excludes Alaska and Hawaii. I've never had any scrapes with the law here. It seems like they're stretched thin at times though. The State Troopers occasionally have to patrol some of the harsher regions, particularly if there's illegal hunting or missing persons. They probably get sent to rural villages too, but I've never been to any of them. Alcoholism and teen suicides are problematic in some of them I understand, especially during the dark winters. Either way, law enforcement here seems more level-headed than those in metropolitan areas like NYC. The joint army-air force base where I work certainly had strategic value in WWII. I'm pretty sure the building I work in was constructed in the 1940s, since it was originally an aircraft hangar. The Japanese invaded Attu Island during that time too, at the far west of the Aleutian island chain. I don't think it's a coincidence that Shemya air base was set up in that area around the same time.
  9. If I left again, it wouldn't be to seek asylum so much as it would opportunity. Last time I left was to Japan in 2008 for an overseas university study in Hokkaido. I've lived in Alaska for over 13 years now, and I think it's silly that it's still a US satellite state. It's big and remote enough to be its own country. Makes more geographical sense that way. I've been there many times, and am heading down again in early December. I might move there one day, but I dunno for sure yet.
  10. Peeled, sliced cucumber dressed in sesame oil, Sriracha, and sea salt. I did the same thing with half a daikon radish yesterday. This snack is influenced by hors d'oeuvres served at Korean restaurants. I've been changing my diet up a bit lately, consuming less soda and more veggies.
  11. Another oldie goldie I gotta post [youtubehd]BUS6nKpddec[/youtubehd] That spit @ 0:10 is fuckin' powerful. Bet it would make a bangin' kick drum to sample.
  12. Yes, these two are related [youtubehd]QjsPG0Kspxo[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]OZ9siilv8sQ[/youtubehd]
  13. I would recommend cruising in a vehicle at about 40 kmh/25 mph in an unlit area alone at night with Recks On playing. The sensation is fuckin' mental.
  14. out of update ideas

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ambermonk


      Yessir. It's on me today.

    3. ambermonk


      @ Madame: This will be my last one for a while.

    4. MadameChaos


      aw, now i'm sad. :(

  15. Just now randomly stumbled upon this. Beautiful track. [sc5]77629319[/sc5]
  16. Holy shit...Reelism for GZDoom is off the chain. The latest version was just released last March, too. It's basically a sandbox arena mod with randomized pickups and monsters, but with way more variety than vanilla Doom. [youtubehd]mrC2YTLYwHw[/youtubehd] I don't know why this isn't getting more publicity in the gaming community, unless I just wasn't paying attention.
  17. Going thru loads of PK3s and WADs for GZDoom a.t.m. Found a couple that were quite good, including Zen Dynamics and Temple of the Lizard Men II. I think I'll try the Aliens Colonial Marines one next (not the Gearbox flop)
  18. What's the name of your cat that's shredding up the magazine? This might be kinda dumb, but...Cat LaCora.
  19. Sounds heavily intentional for me, almost an equivalent of this technique http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_cut I've heard prior examples of this in Liccflii on EP7 and Xylin Room on Draft 7.30. I'd have to agree as well that it's no accident.
  20. Usagi - lol that Cruise vs Winfrey one brings me back. I love the theme from the original 1954 Godzilla (ゴジラ). I thought about doing a remix or cover, but after listening to it again I'm having second thoughts cos I don't wanna ruin it. I don't really give a damn about the other movies. [youtubehd]WcT5u7y2_yA[/youtubehd]
  21. ambermonk

    tac Lacora

    Just took it upon myself to start another L-Event track thread. I find this to be the best track on the EP, and you might either agree or disagree. Discuss details, criticisms, etc.
  22. I don't know much about him personally, but I remember his vids frequently appearing on MTV's Amp in the late '90s.
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